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Pharmacy Management System




Supervised by


Session: 2021-2023


It is certified that the project work presented in this report entitled “Kashmir
Tourism & Culture” submitted by Summer Faraz (Roll No. 16), Sardar
Asrar Ahmad (Roll No. 21) of Session (2021-23) supervised by Dr. Zahid
Younas Khan in our opinion is fully adequate in scope and quality of
Masters in Computer Science (MCS).

_________________ __________________
(Supervisor) (External Examiner)
Dr. Zahid Younas Khan
University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir


Dr. Ali Abbas
Department of CS & IT
University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir


Desinic is an online platform designed to revolutionize the process of

obtaining digital design services. Our platform offers a wide array of design
options including logo design, flyer design, and business card creation, all
tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Using a combination of
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQL, and PHP, Desinic ensures a
seamless user experience from start to finish. With a focus on user
authentication, secure transactions, and efficient communication channels, we
provide a platform where businesses and individuals can easily connect with
talented designers to bring their visions to life. Join Desinic today and
experience the future of digital design services.


We are grateful to Allah for the good health and wellbeing that were necessary to
complete this project. We are also grateful to Dr. Zahid Younas Khan Lecturer in the
Department of CS& IT. We are extremely thankful and indebted to him for
sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and encouragement extended
to us. We take this opportunity to express gratitude to all of the faculty members
of DCS &IT for their help and support. We also thank our parents for the
unceasing encouragement, support and attention.

Summer Faraz Qureshi


Sardar Asrar Ahmad


Pervez Ahmad Butt



Project Title:
Developed By:

Supervised By:

Department: CS &IT University of Azad Jammu and


Operating system: windows XP,8.1/10/11

Web browser: Edge, Chrome, Firefox

User interface: HTML5, CSS

Client-siding: Java script

Programing language: PHP LARAVEL

Web applications: Xampp 3.7.4

IDE workbench: Visual Studio Code/Sublime text

Database: My SQL

Table of content
Pharmacy Management System..............................................................................i
APPROVAL CERTIFICATE..............................................................................ii
PROJECT IN BRIEF...........................................................................................v
Table of
List of figures.........................................................................................................ix
List of tables............................................................................................................x
CHAPTER 1...........................................................................................................1
1.1 Existing System..........................................................................................1
1.2 Proposed System........................................................................................1
1.3 Motivation..................................................................................................3
1.4 Project Objectives......................................................................................4
1.5 Features of proposed project......................................................................6
1.6 Proposed project limitations.......................................................................6
1.7 Feasibility Study.........................................................................................7
1.7.1 Software Process Model..........................................................................7
1.7.3 Economic Feasibility...............................................................................8
1.7.4 Market Feasibility...................................................................................8
1.7.6 Legal and Regulatory Feasibility............................................................8
1.8 Social and Ethical Consideration...............................................................8
CHAPTER 2:..........................................................................................................9
REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................9
2.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................9
2.2 Scope..........................................................................................................9
2.4 Document Organization...........................................................................10
2.4.1 Functional Requirements.......................................................................11
2.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements..............................................................12
2.6 Use Case Diagram....................................................................................13
2.6.1 Use Case................................................................................................13
2.7 Use case description.................................................................................14
CHAPTER 3.........................................................................................................25

3.1 Conceptual Design...................................................................................25
3.1.1 Information Architecture.......................................................................25
3.1.2 Wireframes and Mockups.....................................................................25
3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)........................................................26
3.3 Physical design.........................................................................................27
3.3.1 Data-types and Variables Lengths.........................................................27
3.5 Activity Diagrams....................................................................................28
3.6.1 Admin login activity..............................................................................28
3.6.3 Admin activity.......................................................................................29
3.7 System Sequence Diagram.......................................................................29
3.7.1 Admin Login Sequence.........................................................................30
CHAPTER 4........................................................................................................31
4.1 Language and Framework........................................................................31
4.1.1 PHP LARAVEL....................................................................................31
4.1.2 jQuery....................................................................................................31
4.1.3 CSS........................................................................................................32
4.1.4 JavaScript..............................................................................................32
4.1.5 HTML 5.................................................................................................32
4.1.6 SQL Database........................................................................................32
4.2 System Architecture.................................................................................33
4.3 Future Work.............................................................................................35
CHAPTER 6.........................................................................................................36
6.1Unit Testing...................................................................................................36
6.2 Integration Testing:......................................................................................37
6.3 System Testing:............................................................................................37
6.4: Test case......................................................................................................38
6.4: Test case 1...............................................................................................38
6.4: Test case 2...............................................................................................38
6.4 Test case 3................................................................................................38
6.4: Test case 4...............................................................................................39
6.4: Test case 5...............................................................................................39
6.4: Test case 6...............................................................................................39

