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1. Beginning of law and Adat Recht

Beginning of law
Basically law is a product of history that continues to develop in accordance
with human civilization. Thus, studying law means studying history itself. This is
because legal products in each historical phase will reflect the development and
growth of law in the latest era

customary law
meaning that rules are made from the behavior of people who grow and
develop so that they become unwritten laws that are obeyed. Customary law is
recognized by the state as legal law.

Ex: Finger Cutting Customary Law, Papua.


Indonesia is a country that has a legal basis, one of which is written law. The
basic law itself means the basic rules that are used as the basic foundation and source
for the enactment of all laws/regulations/legislation and the administration of state
government in a country.
The constitution determines how the government will run and all government
processes must be based on the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

3. Pancasila
"panca" means "five" "syila" short vowel i means "stone joints", "base", or
"foundation" syiila" long vowel i means "rules of good conduct, important or
obscene". These words are then interpreted in Indonesian, especially Javanese, as
"susila" which has a relationship with morality. Therefore, limologically the word
"Pancasila" is meant the term "Panca Syila" with a short vowel i which has a lexical
meaning "rocky five joints." " or literally "the foundation of the five elements."
Meanwhile, the term "Panca Syilla" with the letter Devanagari i means 5 important
rules of behavior.
Fungtion of Pancasila
a. Pancasila as the basis of the state
b. Pancasila as the state ideology
c. Pancasila as the source of all sources of law
d. Pancasila as an ethical system

4. Definition of General Elections Comission (KPU)

The General Election Commission (KPU) is a national, permanent and
independent election administration body whose job is to carry out elections.
Provincial KPU and Regency/Municipal KPU are Election Organizers in Provinces
and Regencies/Cities. The KPU's working area covers the entire territory of the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
a. The duties and authorities of the KPU in organizing the election for
members People's Representative Council, Regional Representative
Council, and Regional People's Representative Council,
b. The duties and authorities of the KPU in administering the Presidential
Election and Vice President
c. KPU's duties and authorities in holding elections governors, regents and
In general, a government can be defined as an organization that has the authority to
enact and enforce rules and regulations in a certain region.
A government is a group that has attributes for control over a political unit, control
over a political society, apparatus a government agency that functions and exercises
power and the authority to enact laws and regulations, resolve conflicts, and make
administrative decisions with a monopoly on legal authority.


Fungtion mk The Constitutional Court was formed with the function of guaranteeing
that there will be no more legal products that leave the corridors of the constitution so
that the constitutional rights of citizens are protected and the constitution itself is
guarded by its constitutionality.

Fungtion MA is tasked with fostering uniformity in the application of law through

cassation decisions and judicial review. This is to ensure that all laws and regulations
in all regions of the country are applied in a fair, proper and correct manner.

Fungtion ky Maintain and uphold the honor, nobility and behavior of judges;
Establish a Code of Ethics and/or Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH) together with
the Supreme Court; Maintain and enforce the implementation of the Code of Ethics
and/or the Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH)

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