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Climate Change
What is Climate Change?
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and typical
weather patterns in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular
location or the planet as a whole. Climate change may cause weather
patterns to be less predictable. A region might experience lower or higher-
than-average temperatures. Climate change may cause more frequent and
severe weather events, such as storms, floods, and droughts.

Causes of Climate Change

Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
01 Carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), and other
greenhouse gases trap heat in
the Earth's atmosphere,
leading to global warming.

02 Deforestation: The removal of

trees reduces the planet's
capacity to absorb CO2,
contributing to increased
atmospheric concentrations
of greenhouse gases.

Effects of Climate Change

Rising Temperatures Melting Ice Caps Disruption of


Impacts on Society

Food Security Human Health Economic Costs

Solutions to Climate Change

Renewable Energy, Reforestation, and Sustainable Practices. Addressing
climate change requires urgent and coordinated action at the global,
national, and individual levels. By understanding the causes and effects
of climate change and implementing solutions.

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