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Write each of the words below in its plural form.

Potato : Potatoes Match: Matches
Goose: Geese Party: Parties
Person: People Class: Classes
Fox: Foxes Key: Keys
Knife: Knives Foot: Feet
Zoo: Zoos Deer: Deer
Country: Countries Box: Boxes
Peach: Peaches Holiday: Holidays
Piano: Pianos Copy: Copies
Army: Armies Fish: Fish / Fishes
Elf: Elves Guess: Guesses
Mouse: Mice Wish: Wishes
Child: Children Cherry: Cherries
Tooth: Teeth Woman: Women

Write down the plural of the following words:

Bird: Birds
Shoe: Shoes
Party: Parties
Glass: Glasses
Boy: Boys
Fox: Foxes
Sandwich: Sandwiches
Chair: Chairs
Thief: Thieves
Baby: Babies
Form the singular of these words:
Families: Family
Boys: Boy
Wives: Wife
Hobbies: Hobby
Shelves: Shelf
Pencils: Pencil
Knives: Knife
Places: Place
Countries: Country
Days: Day

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