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David: Hi, How are you feeling today?

We are so pleased to be able to meet with you today, thank you so much for taking time out
of your day to be here with us. Have you faced any difficulty reaching our office? How did
you find out about us?

Well, my name is david and this is my co- counsel Michael.

Michael: hello

David: Please feel free to call us by our names. How would you like us to address you?

Client: no/yes

Our secretary has told us a little bit about your issue and I promise we are going to get to
that, but before that we just want to know you a little bit better, could you tell us about

Client speaking:

Alright, Have you visited any law office before?

Client: Yes/No

No- it’s okay

Yes- about the same issue?
The reason I asked this because every attorney operates their meeting differently.

I will let Michael go over our road map and kind of explain how we conduct our meetings.

Michael: so, we like to split our initial consultations into three main sections-

First going to be fact gathering section, so this is where we are really going to get to the
details of your issue, we are going to ask you couple of questions, that just to fill in the gaps
in our knowledge.

Then we are going to move on to your goals, what you are going to get out of this
representation, the reason we do this after the facts is because we often find that our clients
goals get change after talking through some of the details, so that’s why we like to put goals

Then finally we are going to give you some legal and some non legal advice that will help
you best meet those goals, okay?

And I just want to let you know that

we like to present Non-Disclosure Agreement
Which will ensure that whatever information you are going to tell us today will be totally
confidential, which means we will not share that information to anyone except with your

Since this is our first session, It is completely free and we are not charging anything from
you. After this session will charge for each session and our secretary will mail you our fees

David: Prior to our meeting, we also conducted a thorough check for any potential conflicts

of interest. It's essential for us to maintain the highest ethical standards, and we explain to

our clients the concept of conflict of interest, emphasizing that if there are two parties

involved in a case, we cannot represent both parties.

So, michael and I both be taking notes during this meeting if you see us with our heads
down, we promise we are not ignoring you, we are just trying to make sure that we have an
accurate record of everything that you say, these notes will be confidential, so don’t worry
about that also.

Michael: And please feel free to be as open as possible as you can, because that’s going to
help us to give you the best advice possible.

Do you have any question about anything, whatever we have covered so far?

well, the final thing before we get into what brought you in, I know you are here to to talk
about it, I do want to stress that this is your meeting today, Your comfort and understanding
are our top priorities, we want you to be in control of this meeting from the very beginning,
please feel free to ask questions let us know if you need anything clarified if we misspeak
anything on a fact that you have told us, interrupt us and let us know, you are in control, you
are in charge, With that said, please feel free to share the details of your issue.


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