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Westley in AD&D

Westley beats Inigo; a Grand master fencer after a difficult battle so Westley must
be higher level. Inigo thinks he can beat around 10 men and defeats 4 decent
swordsmen in one round. He could be around 6th level. Westley could be a high
master but with greater strength and of a higher level making him the better
fighter overall.

9th level Fighter with swashbuckler kit. 85hps.

THac0: 11 +3 with rapier AC:5 Att:2/1

weapon profs.
High Master with rapier:4
One handed weapon style:1

Items: Rapier 1d6+4 (very fast)

Stn:17 Westley is around 6 foot tall and well built (maybe 220lbs). He can pull
himself up a cliff face using just his arms.
Dex:18 Very fit and quick footed.
Con:18 Can carry on seemingly limitlessly.
Wis:15 Wise but will risk anything for true love.
Int:17 Very clever and with great mind control.
Cha:18 Perfect.

Very good stats but he is as about as close to perfect as its possible to be.

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