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杰克会画画。 (Jack can draw.)

马克和杰克在学校。 (Max and Jack are at school.)
马克会画画。杰克会绘画。 (Max can draw. Jack can paint.)
马克很高。他可以在纸上写字。 (Max is tall. He can write on the
杰克个子矮。他不能写。太高了。 (Jack is short. He can't write. It's
too high.)
杰克很担心,但南帮助了他。 (Jack is worried, but Nan helps Jack.)
她拿来一个绿色的凳子。 (She gets a green stool.)
杰克站在凳子上。 (Jack stands on the stool.)
现在他可以写了。 (Now he can write.)
马克、杰克和南完成了这项任务。 (Max, Jack, and Nan finish the
他们很高兴。 (They're happy.)
Extra Vocabulary:
. 杰克 (Jié kè) - Jack (name)
. 马克 (Mǎ kè) - Max (name)
. 画画 (Huà huà) - to draw
. 绘画 (Huì huà) - to paint
. 纸 (Zhǐ) - paper
. 个子矮 (Gè zi ǎi) - short (in terms of height)
. 担心 (Dān xīn) - worried
. 南 (Nán) - Nan (name)
. 凳子 (Dèng zi) - stool
. 完成 (Wán chéng) - to finish
. 高兴 (Gāo xìng) - happy
Please note that Chinese sentences may be structured differently
from English, and the translation may vary depending on the
context and intended level of the students.

1. Answer the questions

What do they do?

What does he do?

What does she do?

How is dad?

How does the men jump?

How is the boy?

2. Make sentences with words



3.What can you do?

4.How is the sky?

Answer with a full sentences

3. Answer the questions

Where are Jack and Max?

Who can write on the paper?

Why can’t Jack write on the paper?

Who can draw?

Who is tall?

Who helps Jack?

How does Nan help Jack?

What does Jack do with the green stool?

How does Jack feel when he can’t write on the

Who finishes the job?

How do they feel when the finish the job?

Answer with full sentences

Vocabulary: Match the Words

Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right:
. Draw
. Paint
. Tall
. Write
. Paper
. Short
. High
. Worried
. Stool
. Finish
a. A type of material to write or draw on.
b. Make images or designs with a pencil or pen.
c. Concerned or anxious about something.
d. Complete or come to an end.
e. Create pictures using colors and brushes.
f. Having a greater height.
g. Mark words or symbols on a surface.
h. Not having much height; not tall.
i. Having a great vertical distance from the bottom to the top.
j. A small seat without a backrest.

Grammar: Fill in the Blanks

Choose the correct tense (present simple, past simple, present
perfect) to fill in the blanks:
. Max and Jack _______________ at school.
. Max _______________ draw.
. Jack _______________ paint.
. Max _______________ tall.
. He _______________ write on the paper.
. Jack _______________ short. He _______________ write.
. Jack _______________ worried, but Nan _______________ Jack.
. She _______________ a green stool.
. Jack _______________ on the stool.
. Max, Jack, and Nan _______________ the job. They _______________

Comprehension Questions
. Who are the two characters in the story?
. What can Max do?
. What can Jack do?
. Why can't Jack write on the paper initially?
. How does Nan help Jack?
. What does Nan get to help Jack?
. How does Jack manage to write in the end?
. Who finishes the job in the story?
. How do Max, Jack, and Nan feel at the end of the story?
Extra Challenge: Describe a situation in which you had to
overcome a challenge with the help of someone else. Use some
vocabulary words from the text.
Feel free to adapt the level of difficulty based on the proficiency of
your students.

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