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What Animals Give Us

People love animals as pets.
But animals also give us good things
to eat and use.
Many people like eggs for
breakfast. We can also use eggs
to bake cookies and cakes. Eggs
come from chickens.
Some good foods come from
cow's milk. We can put butter on
our bread. We can enjoy a bowl of
yogurt with fruit salad. How about
a nice sandwich with cheese for
Sheep have fluffy wool coats.
We use the wool to knit sweaters
and make rugs. They keep us warm.
Animals also give us meat and
fish. Eating meat and fish can help
children grow tall and strong.
Think about your life. Do you
eat and use things that come from

人们喜欢把动物当作宠物。 但动物也给了我们好吃的东西, 可以食
用和使用。 很多人喜欢早餐吃鸡蛋。我们还可以用鸡蛋 来烘烤饼干
和蛋糕。鸡蛋 来自鸡。 一些好吃的食物来自 奶牛的牛奶。我们可以
在面包上 涂抹黄油。我们可以享受一碗 带水果沙拉的酸奶。午餐时
来个美味的芝士三明治怎么样? 绵羊有蓬松的羊毛外衣。 我们用羊
毛来编织毛衣 和制作地毯。它们让我们保暖。 动物还供应我们肉类
和 鱼类。食用肉类和鱼类可以帮助 孩子们长得高大健壮。 想想你的
生活。你是否 吃和使用来自动物的东西?
 宠物 (Chǒngwù) - Pets
 鸡蛋 (Jīdàn) - Eggs

 鸡 (Jī) - Chickens

 牛奶 (Niúnǎi) - Cow's Milk

 黄油 (Huángyóu) - Butter

 面包 (Miànbāo) - Bread

 酸奶 (Suānnǎi) - Yogurt

 水果沙拉 (Shuǐguǒ shālā) - Fruit Salad

 奶酪 (Nǎilào) - Cheese
羊 (Yáng) - Sheep

 羊毛 (Yángmáo) - Wool

 毛衣 (Máoyī) - Sweaters

 地毯 (Dìtǎn) - Rugs

 肉 (Ròu) - Meat

 鱼 (Yú) - Fish

 高大健壮 (Gāodà jiànzhuàng) - Tall and Strong

Part 1: Vocabulary Matching

Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Write the letter of the definition next to the corresponding word.
A) Rugs
B) Fluffy
C) Sweaters
D) Yarn
E) Coats
. Soft, thick, and raised like a cloud.
. Coverings for the body made of wool or other material.
. Thread, in the form of a loosely twisted aggregate of fibers.
. Thick fabric for covering a floor.
. Outer garments made of wool or similar fabric.
Part 2: Grammar Fill-in-the-Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs provided in
. People ____________ (love) animals as pets.
. Sheep ____________ (have) fluffy wool coats.
. Many people ____________ (like) eggs for breakfast.
. We ____________ (put) butter on our bread.
. Eating meat and fish ____________ (help) children grow tall and
Part 3: Complex Sentence Structure
Complete the sentences by combining the clauses using
appropriate conjunctions (e.g., and, but, because, although).
. People love animals as pets, _______________ they also provide us
with essential resources.
. We can also use eggs to bake cookies and cakes, _______________
they are incredibly versatile ingredients.
. Sheep have fluffy wool coats, _______________ which we make various
useful items.
. We can put butter on our bread, _______________ it adds a delicious
. Eating meat and fish can help children grow tall and strong,
_______________ it's important to have a balanced diet.
Part 4: Reported Speech and Passive Voice

Rewrite the following sentence using reported speech:

"Do you eat and use things that come from animals?"

Transform the following sentence into a passive voice sentence:

"Animals give us good things to eat and use."

Part 5: Comprehension Questions

Answer the following questions based on the text:
. What are some of the ways animals contribute to our daily lives
according to the text?
. Give an example of how eggs can be used apart from eating them
for breakfast.
. How do we benefit from the wool coats of sheep?
. What is mentioned as an example of using cow's milk in the text?
. How does the text suggest that eating meat and fish can be
. Why do people love animals as pets, according to the text?
. How does the text emphasize the versatility of eggs?
. Why is it important to put butter on bread, according to the text?
. Why do sheep have fluffy wool coats?
. In your own words, explain why the text emphasizes the importance
of acknowledging the contributions of animals.

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