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After coming home from school, Budi always helps his father in the fields,
his father is just a farm labourer,

In the afternoon, after returning home from school, Budi immediately

went to the fields, helped his father in the fields and brought lunch that
his mother had cooked for his father there.
Budi : Asalamualaikum sir,
Bapak : Wa’alaikum son.. how was your day at school
Budi : Good
Bapak : Okay
Budi : I bring lunch
Bapak : thank you son, let's eat together, after that help me work
Budi : Okay

While Budi is helping his father with work, Angga, a rich kid, passes by
with Iwan and Agus. They saw Budi helping his father work at field.
Angga : HEY BUDI…
Budi : hai..
Angga :it's really dirty, eating in the rice fields..
Iwan :It's so dirty to eat at fields, and dishes are only tempe, tofu, chili sauce
and's not very tasty..ihhh
Agus :Don't you have a better place to eat ? hahaha..
Bapak : Who are they ?
Budi : they are my friends, they are rich kids
Budi : don’t you have manner? This is my father
Angga : it's up to me, my dad is richer than your dad
Iwan : Come on friends, let's go from here, he & his father are really dirty eating
in the rice fields..
Agus : you're right, I'm sick of seeing them
Angga : Come on, my friends, come to my house to play games, I have good
Bapak : They are not good. Don’t be like them you must be polite to anyone
especially the elders
Budi : Okay
Bapak : Come on continue our meal, after that, help me work
Budi : Okay
Budi helps his father work until the afternoon, when finished, they go

In the morning, Budi goes to school, at school he met Angga, Iwan and
Angga : hey poor boy….
Angga, Iwan & Agus : (they laugh together) HAHAHAHAHA……
Budi : (Budi was just silent, not responding to their treatment according to his
father's words)

after school, Budi helps his father work in the fields

Agus : hey poor boy, where are you going?
Budi : I want to help my father work and deliver lunch for him
Angga : let me see what you bring
Budi : sorry I can't show it to you
Iwan How dare you refuse angga's request
Angga : iwan, agus, quickly take it from Budi

agus and iwan approached Budi, and tried to take the package that Budi
was carrying
Iwan : give it to us or we will beat you up
Budi : no, I will not give it to you

Budi tries to survive
Budi : No…!!!!!
Angga : come on guys, let's beat him up

Rina, who is also Budi's friend, saw the incident from a distance .Rina was
shocked to see Budi beaten by Angga, Agus and Iwan,. Rina wants to help
Budi, but she is afraid, but Rina records the incident on her cell phone. At
the same time their teacher,Mr Eko was passing by and saw the
commotion and he asked what was going on.
Pak Eko : What is going on ??

they were shocked when their teacher reprimanded them

Angga : emmm…we…we.. were just kidding sir..

Iwan : ye…yes.. we were just kidding sir
Budi : they lied sir, they tried to take my food box
Angga : no sir, he is lying sir
Agus : Yes sir, Budi lie sir..

finally Rina came and approached them, and said to

mr, and told Mr. Eko the true incident
Rina : Sir,i want to tell you if Budi says truth and they lie sir
Angga : Do not talk nonsense, you don't know anything
Iwan : what Angga said is right,…
Rina : I'm not lying sir, I've recorded everything that happened
Pak Eko: Rina, let me see the video
Rina : Okay Sir..

they are afraid that Pak eko will know the truth
Pak Eko : I've seen all the events from the video, what you did was wrong, and can
be reported to the police as a criminal act
Angga, Iwan & Agus : (they looked down with frightened faces)
Pak Eko : What you did to Budi was a criminal act and you must be held
accountable, tomorrow I will call your parents at school, now you can go home
Angga, Iwan & Agus : Yes Sir..

Pak Eko : Budi

Budi : Yes Sir?
Pak Eko : now you can go to your father at field and give the lunch box to your
Budi : Yes Sir



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