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A Sourcebook for Mazes & Minotaurs

Written by Justin Boyle & Olivier Legrand

An Original Supplement for the Revised Mazes & Minotaurs RPG

A closer look at Satyrs, their ways and their wiles – ah, but not TOO close, okay?


No less than FIVE new character classes – not to mention rules for heavy drinking!


Four illustrious and unique Satyrs from the legendary world of Mythika


Mythic items for Satyrs, about Satyrs or even made from Satyrs…

Written by Justin Boyle, Olivier Legrand and (probably) Luke G. Reynard

Illustrated by Justin Boyle and various artists. Some illustrations ©

Some portions of this supplement are based on material originally published in the
Minotaur webzine (in Luke G. Reynard’s glorious Twist In the Maze column) but

CAUTION! This supplement includes a ton of stuff on Satyrs, which may

inevitably lead some readers to some mature or even bizarre discussions and
speculations. Anyway, reader’s discretion is advised. Probably. I mean, Satyrs….

rather than the familiar. Even a perpetual inebriate
must eventually grow tired of drinking the same
vintage year after year, and so the search for
novelty is often synonymous with the search for
pleasure. This is the force that drives certain Satyrs
to take up wandering and adventuring.

Some even fall in with parties of questing warriors

once they discover that heroism and danger carry
their own extraordinary appeal. It is unfortunate that
this same impulse drives certain Satyrs to excess.
When some Satyrs fail to find meaning in their
experience, they look for ever greater stimulation.
When their insatiable drive tips over into perversity,
these Satyrs become cruel monsters known as
Calibans, of which more will be said later.

Satyrs & Biology

The origin of the Satyr is tied to that of the Nymph.
They are the children, cup-bearers, and entourage
of Dionysos himself. The original cadre of revelers
was referred to as the « thiasos. » All Satyrs and
Nymphs are believed to be descendants of the
original thiasos.
Yes, Satyrs can be adventurers, too!
The biology of the young Satyr is simple if counter-
intuitive. There are no female Satyrs whatsoever.
Satyrs & Adventuring (The concept of the Satyress has been postulated
by poets and artists, but none are known to exist.)
For years now, there have been demands in the Satyrs and Nymphs could be considered the same
Mazes & Minotaurs community for an official and species. When they mate, all male children are
fully playable Satyr character class. After all, if you born Satyrs and all female children are Nymphs.
can play a Centaur or a Nymph, why shouldn’t you
be allowed to play a member of the Satyr race ? Although Satyrs much prefer the company of
Sure, their natural tendency to all sorts of Nymphs, they will also mate with human women
debauchery seems to disqualify them as proper when the opportunity arises. However, mating with
« hero material » - but as this chapter will show you, human women is not conducive to the survival of
there is more to Satyrs than drinking, carousing, the species. The offspring of this union is a demi-
frolicking and other similar activities… Satyr, a hornless and sterile hybrid possessing the
Satyr's inclinations towards revelry but lacking their
The Satyr is known far and wide as a wild and exceptional agility. Satyr can and will mate with
undisciplined creature who spends his time pursuing other creatures and produce stranger offspring (for
his two great pastimes: drunkenness and lechery. example, the IchtyoSatyr, which is the child of a
This stereotype is absolutely true. Satyrs are Satyr and a mermaid).
undeniably and universally fond of drink and sex,
even more so than the most hedonistic human Yet in all cases the female children will be of the
being. But it is not correct to characterize the Satyr mother's race, and the male children will be sterile
as being obsessed with these pursuits to the hybrids. Only a Nymph can produce a full-blooded
exclusion of all else. Rather, they can be devoted to Satyr capable of fathering new generations.
any and all of the pleasures that life has to offer.
This includes all manner of music, art, and theater, A juvenile Satyr is referred to as a faun. They are
and in some cases even travel and literature. normally raised by their mothers. A Satyr may
remain with the mother and help raise the child for a
The distinction is subtle but important. The Satyr is few years, but the concept of long-term monogamy
concerned with experience rather than simple is alien to them. This is also one of the reasons
debauchery. The search for pleasure does not end Satyrs have such a poor reputation among Mineans:
at the bottom of a wine cup or in an oblivious, they do not see any value in the concept of the «
drunken stupor. It also includes the search for oikos », or family unit, which is the critical building
variety and innovation, always looking for the new block of Minean society and culture.

Satyrs & Humans
The vast majority of humans assume that all Satyrs
are indolent and cowardly. They perceive Satyrs as
objects of scorn and use them as stock characters
in their comedies. To call another person « Prince of
Satyrs » is an outrageous insult that can easily lead
to violence, as it implies that one is a lazy and
useless person.

The roots of this antipathy run deeper than one

might imagine. Their intemperance grinds on
Minean humans, who value moderation in all things.
But even when one sets aside the matter of wine,
there are other problems at work.