User manual and Screen Shots...........................................................................42

List of figures
Figure 1.7: Waterfall Model.......................................................................................................
Figure 2.6:Use case for admin..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.6:Use case for customer.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.2: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)......................................................................
Figure 3.5: Class Diagram........................................................................................................
Figure 3.6:User login activity..................................................................................................
Figure 3.6:User registration activity........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.6:Admin activity diagram..........................................................................................
Figure 3.7: Admin login sequence...........................................................................................
Figure 3.7:User registration sequence......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.7: Hotel booking sequence.........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.7:Car booking sequence.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.7:User login sequence................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of tables
Table:2.7: Use Case (001).……………………………………………………12

Table:2.7: Use Case (002).……………………………………………………13

Table:2.7: Use Case (003) ………………………………………………….…14

Table:2.7: Use Case (004).….…………………………………………………15

Table:2.7: Use Case (005).……………………………………….……………16

Table:2.7: Use Case (006).……………………………………….……………17

Table:2.7: Use Case (007).……………………………………….……………19

Table:2.7: Use Case (008) ….…………………………………….……………21

Table:2.7: Use Case (009).…………………………………………..…………22

Table:2.7: Use Case (010).……………………………………………..…….,,.23

Table:2.7: Use Case (011).…………….………………………………..……...25

Table:2.7: Use Case (012).…………….…………………………………..…...26

Table:3.1: Relationships………………...…………………………………...…29

Table:6.4:Test case 1…………………………………………….……………...50

Table:6.4:Testcase 2…………………………………………………………….51

Table:6.4:Test case 3……………………………………………………………51

Table:6.4:Test case 4……………………………………………………………51

Table:6.4:Test case 5……………………………………………………………52

Table:6.4:Test case 6……………………………………………………………52


Desinic is an innovative online platform dedicated to providing top-notch digital

design services to businesses and individuals. With a focus on creativity and
customization, Desinic offers a wide range of services including logo design, flyer
design, and business card creation. Our platform is built using a combination of
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQL, and PHP, ensuring a seamless and
responsive user experience. We aim to simplify the process of obtaining high-
quality designs by offering an intuitive interface and efficient communication
channels between clients and designers. Whether you're a startup looking for a
unique logo or a business in need of promotional materials, Desinic has you
covered. Our user authentication system ensures secure transactions and protects
user data, while our extensive range of design options caters to diverse
preferences and requirements. Join Desinic today to elevate your brand identity
and stand out in the digital world

.1.1 Existing System

Before the advent of Desinic, obtaining digital design services often involved a
cumbersome and time-consuming process. Clients typically had to search for
individual designers or design agencies, often relying on word-of-mouth
recommendations or online directories. Communication between clients and
designers was often fragmented, leading to misunderstandings and delays in the
design process. Moreover, the options for design services were limited, with
clients often having to settle for generic designs that did not fully reflect their
brand identity.

1.2 Proposed System

Desinic is an innovative online platform designed to revolutionize the process of
obtaining digital design services. Our proposed system offers a comprehensive
solution to the shortcomings of the existing system.

Centralized Platform:
Desinic serves as a centralized platform where clients can easily access a wide
range of digital design services, including logo design, flyer design, and business
card creation, all in one place.
User-Friendly Interface: We provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface that
simplifies the process of browsing, selecting, and customizing designs. Clients can
easily navigate through our platform and find the perfect design to suit their needs.
Customization Options:
Desinic offers extensive customization options, allowing clients to tailor their
designs to their specific preferences and requirements. From choosing colors and
fonts to adding images and text, clients have full control over the design process.
User-Friendly Interface:
The system will feature an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to
minimize training requirements and promote adoption by pharmacy staff. Role-
based access controls will ensure that users have access to the appropriate
functionalities based on their roles and responsibilities.

