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GAETOS, James Patrick A.

Q4 ACT. 1 (TLE-10)


In the first picture (upper left), I did the shaking test. Shaking the two eggs, Egg A “bounces” or rattles
than Egg B which is harder to “shake” (Egg A’s yolk do create sound as I “shake”, comparing to the yolk
of Egg B, obviously), so the result is that Egg A won the shake test. I then decided to do the other test:
putting them on water (the other 3 pictures). On the lower left, you could see that Egg A “rested” on the
surface, while Egg B “stood”. To prove it–on the upper right, Egg B can be clearly seen like “standing” on
the surface vs. Egg A. On the lower right, you can see the other angle: Egg B “tilted”, yet Egg A remained
“resting” on the surface. Thus, at the end of the water test, Egg A won because it is still fresh, while you
can clearly see that Egg B is around a week (or two?) long. To sum up the tests that I made with these
two eggs: while both of them are frozen eggs, the biggest difference between the two is that Egg A is
more fresher (it was bought a day or two before the tests happened) than Egg B (bought a week (or two?)
ago), considering that Egg B is more exposed to the freezing temperatures of my fridge which causes the
egg white to become more harder. In other words, Egg A won the tests.

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