The average Minean holds deep loyalty to their city

and their family. The notion of the family as the
building block of Minean society is captured by the
word « oikos », which refers to both the family and
the farm on which it lives. It is the oikos that decides
a man's status in Minean society. A Minean whose
farm falls into disrepair is considered to be lazy and
negligent. A Minean who owns no farm at all is often
assumed to be a slave.
- Uh? What ‘Satyr stereotype’??
Furthermore, the farm's income determines whether
the man of the household can afford a hoplite's
An exceptionally old Satyr is referred to as a Silene.
panoply. Status as a full citizen hinges on the
They take this name after the ancient Silenus.
farmer's ability to own a panoply and their
Silenus is believed to be the oldest Satyr to ever
willingness to join the phalanx in defense of the
have lived, and in the pursuit of pleasure he is
farmland. Just as the family is the building block of
regarded as second only to Pan Himself. Silenes
society, the hoplite-citizen is the building block of the
are known for being slow and fat, although with age
body politic.
they often acquire a measure of wisdom and
temperance that younger Satyrs cannot fathom.
This is the most fundamental reason for humans to
distrust Satyrs. The Satyr exists outside of the social
In their daily life, the average Satyr resides in the
order. With no land, no family, and no panoply, the
forests, mountains and countrysides. They spend
Satyr falls into a category normally reserved for
their days making music, resting, and playing
slaves, serfs, and the indigent. If they were human,
games, in between drinking and pursuing Nymphs.
they would be beggars on the bottom rung of the
Practical jokes and comedy are widely appreciated,
and when a Satyr is in the mood for sport no-one
and nothing is off-limits.
And yet the Satyr not only escapes punishment, but
they appear to actually enjoy their condition. More
Many inquisitive Satyrs look for opportunities to
than anything else, the fact that Satyrs exist outside
enter human cities in search of fun. They appreciate
and apart from the standards of society is what
Minean theater, sculpture and art, all of which
frightens the Minean and forces them to consider
require a level of patience and skill most Satyrs
Satyrs as something sub-human.
cannot aspire to. Some Satyrs even take up with
human troupes, and Minean performers take great
Very few Satyrs live in human settlements. Those
pride in putting on comic Satyr plays featuring
who do never stay long. Few humans have any
genuine Satyrs. However, Satyrs rarely take up
inclination to tolerate a Satyr long enough to learn
permanent residence in an urban area. Routine
about their more positive qualities.
invariably bores them, and their tendencies towards
hedonism are often intolerable to Mineans.
The only humans who genuinely enjoy the company
Satyrs are the borderline-crazy worshipers of
It is worth mentioning that Satyrs are not limited to
Dionysos, and those who have become accustomed
the Land of the Three Cities. Satyrs also dwell in the
to Satyrs thanks to friendship borne of necessity. It
fertile Khet valley and the oases of the Great
would not be far wrong to say that the former have
Desert, the hanging gardens of the Land of the Sun,
spent too much time in the company of Satyrs, and
and even in the deep jungles of Charybida where
the latter not nearly enough.
they adore the Jengu Nymphs.

A valorous (if slightly idealized) Satyr warrior

Satyrs & War Despite their general disinclination to organized

violence, there is one other circumstance that will
Satyrs are not renowned for their military prowess. prompt the Satyr to take up arms. If a Nymph's
The very concept of rigid military discipline and home is threatened by an intruder the local Satyrs
conformity is antithetical to the Satyr's free-spirited, will react with violence. Common examples include
anarchistic nature. They have little in the way of invasions by human armies, hostile beast-folk, and
group identity or political ideology, and have no wandering monsters. Curiously, they are only
concept of a nation-state with defined borders. provoked by threats to Nymphs. Satyrs appear
indifferent to invasions of their own property.
Some military thinkers point out that hoplite warfare
is, by nature, an extension of the « oikos »: in other When a group of Satyrs does take up arms in
words, the hoplite as a social and military class response to a threat, they do so in characteristically
would not exist without the network of independent disorganized fashion. The eldest Satyr (often a
family farms that comprise a polis, and without an Silene) becomes the de facto strategos, and directs
oikos to defend the Satyr sees no reason to the other Satyrs as to when and where to launch
participate in hoplite warfare. One might try asking their attacks.
the Satyrs themselves what they think of this idea,
but the average Satyr would be bored to death by The Satyrs themselves fight as skirmishers. They
the conversation. It will suffice to say that Satyrs are known for laying ambushes in dense terrain
have neither the capacity nor the inclination to stand such as forests, swamps and mountains, where
in a phalanx as heavy infantry. their speed and woodland knowledge work to their
advantage. They refuse to fight on flat, level ground
That said, Satyrs are not entirely useless when it where the opponent could form a phalanx. Human
comes to war. They are extremely fast, accustomed commanders often refer to these Satyrs as
to living off the land, and highly competent when it Skirmishers or « peltasts » because their skirmish
comes to navigating forests and mountains. Many tactics resemble those of light infantry.
adventurous commanders attempt to hire Satyrs to
act as scouts and guides for their armies. If a Some Satyr Skirmishers come to see these
commander can overlook the indiscipline that skirmishes as great fun. They take a liking to military
comes from drink and licentiousness, they may also adventure, having come to see it as another one of
find that Satyrs have a way of boosting the party's life's great thrills to be explored. Such Satyrs often
morale. Satyrs are, after all, highly talented at all seek out groups of wandering adventurers. Their
forms of music, sport, and comedy, and if properly heroism offers all the excitement of military life
channeled their antics can be highly entertaining for without any of the discipline and monotony.
soldiers who would otherwise be bored and idle.

According to the Panead, Pan also had the dubious
privilege of being the only deity who actually died
sometime during the late Age of Magic, but the
causes and circumstances of this death remain
shrouded in mystery – a mystery which eventually
gave birth to the Mysteries of Pan.

There currently exists no living man (or Satyr) who

knows exactly what has become of Pan. A number
of possibilities have been suggested. One story tells
that a jealous Olympian transformed Pan into the
shape of a common goat, and he was unwittingly
sacrificed by a human priest. Another story claims
Pan was slain by Zeus for taking the virginity of his
favorite daughter. Some scholars even suggest that
Pan was murdered after throwing the most
debauched festival in the history of the world. It is
worth pointing out that none of these ideas are
mutually exclusive.

The Aegipan, optimists to the end, have founded a

cult devoted to the idea that Pan will one day return
to the world of the living. The Great Return of Pan
will not just end the depravity of the Caliban and the
conflict that characterizes the Age of Heroes... It will
A typical Aegipan, complete with flute and thyrsus usher in a new Age of Pan where all living beings
will exist peace and harmony and drink until they
can't see straight.
Satyrs & Religion
Whether this idea holds any merit is much debated
The Satyr is an optimist by nature. They are almost among the religious scholars of the Mythikan world.
supernaturally lucky creatures, blessed by the Gods No one doubts that the Aegipan Satyrs wield
with extraordinary gifts. They consort with nature genuine magical powers. The problem is that many
spirits on a daily basis. One struggles to conceive of of these powers are not fundamentally different from
any unwanted responsibilities that might distract a those wielded by Lyrists, and this has caused critics
Satyr from his life of drink and leisure. Religion as to advance the idea that the Aegipan are not
the Mineans practice it holds little appeal for a Satyr. channeling divinity at all.