1.3 Motivation
The motivation behind developing Desinic stems from the recognition of several
key factors:

Complexity of the Existing System:

The existing process of obtaining digital design services is often convoluted and
time-consuming. Clients face challenges in finding suitable designers,
communicating their requirements effectively, and ensuring timely delivery of
quality designs.
Limited Options and Customization:
Many clients are limited to a few design options and struggle to find designs that
truly reflect their brand identity. Customization options are often limited, leading
to generic designs that fail to stand out.
Communication Barriers:
Communication between clients and designers can be inefficient and prone to
misunderstandings. Lack of real-time communication channels hampers
collaboration and slows down the design process.
Security Concerns:
Clients may have concerns about the security of their transactions and the
protection of their personal and financial information when making payments for
design services.
Need for Innovation:
There is a growing demand for innovative solutions that streamline the process of
obtaining digital design services and enhance the overall user experience.
In response to these challenges,

Desinic aims to:
Simplify the Process:
By offering a centralized platform with a user-friendly interface, Desinic
simplifies the process of obtaining digital design services, making it more
accessible to businesses and individuals.
Provide Diverse and Customizable Options: Desinic offers a wide range of
design services with extensive customization options, allowing clients to find and
customize designs that perfectly match their requirements.
Facilitate Efficient Communication: Through built-in messaging systems, Desinic
enables efficient communication between clients and designers, fostering
collaboration and ensuring that client feedback is incorporated effectively.
Ensure Security:
Desinic prioritizes the security of user data and transactions, implementing secure
payment gateways and encryption protocols to safeguard user information.
Innovate and Enhance User Experience: By continually innovating and
incorporating user feedback, Desinic seeks to enhance the user experience and
provide a platform that meets the evolving needs of its users..

1.4 Project Objectives

Streamlined Design Process:
Develop a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of obtaining digital
design services, from browsing options to finalizing designs.
Diverse Design Options:
Offer a wide range of design services including logo design, flyer design, and
business card creation, with options for customization to suit various business
Efficient Communication Channels:
Implement messaging systems to facilitate direct and real-time communication
between clients and designers, ensuring clarity of requirements and faster
turnaround times.

User Authentication and Security: Provide secure user authentication
mechanisms and integrate secure payment gateways to ensure the safety of user
data and transactions.

Customization and Personalization: Enable clients to customize designs

according to their preferences, including color schemes, fonts, images, and text,
to create unique and personalized designs.

Feedback Mechanism: Incorporate a feedback mechanism that allows clients

to review and provide feedback on designs, enabling designers to make
revisions and improvements based on client input.

Portfolio Showcase:
Allow designers to showcase their portfolios, providing clients with insights
into the designers' styles and capabilities to make informed decisions.

1.5 Features of proposed project
 User Registration and Authentication:
 Secure user registration and login system.
 Encrypted passwords to ensure data security.
 Design Services:
 Logo Design: Custom logo creation based on client specifications.
 Flyer Design: Designing flyers for events, promotions, or advertisements.
 Business Card Design: Customized business card designs for professional
 Design Selection:
 Browse through various design options.
 Filter and sorting functionalities for easy navigation.
 Preview feature to visualize designs before finalizing.

1.6 Proposed project limitations

 Slow internet might be disturbing.

1.7 Feasibility Study

1.7.1 Software Process Model

The software process model is an abstract representation of a software process,
which is a set of activities that leads to the production of a software product. Some
of the generic process models are the waterfall model, evolutionary development,
and component-based software engineering. For this project, we will follow the
iterative waterfall process model because it allows being reworked in which errors
are committed and these changes are reflected in the later phase.

