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10 Friday, March 8, 2024 | Haaretz

Tomer Persico physical activity than is provided by
sitting in a study house. On the other

hand, there’s also Haredi admiration
inutes after the explo- of Zaka’s manly activity – uniforms,
sion, a Zaka team arrives motorcycles – and of the way they rub
at the scene of the terror- elbows with death and danger. And, of
ist attack. Immediately course, Zaka serves as a convenient
after offering first aid to alibi for Haredim in the face of the de-
the wounded, the personnel of the res- mand to do military service: Hey, they
cue and recovery organization search declare, we’re contributing our share.
for the terrorist’s body, or what’s left Perhaps, in fact, their contribution
of it. It was difficult to locate the is greater than they surmise, and not
body in the era of the suicide bomb- necessarily in a positive way. Aran
ers, but one part of it stood out, and shows how the strict behavior that
it was also in demand: the head. Usu- Zaka displayed toward handling bodies
ally the terrorist’s head was severed became a norm for the Israel Defense
from his body and flew some distance Forces and for all of Israeli society. In
from the explosion’s epicenter, and the the first decade of the 2000s, the mili-
members of the Zaka team competed tary chaplaincy began to adopt Zaka’s
to find it. The one who did would hold methods of operation with regard to
it up like a trophy, frequently have his collecting minute body remains. This
photo taken proudly with the prize, be- was manifested when an IDF armored
fore passing the head of the decapitat- personnel carrier was blown up in 2004
ed body on to others for an extensive on the Philadelphi route along Gaza’s
round of photo ops. border with Egyptian Sinai. Soldiers
Gideon Aran, emeritus professor of in a platoon commanders course were
sociology and anthropology at the He- rushed to the scene to comb the area
brew University of Jerusalem, accom- on their hands and knees in search of
panied Zaka teams in the years during any remnants of the fallen. Israel’s en-
which the organization evolved from emies have also noticed this. In his first
being a handful of ultra-Orthodox vol- speech directed at the Israeli public af-
unteers into a recognized institution and ter the 2006 Second Lebanon War, Hez-
a regular presence at the scene of every bollah leader Hassan Nasrallah – well
terrorist attack. His new book, “The aware of the growing sensitivity over
Cult of Dismembered Limbs: Jewish this subject – stated with sadistic pride
Rites of Death at the Scene of Palestin- that his organization was in possession
ian Suicide Terrorism” (Oxford Univer- of body parts of Israeli soldiers.
sity Press, 338 pages), is an illuminating This is perhaps a necessary result of
work of research on the organization’s the essence of Zaka’s activity. The or-
underlying social and religious logic. ganization doesn’t only deal with sites
Among other topics, Aran writes at of terrorist attacks, it sanctifies them.
length about how the terrorist’s head Zaka’s men at work at Be’eri following last October’s assault on the kibbutz. Hurrying to gather the sparks of holiness from the human wreckage.  Olivier Fitoussi Sanctity is an attractive attribute, cer-
becomes a trophy, raised high and show- tainly for substantial sections of Israeli
cased among the Zaka crew. That, how- society. Waves of sanctity emanate

Blood and entrails

ever, is not always the end of its role. In from Zaka’s activity and are reshap-
some cases the head, or some other limb ing the attitude of Israel’s Jewish popu-
identified as belonging to the terrorist, is lation to the deaths of their sons and
swung over the heads of the volunteers daughters. The organization’s priestly
amid murmurs of “This is my substitute, caste members are becoming guides in
this is my contribution, this is my atone- a reality in which hellish attacks are
ment” – the same words spoken by Hare- routine. A Haredi subculture with its