They do not see much value in sacrificing gilt-

horned hecatombs to arrogant, spiteful Gods. Satyrs & Magic
Prayers and rituals are seen as tedious and boring.
Never mind the fact that the average Satyr wants for Although the Aegipans are the most well-known
little to begin with; a Satyr would be more likely to (or, depending on how you look at it, the less
pray for a healthy vine than victory in battle. The obscure) Satyr magicians, they are NOT the
Olympian Gods, for their part, consider Satyrs little only practitioners of supernatural arts among
more than annoyances. They are the children of the Satyr folk.
Wild God Dionysos, a non-Olympian deity who
champions wine, madness, and dark passions. Two other classes of Satyr magic-users exist on
Mythika: the Satyr Foresters (whose magical
The only deities a Satyr can claim as their personal powers and origins are directly related to the
Patrons are Dionysos and the murdered godling Dryads, as detailed next page) and Satyr
Pan. Although Satyrs are often found in the Tricksters (Satyrs who tried to study Sorcery but
company of the Dionysian Hierokeryx, they do not could only master its lower-magnitude powers,
owe them any obedience. The closest thing a Satyr because of their inherent laziness and lack of
has to a priesthood are the members of the Panean discipline – or, according to the Satyr Tricksters
mystery cult, known as the Aegipans. themselves, because of their noble refusal to
exert their will over other living beings).
According to his worshippers, Pan was sired during
the Age of Myth and actually played a prominent Lastly, it should be noted that Satyr magicians
role during the struggles of the Gods against the are extremely rare, due to their kin’s inclination
Titans – but his crucial part in these episodes was towards earthlier, easier pursuits – this rarity
deliberately erased from mythic history by the being one of the reasons why they deserve
Olympians themselves, who were jealous of (or player-character status.
embarrassed by?) the divine Satyr’s exploits. His
See next page for more about Satyr Foresters and
great deeds and cunning tricks are recorded in chapter II for the detailed write-ups of the three Satyr
detail in the Panead, a lengthy and often confusing magician classes.
piece of oral poetry known to many Satyrs.

To date, no Aegipan has actually demonstrated the
indisputable evidence provided by Divine
Intervention. The successful use of this power would
be the fulfillment of the Aeigpan prophecy, in that
Pan would return to the living world. Whether this is
even possible, and what would happen next, are
entirely at the discretion of the Maze Master.

Some possibilities include:

1) The Aegipan actually know what they are talking

about. The Return of Pan is the climax of the
campaign, and the world is transformed into a land
of peace and plenty.

2) Pan returns, but he either cannot transform the

world or more powerful Gods prevent him from
doing so. Either way, the campaign continues as
normal. Any future Divine Intervention will function
exactly as the Divine Prodigy of the same name

3) Pan returns, but he is actually a dark and twisted

being – effectively a Caliban God – and it turns out
he was banished with good reason. The Maze
Master can now write an abundance of stories in
which Pan brings great suffering to the world…
A woodsy, animal-friendly Satyr Forester
4) Pan does not appear... but Dionysos does! The
characters come to discover that Pan banished Foresters also frequently look to the godling Pan as
Dionysos centuries ago, and has been a spiritual role model. The Foresters do not adhere
masquerading as the God of Vines ever since. to the prophecy of Pan's rebirth as a messianic
Dionysos offers the characters boons for rescuing figure. Because of this, humans find them to be
him from his mystical prison, and immediately sets marginally more tolerable than the Aegipan (whose
off to punish Pan. ramblings are often completely opaque). This is not
to say that they are always welcome. Foresters do
See chapter II for more details on the Aegipans and not perceive any difference between man and
their magical powers. beast, and with happily spend hours talking to a
sparrow or an ox. The idea that beasts should be
servants of men is entirely incomprehensible, as is
Satyr Foresters the notion of training an animal through rewards and
punishment. Some Mineans have even come to
The people of Minea have encountered two fear Foresters due to their violent defense of wild
prominent sub-species of Satyr. The first of these is places. Foresters are vigilant by nature and are the
the dasofýlakas or forester, a Satyr who possesses first to raise alarm when intruders threaten the
a connection to the land and the beasts that roam it. homes of Nymphs.

All Satyr Foresters are descended from Dryads (as Tradition holds that the first Satyr Forester was
opposed to other Nymph types such as Napaeads Xlyon, son of Morea, dryad of mulberry. Xylon
or Oreads). It is true that few Satyrs dwell in urban learned the speech of animals from the legendary
areas and none for periods of more than a few centaur polymath, Chiron, and in turn taught this
months at a time. Foresters, meanwhile, are speech to all of his descendants. Xylon himself
uniquely attuned to nature at the spiritual level. came to an untimely end when an oracle
They find their meaning through communing with commanded him to sacrifice a stag to Artemis.
nature, in the same way that other Satyrs might find Having spoken with the stag on many occasions,
purpose in art or poetry. Xylon refused to kill it. He was punished by being
transformed into a dog and forced to eat stag meat
Foresters are known by many names, including the until his belly burst. Morea then appealed to Zeus
“Shepherds,” and the “Judges of Actaeon.” Like all himself, who decreed that Dryad-kin Satyrs would
Satyrs, they worship the god Dionysus. However, never again be compelled to sacrifice a speaking
their worship emphasizes the deity's role as a animal to any God. This is, of course, an extremely
guardian of nature and spirit of the “Wild.” The broad category as Foresters claim to speak to all
Foresters have no particular grudge against humans manner of animals. Nonetheless, to this day the
who live in cities. They conceive the Wild as Foresters continue to sacrifice fruit and libations in
something like a spider's web, or a shared root place of burnt animal offerings.
system by which all beings are connected to which
all beings will eventually return. See chapter II for more details on Satyr Foresters
and their magical powers.

