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The Lost Sheep Bible Story: What can we learn from this bible story?


Our Inventors this year, have embraced Bush Kinder with enthusiasm and confidence over the past 2 weeks. We now
intend to introduce them to the new Bush Kinder site which will present them with new challenges. The first being, as
a safety issue, it will be more important to listen and follow instructions as well as individual risk assessments. To stay
in the boundaries set each day. This issue relates to the bible focus when the sheep was lost and the shepherd needed
to find that lost sheep. Focussing on the Lost Sheep Story, helps our Inventors to relate to the sheep character and
learn strategies, to ensure they themselves don’t get lost.

The other challenge, is the new area is unfamiliar and more ‘wild’ and therefore our Bush Kinder confidence may
decrease. Again, the Lost Sheep Story, has been selected to help the children learn strategies such as reaching out to
Jesus’ help when feeling unsure and in need of comfort.


Over the past 2 weeks, our Bush Kinder boundaries have mainly be adhered to except a couple of times when Winnie
joined the sessions. Some of our Inventors got so involved with ball games with Winnie, that they forgot about our
boundary rules. Using this story to help reflect on how people get lost, will be an important learning tool, especially as
we go out into the community more.

The story, “Where is the green sheep?” by Mem Fox is a dearly loved and well-known story. We can use this story, to
help relate to the similarities to the bible story, ‘The Lost Sheep’ to embed the learning.
Plan Brainstorm

 Play hide and seek at bush kinder – ensure rules eg, when whistle is blown and all children haven’t been found,
they need to come out of hiding.

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