and pillars of smoke

dim while swinging a live chicken above own singular customs is setting the Is-
the head on the morning of Yom Kippur raeli standard for dealing with bodies.
eve. What takes place is a ceremony of However, sanctification isn’t attrac-
kapparot (atonements), which in the tive only to Israelis. Ultimately, the ter-
Zaka drama takes the form of transfer- rorism scene is, horrendously, also the
ring their sins to the human bomb. zone of sanctification of the terrorist,
This is Aran’s second book about the the arena from which he ascends to
phenomenon of suicide bombers; in 2018 heaven in a chariot of fire and blood.
he published “The Smile of the Human Fascinating evidence of the connection that’s been created in Israel between Haredim and disaster The Zaka people take pride in their de-
Bomb” (Cornell University Press), fo- votion, but here too they are in a state
cusing on the social, religious, psycho- scenes is offered in a new book by an expert on the intersection of religion and violence. The extremist of tension with the terrorist himself,
logical and physical preparations of the
terrorist up to the seconds before self-
leaders of the Zaka rescue and recovery organization shatter received conventions one by one who in the most literal sense gives his
life. They do holy work, but the terror-
detonation. The new book deals with the ist also considers himself a shahid,
minutes after the explosion, and specifi- namely a holy person who testifies to
cally with the organization that takes in February 1994. Zaka has been part of Blood and entrails and pillars of smoke. impurity, Zaka personnel wash their forbidden to do so. The Zakaites are his faith and is ready to sacrifice what
upon itself what is perceived as a sacred the Israeli public space since then, be- It also exhibits clear-cut sacrifices: The hands when they enter the scene of a a similar group vis-à-vis Israeli soci- is most precious for its sake.
task: gathering up the bodies, the body ginning with the grim years of the sec- terrorist renders himself a burnt offer- terror attack. They must self-purify, ety, but they come from within that Aran tracks this horrific tension
parts and the blood of the Jews who have ond intifada, and became an integral ele- ing for the sake of his own struggle, the because they are transiting from a society and as such their status is far and quotes Zakaites who cannot but
been murdered. ment in the broadcast landscapes of the victims become sacrifices willy-nilly, place of lesser holiness to a site of more complex and sensitive. They admire the terrorist’s religious com-
Aran has had the rare sociological live, open studio on Channel 2, which had are slain on the altar of the state or of greater holiness. Aran relates that are simultaneously an inferior caste mitment. They cannot but admit that
good fortune of being present at the de- gone on the air around the same time, the Jewish people and are thus elevated some of them maintain that, ideally, of those who do work viewed as con- the scene of the attack, which is like a
velopment of new religious movements in 1993. involuntarily to the status of martyrs. they should immerse themselves in temptible and high priests carrying shrine for them, was even before that
in their formative years. His doctoral It was in the No. 405 bus attack that Even the term pigua tofet to describe the mikveh – ritual purification bath – out acts of holiness. a site of sacrifice, of a burnt offering,
dissertation described, as a product of Zaka’s special attitude toward blood a terrorist attack evokes the biblical before and not following entering the According to Aran, the Zaka teams by the terrorist for his God. A horrific,
close field work, the formation of Gush was formed. For generations, the blood tophet, the altar in Jerusalem on which scene of the terrorist event. There is are both pained and experiencing plea- barbaric shrine of murder becomes a
Emunim and the settlement movement of the human body did not much occupy human child sacrifices were made. also a spiritual hierarchy attached to sure, embarrassed and proud of their pure and macabre shrine of gathering
in general during their initial years. This the arbiters of halakha, Jewish religious Collecting the body parts is thus con- the physical site: The epicenter of the work and of the permissions granted to the remains of the victims, while the
time, Aran was embedded with Zaka law, other than in matters of menstrua- sidered a holy task. Aran quotes a Zaka explosion is the holy of holies, and ac- them. They enter a site rife with taboo shahid himself is collected, as noted
from 2002 to 2006, the peak years of the tion and its associated proscriptions volunteer as saying that collecting chil- cordingly only high-ranking Zakaites prohibitions and breach them one by above, as prey and his body parts used
second intifada, and the book’s text testi- for women. Before the 1990s, sites of dren’s limbs is “like the moment on Yom are permitted access to it. They are one. Halakhic rulings that back up their for atonement. Indeed, the transfer of