A watchful Red Satyr on the shore of a mysterious island…

Red Satyrs and clubs as weapons. Fisherman and merchants

avoid such “Satyride Islands,” in the belief that Red
Satyrs are primitive cannibals.
The Red Satyr is a curious foreign cousin of the
Minean Satyr. They are not found in the Minean
Those Red Satyrs that make their way to the
mainland but instead occupy scattered islands and
southern coasts find their lot is not much improved.
the coastal regions of the Great Desert. Red Satyrs
Mineans may not care for a Satyr's eccentricities,
are so named for their bright red fur and dark, rust-
but at least they appreciate the concept of personal
colored skin.
liberty. The Khet Valley and the Land of the Sun are
both ruled by brutal dictators and crushing
All Red Satyrs claim descent from the sea nymph
Calypso and the Khettim God Khnum, although
whether there is any truth to this legend is anyone's
Red Satyrs excel in combat. They are larger and
guess. If true, it would imply that the Red Satyrs are
heavier than Minean Satyrs, have much greater
the only Satyrs not directly descended from the
self-discipline and an improved tolerance to
original thiasos retinue. This might go a long way
hardship. They are the only Satyrs capable of
towards explaining why Red Satyrs display a wholly
fighting in a heavy infantry role. Although there are
different temperament than their Minean kin.
not enough Red Satyrs to compose an army, some
warlords do hire them as exotic guards and
These Satyrs are often pejoratively called ktinos
mercenaries. The Ktinos also possess stout,
(simply, “Brutes”). They are known for being uncouth
curving horns that are suitable for use as weapons;
and unsophisticated, even by Satyr standards. The
They will not hesitate to spring at an enemy and
Red Satyrs typically inhabit sparsely populated
deliver a powerful head-butt. As Red Satyrs
regions that are wholly unsuitable for corn or vine; In
themselves are uncommon, caliban Ktinos are
other words, places no sane Minean would ever
thankfully rare. They are sad and miserable
want to live. They subsist on fish and beer, clothe
creatures who resent their isolation and become
themselves in animal skins, and carry thick staves
consumed by uncontrollable wrath.

The Caliban Path Philosophers who hold to strongly ascetic schools
suspect that the Caliban is a Satyr who is able to
clearly comprehend the shallowness of their lives.
The Caliban represent the darker side of the Satyr
That is to say, all Satyrs must be at least a little bit
race. Contrary to popular belief, they are not a sub-
deluded or else they would appreciate just how
species of Satyr. A Caliban is what a Satyr becomes
pathetic they really are. The Caliban has no illusions
when they are no longer able to control their
about himself but is unable to improve his condition,
desires. The idea of moderation is a rather dubious
and so he rages against himself and the world at the
concept for Satyrs to begin with, but the Caliban
same time.
take debauchery to a whole new level. The Caliban
represents perversity in its most basic sense: an
If the Caliban themselves have any explanation,
otherwise normal desire that becomes twisted and
they are not inclined to share.
exaggerated to a grotesque degree.
Some Mineans have wondered why any Satyrs
Most Caliban live on the margins of the Satyr world.
practice any craft, or participate in adventuring
Some may masquerade as (relatively) normal
parties at all. The life of a Satyr revolves around
Satyrs for a time, but inevitably their cruelty and
pleasure and leisure. Why, then, should they take
madness becomes too obvious to conceal.
on any challenge at all? The answer to the question
may be in the fact that all Satyrs have a secret
Once a Satyr acquires a reputation as a Caliban, he
shame and a hidden fear. They are well aware that
will be ostracized by Nymphs, Satyrs and other
the Caliban exist. More importantly, they are well
nature spirits. These creatures then become hateful
aware that every Satyr has just a very short
and violent. They often turn to preying on isolated
distance to fall before he risks becoming a Caliban
humans or small settlements.
himself. If one were to ask any Satyr why he
practices self-discipline, they would likely reply that
The most dangerous outcome is when groups of
they have met a Caliban and were terrified of what
like-minded Calibans form tribes and begin to act in
they saw in the dark mirror.
concert. Fortunately, this is rare as Caliban are often
slain or become self-destructive.

The journey from Satyr to Caliban is poorly

understood but often traveled. They cease to seek
pleasure in life but instead become addicted to
sensation. Where a Satyr sees romance, a Caliban
sees domination. They do not perceive a difference
between delight and delirium. Some philosophers
suggest that Caliban become confused as to the
difference between means and ends. That is to say
(for example) that they care more for the drunken
stupor than for the taste of the wine itself.

The simplest and most common theory is that a

Caliban is merely a Satyr for whom the routine
pleasures of life are no longer enough. They must
seek ever greater and more extreme stimulation.
The Caliban becomes a profoundly miserable
creature. They lack – or have lost – the fundamental
optimism that all Satyrs possess. Unable to find
meaning in their lives, they turn to ever more
extreme vices in an effort to escape their pain.

This latter theory also has a more disturbing

implication: the possibility that Caliban are simply
Satyrs with a capacity for self-reflection.
A brooding Satyr contemplating mortality

The previous chapter introduced a variety of
atypical and adventuring roles for Satyrs: this
chapter covers them in game terms in the form of
optional character classes, thereby allowing
Satyrs to gain the exalted status of player-
character and, well, “hero material”.

This chapter also takes a closer look at one of the

commonest activities of Satyrs: heavy drinking (and
its effects in game terms).

Character Classes

A rare and (to their Minean cousins) exotic branch of
the horned folk, Red Satyrs represent the only “true”
Satyr warriors. See p 8 for more details.

Category: Warrior

Primary Attributes: Might and Luck

Gender: All Satyrs are male.

Basic Hits: 12

Fleet-Hoofed: Satyrs have a basic movement rate

of 80’ (instead of the usual 60’) and add +4 to their
Initiative, Defense Class (unless taken by surprise) - Now AT LAST I can be a player-character too!
and Danger Evasion (except for detection and
stealth rolls).
Reputation: The Red Satyr’s Reputation bonus
Damn Healthy: A Satyr’s supernatural vigor makes only works with members of their tribe (i.e. other
him completely immune to poison and very resistant Red Satyrs) is unaffected. They also suffer the usual
to the effects of alcohol. See the section on Drinking -4 penalty to Personal Charisma when dealing with
at the end of this chapter for more details. other people, except Satyrs, Nymphs or devotees of
Pan or Dionysos.
Ramming: Red Satyrs may use their horns to
inflict extra damage when Charging Into Battle, Advancement: Red Satyrs advance by gaining
adding their Might bonus to their damage roll. Glory points, like all other warriors.