Figure 1.7: Waterfall Model

1.7.2 Technical Feasibility

Assess the availability of the necessary technical resources, including hardware,
software, and infrastructure, to support website development and maintenance.
Evaluate the compatibility of the chosen technologies (PHP framework, HTML,
CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, SQL) for achieving the desired functionality and
scalability. Determine if the required skills and expertise are available within the
development team or can be acquired

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility
Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the financial viability of the project,
considering development costs, hosting expenses, maintenance, and potential
revenue streams. Assess the potential return on investment by estimating the
number of expected users, bookings, and potential partnerships/advertising
opportunities. Evaluate the impact of external factors such as market trends,
competition, and economic conditions on the profitability of the website.
1.7.4 Market Feasibility
Conduct market research to identify the target audience for the website (tourists,
travelers, culture enthusiasts) and their needs and preferences. Analyze the
competitive landscape to understand the existing players in the Kashmir tourism
industry and identify unique selling points or areas of differentiation. Identify
potential partnerships with hotels, tour operators, car rental agencies, and other
stakeholders to enhance the website's offerings and generate revenue.
1.7.5 Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility for a Pharmacy Management System involves assessing
whether the proposed system can effectively integrate into the current operational
setup of the pharmacy. This evaluation includes considerations such as
compatibility with existing processes, user acceptance, resource availability,
organizational culture, technical infrastructure, cost-benefit analysis, and legal and
regulatory compliance. By thoroughly evaluating these factors, organizations can
determine the feasibility and viability of implementing the system within their
pharmacy operations.
1.7.6 Legal and Regulatory Feasibility
Identify and comply with legal requirements and regulations related to online
travel bookings, data protection, privacy, and terms of service. Obtain necessary
licenses, permits, and certifications required to operate the website legally and
ensure the protection of user data. Assess any potential legal risks and liabilities
associated with the website's operation and take appropriate measures to mitigate

1.8 Social and Ethical Consideration
There are no ethical, security, and privacy factors that may influence the
development, design, and continued operation of the proposed system.


2.1 Purpose
The purpose of Desinic is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform
for obtaining high-quality digital design services.

Simplify Design Process:

Desinic aims to simplify the process of obtaining digital designs by offering a
centralized platform where clients can easily browse, select, and customize
designs according to their needs.
Enhance Accessibility:
The platform aims to make digital design services more accessible to businesses
and individuals, irrespective of their location or budget constraints.
Customization and Personalization:
Desinic provides a wide range of design options with extensive customization
features, allowing clients to tailor designs to their specific preferences and
Efficient Communication:
The platform facilitates direct communication between clients and designers,
enabling clear and efficient collaboration throughout the design process.
Quality Assurance:
Desinic ensures the delivery of high-quality designs by providing clients with
access to experienced and talented designers, as well as a feedback mechanism to
review and refine designs as needed.
Time and Cost Efficiency:
By streamlining the design process and offering competitive pricing, Desinic aims
to save clients time and money compared to traditional design agencies.
Brand Enhancement: The platform helps businesses enhance their brand identity
through professionally designed logos, flyers, and business cards, thus improving
their visibility and credibility in the market.

Innovation and Growth:
Desinic is committed to continuous innovation and growth, regularly updating its
services and features to meet the evolving needs of its users and maintain its
position as a leading digital design solution.
2.2 Scope
The scope of Desinic encompasses the development and operation of an online
platform that simplifies the process of obtaining digital design services. This
platform will offer a wide range of services, including logo design, flyer design,
and business card creation, catering to the diverse needs of businesses and
individuals. The scope extends to the development of a user-friendly interface,
ensuring easy navigation, browsing of design options, and interaction with
designers. Security is paramount, with the implementation of secure user
authentication mechanisms and integration with trusted payment gateways to
safeguard user data and transactions. Efficient communication channels will be
provided, enabling real-time interaction, feedback, and collaboration between
clients and designers throughout the design process. Customization features will
allow clients to personalize their designs, including choices of colors, fonts,
images, and text. The platform will manage design orders, including placement,
tracking, and history, ensuring smooth processing and delivery. Designers will
have the opportunity to showcase their portfolios, providing clients with insights
into their styles and capabilities. The platform will be responsive across various
devices and designed to scale as needed to accommodate growth and future
enhancements. Ongoing maintenance and support will be provided to ensure the
platform's smooth operation and address user concerns.
2.4 Document Organization
This document is organized into several sections to provide a structured and
comprehensive overview of the requirements. The subsequent sections include
functional requirements, non-functional requirements, constraints, assumptions,
and dependencies.
 Functional Requirements
 Nonfunctional Requirement

