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AD+D Druid (patterned on historical).

Contrary to the popular image of the druid as a bearded hippy wandering about the forest looking after nature, the
druids were actually a very tight knit, dogmatic, and hierarchical group of priests with a huge influence on the
society around them. The ancient Celts were extremely religious. All aspects of life were influenced by religion. The
druids committed all their knowledge to memory to keep it secret. This is why the apprenticeship was so long (at
least 7 years). The druids had to be consulted before any decision was made by the Celts and had to be present at all
rites, rituals, sacrifices etc.
Little is known about the variations between druidic classes although the bard is one. The bard combines knowledge
of history and dogma, with poetry, song and musical ability to entertain and educate Celtic society.
Druids were exempt from actual fighting and working and probably did not takes wives either. They can be
compared to medieval monks.
Many of their pantheon can be compared to ancient Greek and Roman ones, but this is quite misleading because
they were unique not just to Celtic society, but also between different tribes, settlements and even households. There
were also Gods and Goddesses that can only be very loosely compared and should probably retain their own names
and distinct identities.
Actually shamans/witch-doctors more ancient than the druids and practising healing and other magic, existed
alongside the druids. These may be better to play than the druids themselves in an ancient Celtic setting and could be
made using the normal mage character method.

In game terms the Bard is certainly playable and could be used as he is described in the players handbook (the bard
in the players handbook as pattered on the ancient Celtic (minus the religious aspect)).
The Druid of history could not be played as the druid described in the PH. He would instead be a cleric or mage
character without any fighting ability or reading/writing skills but with an improved memory. He would have
knowledge of history, ancient history, languages (ancient and local). He probably would have no healing ability nor
any knowledge of herbalism. In this form he may not be as useful as the standard cleric/mage character in the PH
and may not be as suitable to play.
It may be better to play an ‘evolved’ druid character who has managed to survive alone or with tiny communities in
the extremities of society while the Druids place in society has been overtaken by a newer religion. This is a more
adventurous sort of Druid. He may be at odds with society at large. He may have survived using healing skills and
nature lore on the population by which means they tolerate him even though his practices and beliefs are not their
own. He could have some fighting ability as well. In this guise he is much more like the standard cleric character in
the PH and could be more interesting to play.

Celtic warrior

The celtic warrior could easily be created from the standard fighter of the PH. He differs from other warriors in his
religion and view of life. The celtic warrior is a noble. As a noble he has the privilage of being a warrior schooled in
the art of weapons and being allowed to own weapons. By law he must keep in shape and be courageous. He is
disdainful of death and as such neglects to protect himself adequately to the point of going to battle naked. He is a
headhunter. He believes that keeping the head of a slain enemy will grant him the power of that enemy. Also the
Celtic warrior is disdainful of wealth for its own sake (merchants are the based of people in his eyes). He actively
seeks wealth (he will even strip the dead while the battle is ongoing) but he wants it as an offering to his gods. His
main goal in life is fame. The Celtic warrior will travel far from home to battle, serving as a mercenary in an army or
for a celtic chief plundering his enemies.
With the above knowledge a Celtic warrior can be created from the PH using the fighter character. Rules could be
introduced where the Celtic warrior gains additional abilities for taking heads and giving offerings to the Gods. This
could offset his lack of armour protection and inability to keep money. He could rise in level slightly faster, get an
additional armour save, bonus to attack etc
(as long as he is favoured by the Gods).

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