Weapon of Choice: A big club. Anything else

would be too fancy for a true Red Satyr.
Typical Satyr Equipment
Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives a
Red Satyr +4 Hits, +1 to Luck and +2 to Might, Skill Item Enc Cost
or (yes) Will.
Background Talents: All Red Satyrs must possess Linothorax 2 75 sp
the Wrestler talent, plus a second talent chosen
Peltast Shield 1 35 sp
among Acrobat, Healer, Mountaineer, Musician and
Woodsman. Harp 2 30 sp
Possessions: Big club, wine skin (full), 1D6 silver Lyre 2 30 sp
Flute 1 20 sp
Patron Deity: None. Red Satyrs do not seem to
have any form of religious beliefs; they put their tribe Pan Pipes 1 5 sp
or clan above everything else, making them true

Armor & Shields for Satyrs
Satyr Skirmishers and ambush warfare specialists –
but are not “true” warriors in the regular M&M sense Satyrs may not wear helmets. In addition, if a Satyr
of the word. See p 5 for more details. wears a metal breastplate or carries a full-size
shield, he loses the benefits of his Fleet-Hoofed
Category: Specialist ability. For this reason, most Satyrs prefer not to
bother with armor or shields; those who do (mainly
Primary Attributes: Skill and Luck some Red Satyrs and Skirmishers) use a lighter
form of shield known as a peltast shield and a
Gender: All Satyrs are male. lighter type of breastplate known as a linothorax.

Basic Hits: 10 Both items are already described in the M&M

Companion, but we thought it would be a good idea
Fleet-Hoofed: Satyrs have a basic movement rate to reprint this information below, along with some
of 80’ (instead of the usual 60’) and add +4 to their Satyr-specific considerations.
Initiative, Defense Class (unless taken by surprise)
and Danger Evasion (except for detection and Peltast Shields
stealth rolls).

Damn Healthy: A Satyr’s supernatural vigor makes The standard M&M shield corresponds to the aspis,
him completely immune to poison and very resistant a three-foot wide, circular shield used by hoplites
to the effects of alcohol. See the section on Drinking standing in their phalanx formations.
at the end of this chapterfor more details.
A Red Satyr or Skirmisher may use the aspis if he
Lucky Shot: Satyr Skirmishers add their Luck chooses, but in doing so he loses the benefits of his
bonus to their damage roll when using their missile Fleet-Hoofed ability. Instead, Satyrs who do use
weapon of choice. shields prefer peltast shields, lightweight, crescent-
shaped shields often made of wicker and leather.
Weapon of Choice: Any missile weapon; most
Satyr Skirmishers select the sling or javelin as their In game terms, a peltast shield grants a defensive
weapon of choice. bonus of +1 (instead of the usual +2) but would
have an Encumbrance of 1 (instead of the usual 2).
Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives a A Satyr carrying a peltast shield does not sacrifice
Satyr Skirmisher +2 Hits, +1 to Luck and +2 to either their Fleet-Hoofed ability, and the shield's defensive
Skill or Wits. bonus does stack with the Satyr's Fleet-Hoofed
defensive bonus.
Background Talents: All Satyr Skimermishers must
possess the Woodsman talent, plus a second talent Linothorax
chosen among Acrobat, Beastmaster, Healer,
Mountaineer, Musician and Wrestler.
The standard M&M breastplate is presumed to be a
Possessions: Dagger, sling and 12 stones, wine pair of metal plates which connect at the shoulders
skin (full), 1D6 silver pieces. and flare outwards at the waist. A Red Satyr or Satyr
Skirmisher may wear a metal breastplate if he
Patron Deity: Pan or Dionysos. Satyr Skirmishers chooses, but in doing so he loses the benefits of his
may never act as divine agents. Fleet-Hoofed ability.

Reputation: Satyr Skirmishers do not receive any The linothorax is a lightweight vest made out of
Reputation bonus – in addition, because of their linen, and reinforced leather. In game terms, a
odious personal habits, they suffer a -4 penalty to linothorax offers less protection than a standard (ie
their Personal Charisma when dealing with almost bronze) breastplate (+1 to EDC instead of +2) but is
everyone except Nymphs, other Satyrs, woodland slightly less cumbersome (Encumbrance 2 instead
creatures and followers of Dionysos. of the usual 3).

Advancement: Satyr Skirmishers gain Experience It is of special interest to the Satyr because he may
by killing enemies and creatures. These awards are wear the linothorax without sacrificing his Fleet-
calculated as per the usual Glory awards but are Hoofed ability. Note that the linothorax's defense
doubled if the Skirmisher used a missile weapon or bonus does not stack with the defensive bonus
ambushed his opponent. provided by Fleet-Hoofed. Rather, the linothorax's
bonus is only used when the Satyr is subject to an
attack not covered by his special defense bonus,
such as in the case of a surprise attack.

Wild Inspiration = Wits mod + Luck mod

Mystic Strength = 12 + Wild Inspiration

Starting Power = 4 + Wits mod

Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives an

Aegipan Satyr +2 Hits, +4 Power points, +1 to Luck
and +2 to any other attribute of their choice (yes,
even Might or Grace!).

Background Talents: All Aegipans must possess

the Musician talent, plus a second talent chosen
among Actor, Beastmaster, Healer, Woodsman and

Possessions: A thyrsus and a musical instrument

(a harp, lyre, flute or panpipes, depending on the
Aegipan's taste in music).

Patron Deity: Pan, of course.

Reputation: An Aegipan’s renown does not allow

him to strike fear in anyone but does allow him to
add his reputation bonus when dealing with
Nymphs, other Satyrs and followers of Dionysos;
because of their odious personal habits, however,
Satyrs suffer a -4 penalty to their Personal
Charisma with pretty much everybody else.

Advancement: Aegipans advance by collecting

Wisdom points, like any other type of magician.

A rugged, rather good-looking Aegipan The Gifts of Pan

Aegipan Satyrs qualify as "priests" of their own
AEGIPAN SATYR unique cult centered on the worship of Pan. To the
astonishment of many, they actually display genuine
Category: Magician magical powers which they call the Gifts of Pan.
This brand of magic, however, only includes three
Primary Attributes: Wits and Luck powers – a limitation which is largely
counterbalanced by the benefits of the Satyr’s other
Gender: All Satyrs are male. special abilities. Perhaps the vacant slots will be
filled with new powers once the Return of Pan
Basic Hits: 8 becomes a reality… See The Awakening, below.

