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This story is about a greedy frog.

He was too overconfident abt being the best singer in the bog but he
was proven wrong by a talented nightingale and after seeing this he became rlly jealous of the
nightingale as he had a shrewd character and so began the journey of the nightingale to death!. The
pretentious frog had a plan and he went to the nightingale and told her that he was the best singer in
the bog and he can help her improve her singing and so the nightingale asked that why would she learn
from a frog and it suddenly started raining so she wasn’t able to sing in the rain but the frog sang quite
easily so she thought the frog rlly is a nice singer and bc of that she started taking lessons from the
frog. The frog made her train very hard and do some shows through which he earned he had alr planned
this in mind that if she sings then he will benefit from her efforts and if she dies then he will be the lone
winner in the end and the manipulative qualities of the frog helped him convince the nightingale that
she ain’t anything without the help of the frog. One day the nightingale was practicing and suddenly the
rain started pouring so she stopped singing but the frog noticed her and said that u should be try to sing
in the rain it’s really easy and u should be ambitious abt smth but when she wasn’t able to sing the
grumpy frog got mad and said that u will now sing until u can sing in rain and bc of that her voice
became hoarse but the vicious frog being the narcissist he is told her to sing in the show of the bog
even after all this she listened to the frog and sang to till she couldn’t anymore and her soul also got
washed with rain. The selfish frog was very happy bc of it that he became the best singer in the bog

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