2.4.1 Functional Requirements
User Registration and Authentication:
 Users should be able to register for an account.
 Users should be able to log in securely.
 Forgot password functionality should be available for password recovery.
 Design Service Selection:
 Users should be able to browse various design services offered (e.g., logo
design, flyer design, business card design).
 Each service should have detailed information including pricing and
turnaround time.
Communication Tools:
 Users should be able to communicate directly with designers assigned to
their projects.
 Messaging functionality should support real-time communication and file
 Portfolio Showcase:
 Designers should be able to create and maintain portfolios showcasing
their previous work.
 Users should be able to browse through designer portfolios to assess their
style and skills.
Admin Panel:
An admin panel should be available to manage users, orders, and designs.
 Admins should be able to add, edit, or remove design services and
 Search and Filter Functionality:
 Users should be able to search for specific designs or designers.
 Filtering options (e.g., by category, price, designer rating) should be
available to refine search results.
Responsive Design:
The platform should be responsive and accessible across various devices
(desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones).

2.4.2 Non-Functional Requirements
There are some requirements of a system usually that are to be fulfilled by the
user of the system to use that system efficiently. Here those requirements of our
system are elaborated on.

The system should be able to handle a high volume of transactions during peak
hours without significant slowdowns.
Response times for user interactions should be within acceptable limits to ensure a
smooth user experience.
The system should implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms
to protect patient data from unauthorized access.
Data transmission between the system and external parties should be encrypted to
prevent interception.
The system should have a high level of uptime, with minimal unplanned
Backup and recovery mechanisms should be in place to ensure that data is not lost
in the event of system failures.
The system should have an intuitive user interface that is easy for pharmacists and
pharmacy staff to navigate and use.
Training requirements for using the system should be minimal to reduce the
learning curve for new users.
2.5 Licensing Requirements
The system would be under the copyrights of the University of AJ&K,
Muzaffarabad, so the usage license would be acquired from the institute.

2.6 Use Case Diagram
Use case diagram is used to capture the dynamic nature of the system. It consists
of use cases, actors, and their relationships. It is used at a high-level design to
capture the requirements of a system.

2.6.1 Use Case


Add service

Post Blog





Read Blog




2.7 Use case description

Table 2.7 Use Case-001

Use case no: UC001

Use case Admin Login


Description: This use case describes the process of an administrator

logging into the system to access the administrative
functionalities and manage the application.

Actor: Administrator

Trigger: The administrator initiates the login process.

Pre- The administrator must have a valid user account registered

Conditions: in the system.

The system must be operational and accessible.

The administrator should have a device with internet access.

Procedures: The system presents the login page to the administrator.

The administrator enters their username and password.

The system verifies the entered credentials against the stored

administrator information.

Alternative If the administrator forgets their password:

The administrator clicks on the "Forgot Password" link on the

login page.

The system presents a password recovery form.

Table 2.7 Use Case-002

Use case no: UC002

Actor User

Description: This use case describes the process by which a user logs
into the Desinic platform to access their account and
utilize its features.

Pre- The user must have a registered account on Desinic.

The Desinic platform must be accessible.

Procedures: The user navigates to the Desinic website or opens the Desinic
mobile application.

The user clicks on the "Login" button to access their account.

The system presents the user with a login form, requesting their
username/email and password.

The user enters their credentials and submits the form.

The system verifies the user's credentials:

If the credentials are correct, the system logs the user into their
account and proceeds to the user dashboard.

If the credentials are incorrect, the system displays an error

message indicating the invalid credentials and prompts the user to
try again.

Once logged in, the user gains access to their account and can
utilize the platform's features.

Alternative If the user enters incorrect credentials:

The system verifies the credentials and finds them to be

The system displays an error message indicating the invalid
The user is prompted to retry entering their credentials.