Fleet-Hoofed: Satyrs have a basic movement rate In all cases, the Aegipan must play an instrument
of 80’ (instead of the usual 60’) and add +4 to their (even if the spell's description normally calls for the
Initiative, Defense Class (unless taken by surprise) caster to sing a song). This instrument can be a
and Danger Evasion (except for detection and harp, lyre, flute or panpipes (depending on the
stealth rolls – damn hooves!). Aegipan’s musical preferences). The Aegipan is not
restricted to a single instrument, and is assumed to
Damn Healthy: A Satyr’s supernatural vigor makes be proficient in all forms of music.
him completely immune to poison and very resistant
to the effects of alcohol. See the section on Drinking Magnitude 1: Tune of Ferocity
at the end of this chapter for more details.
This power works exactly as a Lyrist’s Song of
Gifts of Pan: Aegipans practice their own brand of Inspiration but can only affect Melee.
magic, which appears to be a weird mix of other
powers and is far less versatile than other, fully- Magnitude 2: Tune of Liberation
fledged realms of magic since it only includes three
powers, instead of the usual six (see below for a This power works exactly as a Lyrist’s Song of
detailed description). Their magical talent is known Freedom, except that the Aegipan does not need to
as Wild Inspiration. Aegipan Satyrs recover their sing and instead plays his chosen instrument. The
Power points by frolicking (see p 15). Satyr’s Wild Inspiration is used instead of the
Lyrist’s Orphic Voice.

Magnitude 3: Tune of Fascination SATYR FORESTER
This power has exactly the same effects as a
Lyrist’s Song of Soothing, except that the Aegipan Category: Magician
does not need to sing and instead plays his chosen
instrument. The Satyr’s Wild Inspiration is used Primary Attributes: Wits and Luck
instead of Orphic Voice.
Gender: All Satyrs are male.

Basic Hits: 8
Fleet-Hoofed: Satyrs have a basic movement rate
All Satyr magicians (Aegipans, Foresters and of 80’ (instead of the usual 60’) and add +4 to their
even Tricksters) recover their expanded Power Initiative, Defense Class (unless taken by surprise)
points in the same manner – by partaking in and Danger Evasion (except for detection and
various activities covered by the euphemistic stealth rolls – damn hooves!).
term “Frolicking” – see p 15 for more details.
Damn Healthy: A Satyr’s supernatural vigor makes
him completely immune to poison and very resistant
to the effects of alcohol. See the section on Drinking
The Awakening at the end of this chapter for more details.

Maze Masters who wish to play the Return of Animal Friendship: Satyr Foresters possess
Pan as a real, predestined event of divine limited magical abilities which give them the
importance (as opposed to a complete load of Magnitude 1, 2 and 3 powers of Beastmasters
goat***) may use the following option, known as (Beast Soothing, Beast Calling, Beast Command)
the Awakening, to herald and eventually bring but these only work on woodland and forest Beasts
about the comeback of Pan in their campaign – (and have no effects on Monsters). These powers
and make the Aegipan player-character in the use the Satyr’s magical talent of Woodsy Magic
group the very harbinger of this theophany. instead of regular Beastmaster Animal Empathy.
Like Dryads, they also automatically succeed at
So far, no Aegipan has made it past level 3. As stealth rolls when they are in their natural
soon as one of them reaches level 4, each new environment (forests and woodlands), provided they
level will give him a new Gift of corresponding are unencumbered. Their lack of superior powers is
Magnitude. When the Aegipan finally reaches counterbalanced by their other special abilities.
level 6, he will gain the supreme Gift of Divine
Intervention; the first successful use of this Woodsy Magic = Wits mod + Luck mod
power will cause the much anticipated Return of
Pan (consequences being left to the discretion Mystic Strength = 12 + Woodsy Magic
of the Maze Master). Here are the three
optional Gifts of the Awakening of Pan: Starting Power = 4 + Wits mod

Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives a

Magnitude 4: Tune of Vigor
Satyr Forester +2 Hits, +4 Power points, +1 to Luck
This power has the same effects as a Lyrist’s and +2 to Wits, Skill or Grace.
Song of Comfort, with the same adjustments as
for the Tunes of Liberation and Fascination. Background Talents: All Satyr Foresters possess
the Woodsman talent, plus either Musician or
Magnitude 5: Tune of Fury Healer. They are not interested in the Beastmaster
talent, which is about training animals (the very
This power has exactly the same effects as a idea).
Lyrist’s Song of Wrath, with the same
adjustments as for the Tunes of Liberation and Possessions: None. Those with the Musician talent
Fascination. have a flute (or panpipes).

Magnitude 6: Divine Intervention Patron Deity: Pan, of course.

This power works exactly as the Divine Prodigy Reputation: A Forester’s renown does not allow
of the same name. Scholars and priests believe him to strike fear in anyone but does allow him to
that no Satyr has ever successfully summoned add his Reputation bonus when dealing with
Pan, since this would actually cause his Return Nymphs, other Satyrs and followers of Pan or
in the living world, an event which could hardly Dionysos; because of their odious personal habits,
have gone unnoticed. however, Satyrs suffer a -4 penalty to their Personal
Charisma with pretty much everybody else.
The Return of Pan would also fulfill the Aegipan
cult’s ultimate goal - and would probably end
Advancement: Foresters advance by collecting
the Age of Heroes too, marking the advent of a
Wisdom points, like any other type of magician.
Fourth Age of Mythika, the Age of Panic.

Trickery: A Trickster has access to the first three
powers of Sorcery (Confusion, Illusions and Cloak).
He uses it in exactly the same way as a regular
Sorcerer, except that his magical talent of Chicanery
replaces the Sorcerer’s usual Psychic Gift.

Chicanery = Wits mod + Luck mod

Mystic Strength = 12 + Chicanery

Starting Power = 4 + Wits mod

Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives a

Satyr Trickster +2 Hits, +4 Power points, +1 to Luck
and +2 to Wits, Skill or Grace.

Background Talents: All Tricksters possess the

Actor talent, plus a second talent chosen among
Acrobat, Healer, Musician, Orator and Woodsman.

