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Gaetos, James Patrick A.

11-Flexibility Reading and Writing Skills (RW) February 26, 2024

The Alphanumeric, Topic Outline of

“The Importance of Good Writing” (by Anthony Balderrama)

Thesis Statement:
In our professional and personal lives, good (yet strong and effective) writing skills and
abilities play an important role in, particularly, having a job, meeting (and dealing) with clients,
and enhancing our professional image, communication skills and credibility/reputation.
However, we should not fail to note that it is our writing skills and abilities that could either
boost or hinder our (future) careers.

I. Introduction: The need to write well

II. Write your way to a job
A. Todd Henning
B. Rebecca West
III. Employers care
A. Lilia Fallgatter
B. Mel White
C. Dustin Weeks
IV. How to make writing work for you
A. Proofread, proofread, proofread
B. Even e-mails deserve attention
C. Pick your battles
D. Context matters

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