Table 2.7 Use Case-003

Use case no: UC003

Use case Admin Add portfolio


Description: This use case describes the process by which an admin adds a
portfolio for a designer on the Desinic platform.

Actor: Administrator

Pre- The admin must be logged into the Desinic admin panel.
The admin must have the necessary permissions to add
portfolios for designers.

Procedures: The admin navigates to the admin panel and selects the option to
manage portfolios.

The system presents the admin with a list of designers registered

on the platform.

The admin selects the designer for whom they want to add a

The system provides a form for the admin to input the details of
the portfolio:

Title: The title or name of the portfolio.

Description: A brief description of the portfolio and the

designer's work.

Images: The images showcasing the designer's previous work.

Tags/Keywords: Optional tags or keywords to describe the

portfolio's content.

The admin fills in the required information and uploads the

images for the portfolio.

The admin submits the form to add the portfolio.

The system verifies the entered information:

If all required fields are filled and the images are uploaded, the
system adds the portfolio to the selected designer's profile.

If any required fields are missing or invalid, the system prompts

the admin to correct them.

Once successfully added, the system displays a confirmation

message to the admin.

Alternative The admin enters incomplete or invalid information.

flow The admin attempts to add a portfolio for a designer who does
not exist.

The admin uploads unsupported image formats or files that

exceed the size limit.

The system encounters technical issues or server errors during the

addition process.

Table 2.7 Use Case-004

Use case no: UC004

Use case Admin Reply Quires


Description: The admin must be logged into the Desinic admin panel.

The admin must have the necessary permissions to reply to


Actor: Administrator

Pre- The administrator must be logged into their account


Procedures: The admin navigates to the admin panel and selects the option to
manage queries or messages.

The system displays a list of queries raised by buyers, along with

relevant details such as sender, date, and message content.

The admin selects a specific query that they want to reply to.

The system presents the details of the selected query, including

the message content and sender information.

The admin formulates a reply to the query.

The admin enters the reply message in the provided text field.

The admin submits the reply.

The system sends the reply message to the sender's email address
and updates the query status as "replied" in the system.

The system displays a confirmation message to the admin

indicating that the reply was sent successfully.

Alternative The admin encounters a technical issue while composing or

flow sending the reply.

The buyer's email address is invalid or inaccessible, preventing

the delivery of the reply message.

The admin attempts to reply to a query that has already been

replied to or resolved.

The system fails to update the query status due to a database error
or connectivity issue.

Table 2.7 Use Case-005

Use case no: UC005

Use case Admin Add Blogs


Description: This use case describes the process by which an admin adds a
blog post to the Desinic platform.

Actor: Admin

Pre- The admin must be logged into the Desinic admin panel.
Conditions: The admin must have the necessary permissions to add blog
Procedures: The admin navigates to the admin panel and selects the option to
manage blogs or articles.

The system presents the admin with a form to create a new blog

The admin fills in the required details for the blog post:

Title: The title of the blog post.

Content: The main content of the blog post, including text,

images, and multimedia if applicable.

Tags/Keywords: Optional tags or keywords to categorize the blog


Publication Date: The date when the blog post will be published.

The admin submits the form to add the blog post.

The system verifies the entered information:

If all required fields are filled, the system adds the blog post to
the platform.

If any required fields are missing or invalid, the system prompts

the admin to correct them.

Once successfully added, the system displays a confirmation

message to the admin.

Alternative The admin enters incomplete or invalid information for the blog
flow post.

The admin attempts to add a blog post with a publication date in

the past.

The system encounters technical issues or server errors during the

addition process.

Table 2.7 Use Case-006

Use case no: UC006

Use case Client Read Blog and Comment


Description: This use case describes the process by which a client reads a
blog post on the Desinic platform and adds a comment.

Actor: Clinet

Pre- The Client must be logged into the system with appropriate
Conditions: administrative privileges.

The system must be operational and accessible.

Procedures: The client navigates to the blog section of the Desinic platform.

The client browses through the list of available blog posts and
selects a desired blog post to read.