Possessions: None. Those with the Musician talent

have a flute (or panpipes).

Patron Deity: Pan or Dionysos.

Reputation: A Satyr Trickster’s renown does not

allow him to strike fear in anyone but does allow him
to add his Reputation bonus when dealing with
Nymphs, other Satyrs and followers of Pan or
Dionysos; because of their odious personal habits,
however, Satyrs suffer a -4 penalty to their Personal
Charisma with pretty much everybody else.

Advancement: Tricksters advance by collecting

A Satyr Forester, ready for adventure! Wisdom points, like any other type of magician.

Satyr Tricksters are Sorcerers – or, more correctly,
dabblers in Sorcery (demi-Sorcerers?).

Category: Magician

Primary Attributes: Wits and Luck

Gender: All Satyrs are male.

Basic Hits: 8

Fleet-Hoofed: Satyrs have a basic movement rate

of 80’ (instead of the usual 60’) and add +4 to their
Initiative, Defense Class (unless taken by surprise)
and Danger Evasion (except for detection and
stealth rolls – damn hooves!).

Damn Healthy: A Satyr’s supernatural vigor makes

him completely immune to poison and very resistant
to the effects of alcohol. See the section on Drinking
at the end of this chapter for more details. Beware the illusions of the Satyr Trickster!

If the total rolled on the Physical Vigor roll is lower
than 5, the drinker passes out for 1d6 hours and will
still suffer the aforementioned penalties upon
waking up. On the other hand, if the total rolled is 20
or more, the drinker actually gains a +2 Melee

These effects last for the next 2d6 hours. Once this
period is over, the hangover creeps in: the penalties
(or the odd Melee bonus) are halved and continue
to apply for the next 1d6 hours.

Drinking Contests
These drinking rules can also be used to run
drinking contests between several characters; in this
case, victory simply goes to the last man standing. If
two characters with the same Drinking Limit reach
this final stage at the same time and both succeed
at their saving roll, victory will go to the one who
rolled the higher total.

Magic & Drunkenness

Magicians who are foolish enough to engage in
such heavy drinking suffer additional penalties. The
-2 penalty for each failed saving roll also applies to
their magical talent rating (but not to their Mystic
A Satyr playtesting the Drinking rules Strength – in other words, a drunk magician will
have difficulties using his powers but his magical
attacks will not become easier to resist). If this takes
Drinking the drunk magician’s magical talent to 0 or less, he
becomes unable to use his powers until he has
recovered from his wild excesses. For this reason,
No Satyr sourcebook would be complete without
magicians should really refrain from engaging in
rules for alcohol intoxication!
serious drinking activities – EXCEPT for Satyrs…

Holding your Liquor Satyrs & Drinking

Characters have a Drinking Limit equal to (2 + Might
A Satyr’s Damn Healthy special ability doubles their
mod). Thus, a Barbarian with a Might of 17 (+3) will
Drinking Limit AND advantages him on his Physical
have a Drinking Limit of 5, while a Sorcerer with a
Vigor rolls made to resist the effects of alcohol. In
Might of 10 will have a Drinking Limit of only 2.
addition, drunken Satyr magicians do NOT suffer
any particular penalty (see Magic & Drunkenness
A character who engages in serious drinking must
below), probably thanks to the goodwill of Dionysos.
keep track of the number of cups, mugs or horns of
wine (or other alcoholic beverage) ingests. When
this number reaches his Drinking Limit, he must
make a Physical Vigor saving roll against a target Frolicking
number of 10 (see below for more details on the
consequences of failure). All Satyrs love to “frolic” (especially with Dryads and
other Nymphs) – a mix of dancing, singing, chasing,
When the number of drinks reaches twice the fooling around and other playful physical activities
character’s Drinking Limit, he must make a second better left to the reader’s imagination.
Physical Vigor saving roll (target number 15).
While ALL Satyrs love to frolic, this recreation is of
Finally, if the number of drinks ever reaches three special importance for Satyr magic-users (Aegipans,
times the drinker’s Limit, he must make a third (and Foresters and Tricksters), since frolicking is the only
last) saving roll, this time against a target number of way for them to recover expanded Power points.
20. Drinking beyond this point is simply impossible.
A Satyr magician recovers a number of Power
Each failed roll means that the drinker suffers a points equal to his level for each period of 2 hours
cumulative -2 to all his saving rolls (including the spent frolicking with at least one humanoid female;
next Physical Vigor rolls) as well as to his Missile this is reduced to a single hour with Nymphs, who
rolls, Personal Charisma, Initiative and Defense remain the Satyrs’ favorite companions.
Class (but his Melee rolls remain unaffected).

This chapter takes a closer look at four Satyr NPCs of legendary fame (or infamy). Since none of them can qualify
as an “adventurer”, their game stats are presented in the usual format for creatures.

Silenus: the oldest, wisest, craziest goat around!

Silenus, the Eldest Taxonomy : Folk (Satyr)

Silenus is the oldest of all living Satyrs. Indeed, the Description : The eldest Satyr of all. He appears to
word Silene – an elderly Satyr - is derived from his be morbidly obese and utterly lethargic.
name. He is one of the thiasos, the original retinue
of Dionysos himself. Silenus is so overweight that Size : Medium
he has lost his native Uncanny Agility and Lightining
Fast quickness (his Movement rate is even one-half Ferocity : Peaceful
of what it should be!) but he IS a demigod and as
such has been blessed with supernatural defenses Cunning : Crafty
(including a godlike resistance), healing, and long
life. Silenus is not a warrior, however, and much Mystique : Eldritch
prefers to trick adventurers into accomplishing his
goals for him. Movement : 30’

Most people of Mythika do not even believe that Initiative : 13

Silenus is still alive. The common wisdom is that he
departed the world in the Age of Magic. That said, Melee Attack : +0
practically anyone in Minea would recognize
Silenus. He frequently appears in art, in literature, Damage : 1d6 (weapon)
and as a stock character in comic plays. In truth,
Silenus does exist, although he tends to sequester Defense Class : 22
himself in the deepest woods where he keeps
company with his entourage of Nymphs and Fauns. Hits Total : 8

Silenus is an extremely turbulent and moody Satyr. Detection / Evasion : +10 / +6

When he drinks (which is all the time), he is
boisterous, funny, and joyful. When he sobers up, Mystic Fortitude : +8
however, Silenus becomes sour and melancholy. He
spouts nihilistic philosophy, claiming that the best Special Abilities : Invulnerability, Regeneration,
way to live is to never have been born in the first Sharp Senses, Magic Resistance, Supernatural
place. The truth of the matter is that Silenus is Vigor, Vocal Entrancement (Potency 5).
cursed with the powers of prophecy, and he finds
the knowledge so burdensome that he can only Awards: There is neither Wisdom nor Glory to be
banish his prophetic visions with drink. earned by slaying Silenus.

