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Naufal Shaqir
Nur Fatinah
Anis Farhana
Alya Munawwarah
contents 1. The best timing to go is summer.
As this activity invloving flying
and good weather

Location : Kent, Somerset

and Lincolnshire in UK

3. Outfit : Wear comfortable

fitting clothes adn narrow shoes
some information

You wont get air sick because there is plenty of fresh air

Above 18 age and weight limit 85kg and height below 189 cm

For first time experience you`ll take to the skies approx 8-10
minutes at a maximum speed of 140mph at 800ft!

The wing walkers that suffers from high blood pressure, epilepsy,
fainting, blackouts / dizziness, heart or lung disease
cannot participate doing this activity
benefits of risky activities
It is really interestingly, we will experience doing aerobatic
while sitting on top of the plane with no parachutes provided!

The benefits are increased physical activity, higher

self-confidence, and better risk management skills.
TAP HERE : Wing Walking Video

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