The system displays the selected blog post along with its title,
content, publication date, and existing comments.

The client reads the content of the blog post.

After reading the blog post, the client scrolls down to the
comment section below the post.

The client clicks on the "Add Comment" or "Comment" button.

The system presents the client with a form to enter their


The client enters their comment in the provided text field.

Optionally, the client can format their comment using basic text
formatting options (e.g., bold, italic).

The client submits their comment.

The system validates the comment:

If the comment is within the character limit and does not violate
any community guidelines, the system adds the comment to the
blog post.

If the comment is too long or contains prohibited content, the

system prompts the client to revise their comment.

Once successfully added, the system displays the client's

comment below the blog post.

Alternative The client attempts to comment without being logged into their
flow Desinic account.

The client's comment exceeds the character limit.

The client's comment contains prohibited content, such as hate

speech or spam.

The system encounters technical issues or server errors during the

comment submission process.



3.1 Conceptual Design

After a detailed analysis of the environment and requirements, we started to
extract entities of the system with their essential attributes, and the
relationship between them is established. This results in Entity-Relationship
Diagram (ERD)

3.1.1 Information Architecture

This involves organizing and structuring the content of the website to ensure
easy navigation and accessibility for users. It includes creating a hierarchy of
pages, defining categories and subcategories, and determining the
relationships between different sections of the website.

3.1.2 Wireframes and Mockups

Wireframes are basic, simplified representations of the website's layout and
functionality, typically created using grayscale or low-fidelity visuals. They
help visualize the placement of elements, such as menus, content sections, and
interactive components, without focusing on specific visual design. Mockups,
on the other hand, are more detailed and polished representations that give a
clearer picture of the final design, including colors, typography, and branding

3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

ID Password

Email ID Sender


Admin GET Quires



Users Blogs ID




Name Type

Figure 3.2: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3.3 Physical design

In a sense, logical design is what you draw with a pencil before building your
software and physical design is when you create the database with SQL
statements. It is the last stage of database design process. The major objectives
of physical database are to implement database as asset of store record, files,
indexes and other data structure that will provide adequate performance and
ensure DB integrity, security and recoverability.

3.4 Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are used to capture the time ordering of message flow in a
system. Message from user action flow towards system and system response
message back to the user.

3.5 Admin login activity

Figure 3.2: admin login activity

3.6 System Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are used to capture the time ordering of message flow in a
system. Message from user action flow towards system and system response
message back to the user.

3.7.1 Admin Login Sequence

Figure 3.7: Admin login sequence


4.1 Language and Framework

To build this project PHP LARAVEL, Apache Xampp SQL Server, jQuery,
CSS, JavaScript, HTML,

4.1.1 PHP
PHP provides a wide range of tools and features that make it easy to develop
complex web applications quickly and efficiently. Some of the key features of
Laravel. Laravel makes it easy to define web routes and map them to specific
controller actions. This allows developers to easily handle user requests and
manage application logic.
Eloquent ORM Laravel's built-in Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system
allows developers to easily interact with databases using a simple and intuitive
syntax. This makes it easy to perform common database operations such as
querying, inserting, updating, and deleting records. Laravel's Blade templating
engine provides an easy way to create reusable templates and layouts for your
application's user interface. This allows developers to maintain a consistent look
and feel across their application's pages. Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface
provides a set of helpful tools for developers, including database migrations,
testing, and code generation.

4.1.2 jQuery
In the project jQuery was a very fast and concise JavaScript library that
clarifies HTML document bisecting, event handling, animating, and Ajax
interactions for rapid web development. The JavaScript library is included in
the PHP Laravel Webpages.

4.1.3 CSS
CSS stands for cascading style sheet and it is used in Kashmir Tourism &
Culture to style its pages. It is widely used in web designing as it is easy and
effective to use.

4.1.4 JavaScript
JavaScript as the name describes is a scripting language and is being used in
our project for validation of user inputs and text boxes.

4.1.5 HTML 5
To publish information for global distribution in this web application HTML
language is used to make header, title, table, and so on. HTML stands for
Hypertext Markup Language that is used World Wide Web. HTML is a kind
of language that is utilized with all the programming languages for web
applications. It has been developed with mechanisms for style sheets, scripts,
and frames. HTML is being used to build websites more accessible. Where
HTML is the latest version of HTML.

