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Department of Languages

English Skill Worksheet-II for grade 12 Academic year፡ 2023/24

Semester: II Date 26-04-2024 Submission date 02-05-2024

Name: _____________ Grade & Section: _________ ID. No. _______



1. What is the correct usage of "your" and "you're"?

a) Your going to love this movie.

b) You're going to love this movie.

c) You going to love this movie.

d) Youre going to love this movie.

2. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of "their," "there," and "they're"?

a) There going to the park.

b) Their going to the park.

c) They're going to the park.

d) Theyre going to the park.

3. Identify the correct use of "its" and "it's":

a) Its raining outside.

b) It's raining outside.

c) Its raining' outside.

d) It'is raining outside.

4. Choose the sentence with the proper placement of the apostrophe:

a) The dogs' leash is broken.

b) The dog's leash is broken.

c) The dogs leash is broken.

d) The dog' leash is broken.

5. Which sentence demonstrates the correct usage of "effect" and "affect"?

a) The weather has an affect on my mood.

b) The weather has an effect on my mood.

c) The weather affects my mood.

d) The weather effects my mood.

6. What is the correct use of "then" and "than"?

a) He is taller then me.

b) He is taller than me.

c) He is taller then I.

d) He is taller than I.

7. Identify the sentence with the proper use of "who" and "whom":

a) Whom do you think will win the game?

b) Who do you think will win the game?

c) Who is that book for?

d) Whom is that book for?

8. Choose the sentence with the correct use of "lay" and "lie":

a) She laid down for a nap.

b) She laid the book on the table.

c) She lies down for a nap.

d) She lies the book on the table.

9. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of "fewer" and "less"?

a) I have fewer money than you.

b) I have less money than you.

c) I have fewer books than you.

d) I have less books than you.

10. Identify the sentence with the correct use of "who's" and "whose":

a) Whose going to the party tonight?

b) Who's going to the party tonight?

c) Whose jacket is this?

d) Who's jacket is this?

11. Choose the sentence with the proper use of "accept" and "except":

a) I excepted his apology.

b) I accepted his apology.

c) I can't accept the fact.

d) Everyone was there except him.

12. Which sentence demonstrates the correct usage of "loose" and "lose"?

a) Don't loose your keys.

b) Don't lose your keys.

c) His pants are too loose.

d) He is afraid to loose the game.

13. What is the correct usage of "further" and "farther"?

a) The store is farther away than I thought.

b) I need to further information before making a decision.

c) She walked further down the road.

d) He threw the ball farther than anyone else.

14. Identify the sentence with the proper use of "peak," "peek," and "pique":

a) I took a peak at the presents before Christmas.

b) The mountain's peek was covered in snow.

c) Her interest was piqued by the mystery.

d) He peeked his interest in the subject.

15. Choose the sentence with the correct use of "stationary" and "stationery":

a) I need to buy some stationary.

b) The car remained stationary at the red light.

c) She wrote a letter on her stationary.

d) The bird was stationary in the tree.

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