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Mrs. Riska Andriani, owner of "Endess" Corndog Mozza, is a perfect example

of an entrepreneur who never stops trying. Despite graduating in Biology from UNS, she
chose to delve into the culinary world and start a business in the midst of the Covid-19
pandemic in 2020. At that time, when many people were about to despair, Mrs. Riska
saw an opportunity for innovation and contribution to her community.
Starting from being inspired by Korean dramas that show a variety of interesting
culinary delights, one of which is corndog, Mrs. Riska aims to try to start a business that
would appeal to generation Z. Although it is undeniable that she encounters many
challenges along the way of running her business. The first challenge faced by Mrs. Riska
was the fluctuation in the number of customers, particularly during semester holidays
when most students go back home and the business experiences low customer demand.
However, Mrs. Riska was not discouraged. Instead, she embraced the situation and
brainstormed new strategies, such as conducting more intensive promotions, both offline
and online, and implementing them to develop new ideas for her products.
Mrs. Riska's vision extends beyond business success to include a positive
contribution to society. By creating job opportunities for students, she strives to assist
those experiencing economic hardship. This is tangible proof of Mrs. Riska’s
commitment to making a positive impact on her community.
"Endess" Corndog Mozza products are not ordinary products. Mrs. Riska is
committed to utilizing premium ingredients, most of which are purchased from local
UMKM, to ensure that every corndog sold is a high-quality corndog. She believes that
"if we maintain quality, the results will be nothing short of exceptional."
Mrs. Riska serves as an example that failure is often the first step towards success.
Although she has not had many significant achievements in her business, Mrs. Riska has
shown that with hard work, dedication, and a clear vision, we can accomplish anything
we want. I aspire that one day, "Endess" Corndog Mozza will become more than just a
business. I hope it will be a symbol of Mrs. Riska's community spirit, hard work, and
commitment to making a positive change. And I believe, with Mrs. Riska's passion and
determination, it's only a matter of time before this vision becomes a reality.

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