4.1.6 SQL Database

SQL is a Structured Query Language that is used as a computer language to
store, manipulate and retrieve data that is stored in a relational database. It is a
standard language for relational database systems. Relational database
systems like MySQL. Oracle and SQL Server use SQL database as a standard
language. SQL allows users to access data in the relational management
System. It describes, manipulates data and it allows the user to define data and
manipulate data and creates and drop databases and tables. A single-word
database is a set collection of information that is well organized and can be
accessed freely.


Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to
find that whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. This activity results
in the actual, expected and difference between their results. In simple words
testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors or missing
requirements in contrary to the actual desire or requirements. According to
ANSI/IEEE 1059 standard, Testing can be defined as A process of analyzing a
software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions
(that is defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.

6.1Unit Testing
This type of testing is performed by the developers before the setup is handed over
to the testing team to formally execute the test cases. Unit testing is performed by
the respective developers on the individual units of source code assigned areas.
The developers use test data that is separate from the test data of the quality
assurance team. The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and
show that individual parts are correct in terms of requirements and functionality.

6.2 Integration Testing:

The testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function
correctly together is Integration testing. There are two methods of doing

Integration Testing Bottom-up Integration testing and Top-down Integration
 Bottom-up integration testing begins with unit testing, followed by tests of
progressively higher-level combinations of units called modules or
 Top-Down integration testing, the highest-level modules are tested first
progressively lower-level modules are tested after that. In a comprehensive
software development environment, bottom-up testing is usually done first,
followed by top-down testing

6.3 System Testing:

 This is the next level in the testing and tests the system as a whole. Once
all the components are integrated, the application as a whole is tested
rigorously to see that it meets Quality Standards. This type of testing is
performed by a specialized testing team. Why is System Testing so
 System Testing is the first step in the Software Development Life Cycle,
where the application is tested as a whole.
 The application is tested thoroughly to verify that it meets the functional
and technical specifications.
 The application is tested in an environment which is very close to the
production environment where the application will be deployed.
 System Testing enables us to test, verify and validate both the business
requirements as well as the Applications Architecture

6.4: Test case

6.4: Test case 1
Test case # 1

Date of test 02 February 2023
Description Admin login
Input Username, password
Expected output Login success
Actual output Login success
Test conductor

6.4: Test case 2

Test case # 2
Date of test 03 February 2023
Description Customer login
Input Username, password
Expected output Login success
Actual output Login success
Test conductor

6.4 Test case 3

Test case # 3
Date of test 05 February 2023
Description Get quires
Expected output Generated Success
Actual output Success
Test conductor

6.4: Test case 4

Test case # 4
Date of test 03 February 2023
Description Book tour

Input Post Blog
Expected output Blog posted
Actual output Blog Posted Sucess
Test conductor Asrar Ahmad

6.4: Test case 5

Test case # 5
Date of test 05 February 2023
Description Delete Blog
Input Delete Operation
Expected output All working no error found
Actual output Blog Deleted
Test conductor

6.4: Test case 6

Test case # 6
Date of test 07 February 2023
Description Add Comment
Input Comment
Expected output Comment Success
Actual output Success
Test conductor


ERD: Entity Relationship Diagram.

ORM: Object-Relational Mapping

AJK T&T: Azad Jammu Kashmir Tour & Travel

Desti. Dist.: Destination District

DCS & IT: Department of Computer and Information Technology


Laravel: Code Smart" by Dayle Rees

"jQuery in Action, Third Edition" by Bear Bibelot, Yehuda Katz, and Aurelio De

"Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, Fourth
Edition" by Robin Nixon

"Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set" by Jon Duckett

"jQuery Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for jQuery Developers" by Cody


"Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web
Graphics" by Jennifer Robbins

Laravel Video Tutorials -

jQuery Tutorial -

CSS Tutorial -

HTML Tutorial -


User manual and Screen Shots


Admin Dashboard

User Signup

Manage Portfolio

Add Blogs


Contact Page


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