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A Mythras Adventure

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Sariniya's y
his short scenario explores a remote temple to a scenario from start to nish perhaps making a few notes on
Goddess of Meeros. Its main purpose is to introduce how they will present the different encounters, and which
the Mythras system rules in an evocative and r ules f rom My thras (either the f ull r ules or My thras
exciting way. In the scenario the characters accompany an Imperative) will apply or be needed.
ageing merchant on a quest to lift an old curse from his fam- All the game statistics for the non-player characters, crea-
ily; but the island of Iaxos and the temple to Sariniya (pro- tures and monsters to be found throughout the adventure

nounced SAR-in-EYE-uh) can easily be dropped into any are at the end of the scenario, starting on page 14. We have
campaign setting and the characters can simply encounter also provided four pre-generated Mythras characters for
the temple while exploring. players to use so that they can quickly get into the game.
If you have the Mythras supplement Monster Island, Each pre-generated character has some information on the
then the temple can be located on one of the islands encir- character's background, history and personality. We have
cling Hina Bay. If you have the Mythras supplement used several characters appearing in the Mythras rules

Shores of Korantia, then Iaxos can be one of the many islands examples: Anathaym, Kara, Mju and Zamothis, but you can
found o the western Korantine coast – or even much fur- easily change the names and genders if you wish.
ther distant. Although there will be combat in this scenario, one of the
Note: You can find a guide to pronouncing the various foes is especially deadly and will require team-work and cun-
character and place names on page 17. ning to defeat. Some guidance on how this can be achieved
is given but Games Masters should be prepared to help the
players by making a few subtle suggestions or offering one or

Using the Scenario two clues. The aim is to introduce the players to RuneQuest
and not annihilate the party – but, if the players do not care-
The scenario begins with some background about Sariniya
fully look at their environment and use the options they have
and her worshippers; then it introduces the main non-player
available, then death may come readily.
character, Trimostones; afterwards come the events of the
scenario proper. Games Masters are encouraged to read the Above: Sariniya's rune, symobolising
Truth and Vengeance

Mythras: Sariniya's Curse

About Sariniya
Hey, haven't I seen this
Sariniya is the Meerish Goddess of Vengeance and Ret- somewhere before...?
ribution. She is a minor deity in the Meerish pantheon, Observant Games Masters and players may notice
worshipped directly by very few. Myths say that the Invader some parallels with the classic fantasy film The Golden
Gods came to heaven and defiled the peaceful lands where Voyage of Sinbad and will be correct in doing so. This
the Gods and Goddesses dwelled. The Invader Gods were wonderful movie is major inspiration and contains
driven out by Myceras, but the pain and destruction they several terrific scenes inside a very similar temple…

caused left Sariniya, the daughter of Hephastane, the God- As great fans of the late Ray Harryhausen, The Design
dess of Light, wanting revenge upon the Invader Gods and Mechanism couldn't resist this homage to his genius.
all those who worshipped them. She stole the secret of Sun-
fire from her mother, a spear and shield from Myceras, and

armoured herself with Truth. She then went into the realm The rebels did not remain hidden for long. King Akretes
of the Invader Gods, found them one by one, and killed paid highly for information about where the rebels had
them. Then she found those who enabled them, and killed taken refuge and eventually learned of Iaxos. He sent the
them also. She then returned to heaven, rebuilt her home, Scarlet Spears to root them out and destroy them. After
and vowed to have nothing further to do with either killing bitter fighting, the leaders of the rebellion were dragged
or the mortal world ever again. She is now hermetic and back to Meeros where Akretes had them publicly executed
contemplative, meditating and ruminating on the nature of – stoned to death at the base of the stairs of the Temple of
All Things. Myceras.
Yet the rebels had one, last ace to play. Knowing their

Sariniya therefore embodies the cold, simple nature of
vengeance followed by a willingness to accept eternal peace
once it is accomplished. Those who seek revenge against
others look to Sariniya’s example; some, though, ignore
days were numbered, the priests and priestesses of the
Sariniya cult petitioned their goddess and were heard. King
Akretes was cursed: soon after the rebel leaders were exe-
what she became and focus only on what she did. It is these cuted the corrupt and decadent king choked to death on a
small sects that have created temples to Sariniya and wor- chicken bone and those nobles who had backed him died,
ship her, forgetting that, once she achieved her vengeance, one-by-one, in mysterious circumstances.
she renounced all violence and materialism. Over the centuries the cult has dwindled. The original
The cult of Sariniya is therefore outlawed in Meeros. It founders are long dead, but some of their descendants still
is not the goddess who is outlawed; indeed, her contempla- live on Iaxos and worship Sariniya. Cut-off from civilisa-
tion they have degenerated into primitive savagery with

tive aspect forms the basis of several peaceful cults. Those

who seek constant retribution, allowing themselves to be crude rites and barbarous practices. Iaxos is shunned and
consumed by hatred, are the pariahs, because, over time, many are the tales of cannibals and monsters brought-back
these worshippers have become assassins and murderers, to Meeros from sea-farers and merchants.
ignoring the totality of Sariniya’s nature and journey.


The Isle of Iaxos the Gold

Iaxos is one of innumerable islands south of Meeros.
Two hundred years ago, rebels who sought to destroy King Trimostones is the most successful merchant-venturer
Akretes were driven out of the city: they fled to Iaxos, suc- of Meeros. His ships have sailed the Eight Seas of the
cessfully hiding on this small, mountainous island and Known World and brought much wealth to his family and
planning revenge. The rebels were worshippers of Sariniya the city-state. The ageing merchant has retired now, and
and built a temple to her in the natural caves of the island, his trading empire is managed by his daughter, Herme-
where the cult’s leaders planned and trained for the day stone, and eldest son, Eurastanos. What few know is that
when they would take revenge against Meeros once more. Trimostones is a relation of one of the nobles who sided
with King Akretes and died as a result of the Sariniya
Curse. Every male descendent has died at the age of 65


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