fies to the depth of his penetration of the Kippur when the shofar is sounded with like the high priests of the Temple, the terrorist’s transgressions would not
intra-organizational discourse and the purity that breaks through to higher even though paradoxically, as Aran be possible if he did not possess at least
thinking guiding its members. The re- realms.” Equipped with halakhic rul- observes, kohanim (descendants of a bit of “purity” for taking the sin on
sult is a brilliant study that exposes the Ultimately, the terrorism ings that allow them to continue in their the biblical priestly class) are forbid- They are torn between himself.
reader to a new Jewish-Haredi subgroup labors even past the prescribed daily den from being in the presence of The history of religions shows us
and its beliefs, customs and rites. scene is, horrendously, also prayer times, the Zakaites do not de- dead bodies. harrowing horror and that blood, including human blood that
the zone of sanctification sist from their mission until the scene Zaka works with rabbis who provide glorious holiness, between is deliberately shed, has been used for
has, from their point of view, been “re- the field personnel with an array of sacred purposes in many traditions.
* * * of the terrorist, the arena deemed” – meaning that it has been pu- halakhic rulings for carrying out their halakhic transgression The proximity to death, and even the
Zaka (Hebrew acronym for “disaster from which he ascends to rified from any remains of the victims. work. For example, Zaka members – who and urgent necessity. atrocity, is not contrary to sanctity, but
victim identification”) sprang from an As soon as the work is done, they hurry are exclusively male – are permitted to is often a condition for its existence. In
organization called Hesed Shel Emet heaven in a chariot of fire to complete the afternoon prayers, in look upon and handle the naked body of a That tension, Aran writes, fact, it is one of the earliest and most
(“true loving-kindness”) which was the belief that their words will burst woman. They are also permitted to trav- routine patterns of the religious phe-
itself founded in 1989 in the wake of a
and blood. The Zaka people through to the highest firmament and el to the scene of an attack on Shabbat
engenders energy that nomenon. Numberless gods asked for
terrorist attack. A terrorist who board- take pride in their devotion, be heard by their Creator. and to perform a host of other tasks that is manifested in joy, in sacrifices, demanded the blood of the
ed a No. 405 bus, traveling to Jerusalem are forbidden on the day of rest except sheep and the cattle of their believ-
from Tel Aviv, grabbed the steering but here too they are in a in cases of pikuah nefesh (saving a life), determination and even in ers, and also the blood of the believers
* * *
wheel forcefully and caused the vehicle state of tension with the such as soaking up blood in order to bury singing, but also in various themselves.
to plunge into a deep valley below the It’s clear that what we are seeing here it. The terrorism site becomes an extra- The events of October 7 confronted
Haredi town of Kiryat Ye’arim (aka terrorist himself. is a peak expression of religiosity. The territorial zone of halakha beshinu’i macabre rituals. Zaka with the largest logistical and
Telz-Stone). Yeshiva students rushed Zakaites are as priests serving in holi- (performance of a forbidden act in an psychological test in its history. As
down the steep hill to assist in rescuing ness, which is achieved precisely by different way), but this in order to per- Aaron Rabinovitz showed in Haaretz
the injured. There, in the hills outside descending into the depths of horror. form precious and holy commandments: earlier this year , Zaka did not always
Jerusalem, Aran maintains, the con- both car accidents and terrorist attacks This form of grappling, with the fear of bringing murdered Jews to burial. work allow them to commit transgres- meet the test: Its personnel were oc-
nection between ultra-Orthodox Jews would be hosed down without hesitation. God and the terror of death, requires the Traditional societies always used sions with permission – that is, to remain cupied with PR and fundraising no less
and terrorist attacks had its genesis. Aran notes that if today, the collection creation of various ceremonial patterns, outside groups to perform the tasks formally within the framework of the than with evacuating the murdered. It’s
That happened at the moment, even of victims’ spilled blood has reached fixed ritual norms that define the way that they could not perform because tradition – but this diminishes the dis- apparent that the life of the moment
as the rescue was underway, that the obsessive levels, it all began with that one should comport oneself, thus mak- they were taboo. The “Shabbos goy” tress only slightly. Tradition is limited sometimes overcomes eternal life.
police declared the event to have been 1989 bus attack. The transformation of ing the task tolerable. (a non-Jew who will turn lights on and to halakhic acts, it is also a way of life, The organization is still recovering
a terrorist act. In a twinkling the Jews the Haredim into “servants of the sa- For example, if religious law dic- off on the Sabbath, for example) is an an entire habitus. For those in Zaka, a as well from the death of its founder,
on the bus were transformed from cred” rendered holy the blood of those tates that visitors to a cemetery must example, also the Jews in Europe who charged atmosphere is created of dar- Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, in 2022. The re-
victims of an accident into murdered who were murdered, and necessitated a wash their hands upon leaving, be- loaned money with interest to Chris- ing, subversion, euphoria and pain. ports that he had attacked and sexu-
martyrs. Simultaneously the Haredi change of approach. Now, the bodies of cause we are leaving a place of ritual tians who maintained that they were They are torn between harrow- ally harassed a large number of men,
rescuers were inevitably transformed the murdered would be buried in their ing horror and glorious holiness, and women and children drove him to take
from good people who had come to as- blood-drenched clothes, and yeshiva stu- between halakhic transgression and his life. Aran writes that Meshi-Zahav
sist, into meshamshim bakodesh (those dents continued to scour the slope of the urgent necessity. That tension, Aran was considered a “wild man” in Zaka,
who serve the sacred). The site of the hill searching for body fragments long writes, engenders bursting energy an image he liked to cultivate, but in
event too became imbued with religious after the casualties were evacuated. that is manifested in joy, in determi- Aran’s assessment, there were no clear
significance, and the alchemy required The founding event on the hill outside nation and even in singing (of Shabbat indications attesting to his crimes as
to transform yeshiva students into per- Jerusalem foreshadowed what followed. melodies), but also in various macabre they were happening. At most it can
sonnel of the rescue services was played According to the accounts cited by Aran, rituals. Things reached a pass by which be said, Aran writes, that the man was
out. entering the scene of a terrorist attack some averred that ambulance drivers devoured by the monster he created:
After the incident, Rabbi Elazar Gelb- was for the Zakaites tantamount to en- on Shabbat should actually be Jews, be- breaking taboos engenders breaking
stein gathered together about a hundred tering a sacred zone, and they them- cause it is a privilege to desecrate the taboos.
volunteers, many of whom worked in a selves entered into a form of trance. Sabbath for the sake of saving lives and Zaka will continue to accompany
hevra kadisha (burial society) group They describe themselves as vessels in respecting the dead. A familiar stance, the State of Israel as an arm of the
he managed, and Hesed Shel Emet was God’s hands, operating efficiently with- deriving from Shabbetai Zvi, the 17th- Haredi autonomous regime, which is
born. The nascent organization suffered in an extraterritorial region that was century false messiah, is apparent here: concurrently penetrating and being
from operational problems and disorder, created out of an eruption of violence It is precisely from sin – when it is com- enveloped by Israeliness. As an appro-
and within a few years internal tension and became temporarily a shrine. The mitted for the sake of a supreme and sa- priate Haredi response to the horrific
sprang up between Gelbstein and anoth- encounter with atrocity is also an en- cred goal – that the rarest sparks rise up crimes of the terrorists, Zaka is doing
er member of the organization, Yehuda counter with purity, which there is still and are purified. fascinating theological work. Without
Meshi-Zahav. At the end of 1995, Meshi- a chance to rescue from defilement, and a political response that will separate
Zahav left Gelbstein’s organization and the killing field becomes an altar around the peoples living here, the Jewish
founded Zaka. which the workers of loving-kindness
* * * tradition can be expected to develop
The timing of its establishment was hurry to gather the sparks of holiness In Haredi society, Zaka members’ many additional forms and types of
significant, because it was then that the from the human wreckage. status is inferior to that of Torah stu- blood and death rituals.
suicide bombing attacks began, in reac- Indeed, the scene of a terrorist attack, dents. Those who come to the organi-
tion to the massacre of Muslim worship- with its blood and its torn flesh, conjures zation are yeshiva students for whom Dr. Tomer Persico is a research fellow at the
pers perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein in up thoughts of the Temple far more Aftermath of a 1994 Tel Aviv bus bombing. Suicide bombings took off after Baruch Gemara does not roll lightly off the Shalom Hartman Institute and a Rubinstein
the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron, than it does a contemporary synagogue. Goldstein’s Hebron massacre that year.  Jerome Delay/AP tongue and who are looking more for Fellow at Reichman University.

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