Each subsequent dream results in a random gain or
loss of 1d6 Luck (again, for 48 hours). It is very
common for people to become addicted to the Goat
and his court, and consume blue lotus obsessively
to the point that they neglect their waking lives. In
the most extreme cases, the only way to break the
addiction is for a powerful hero to challenge the
Four-Horned Goat and drive him off.

The stats given below represent the Four-Horned

Goat as he exists in the dream-realm. Because he
does not exist in the physical world, there is no way
to attack or expel him with first devising a way to
travel to the Dreamlands (perhaps the Dust of
Hypnos might work). Using the Divine Vision power
allows a Priest to determine whether a sleeping
person is being visited by the Four-Horned Goat,
One of Silenus’ young Fauns but does not allow the player to interact with him. A
player could conceivably use Divine Intervention to
If the characters need a fortune told they may drive off the Goat, but it is more likely that the deity
certainly attempt to use Silenus as an oracle. would just transport the characters to the
However, getting him to lay off the sauce long Dreamlands so that they can fight their own battle.
enough to cooperate might be a challenge.
The Dreamlands are a chaotic, disturbing place.
Silenus also does not hesitate to twist the truth. The scenery changes abruptly, time is inconstant,
Even when he has a prophetic vision, he might and mad spirits babble nonsensically. However, it
choose to tell a person what they want to hear. In can also offer some unique game opportunities: the
his long life, Silenus has become extremely skilled Maze Master might let the heroes experiment with
at manipulating others. Whenever Silenus needs powerful mythic items knowing that they will give
dirty work done he not only talks someone into them up upon their return to the waking world. The
doing it for him, but they come away from the question of whether a hero killed in a dream dies in
conversation thinking it was their idea! real life will be left at the Maze Master’s discretion.

Silenus is always accompanied by his donkey, Taxonomy : Spirit

Lethia. Although Lethia is as old as Silenus, she is
in all other respects a normal donkey. In addition to Description : A Satyr who lives in the land of
his dear Lethia, Silenus is always accompanied by dreams; he has four horns upon his head and beats
1d3 Nymphs and 1d3 Fauns. a rhythmless drum.

Size : Medium
The Four-Horned Goat Ferocity : Dangerous

The Four-Horned Goat is a unique and mysterious Cunning : Clever

Satyr. It would be wrong to call him truly evil, as he
appears to be simply random and unpredictable. Mystique : Unearthly
Legend says that the Four-Horned Goat was
Movement : 80’
originally a Satyr who took more pleasure in
dreaming than in any vice he could find in the Initiative : 20
waking world. Seeking to dream forever, the Goat
sought out powerful and rare magics. Melee Attack : +5

The Four-Horned Goat now exists exclusively in the Damage : 1d6 (weapon)
Dreamlands, a metaphysical plane that does not
correspond with reality. He visits Mythikans while Defense Class : 19
they dream and plays random, nonsensical music. A Hits Total : 16
travelling chorus of lesser spirits accompanies the
Goat, collectively referred to as his "court." The Detection / Evasion : + 8 / +10
Four-Horned Goat is always accompanied by 1-6
Eolians (see Creature Compendium page 40). Mystic Fortitude : +10

People who are visited by the Four-Horned Goat Special Abilities : Lightning Fast, Magic
often find it to be a mind-altering, life-changing Resistance, Psychic Powers (Psychic Gift 5, Mystic
experience. They take to consuming the leaves of Strength 17, 20 Power points), Sixth Sense, Stealthy
the blue lotus, hoping that the Four-Horned Goat will (16), Supernatural Vigor, Tough Skin, Uncanny
visit them again as they drift into a stupor. The first Agility, Wallcrawling.
time the Goat visits a character, they gain 1d6 Luck
Awards : Glory 120, Wisdom 240
points for the next 48 hours.

Pyramus, The Mountain Goat
All Satyrs are inherently drunkards. Pyramus, on the
other hand, is a connoisseur and a master vintner.
He represents the ideal of a Satyr who has grown
beyond simple hedonism to become a true artist
and a master craftsman.

No one knows how old Pyramus really is; he is not

immortal like Silenus, but he is certainly many
hundreds of years old and remembers events that
could only have happened in the Age of Magic.

Centuries ago, Pyramus was an unrepentant

playboy (as most young Satyrs are). He took the
greatest pleasure in drink, and boasted that his own
vineyard was the finest in all of Mythika. Dionysos
was amused by his hubris, and allowed Pyramus to
take a single sip of the Nectar normally reserved for
the Gods. It proved to be a terrible curse. Pyramus
had never before tasted anything so glorious, and
he never would again. Pyramus became devoted to
finding a way to perfect his wine and recapture the
essence of the divine. In his pursuit of crafting the
perfect drink, Pyramus has become a highly skilled
alchemist and can brew virtually any drink.

Pyramus possesses a wide variety of potions and Pyramus: yes, Satyrs can be sages too…
consumables, such as Apollo's Water, Mead of the
Muses, and Potion of Remembrance. The Maze Taxonomy : Folk (Satyr)
Master can specify that Pyramus possesses any
potion the plot may require (reference Maze Description : An ancient and aged Satyr, wearing
Master's Guide pp. 39-41 for examples). His most tattered brown robes. Pyramus is always carrying
treasured potion is the Cider of Golden Apples (see multiple wineskins and satchels of fruit.
p 20 for a detailed description).
Size : Medium
Pyramus spends most of his time in isolation. He
lives as a hermit in a distant and mountainous Ferocity : Dangerous
region. Sure footed as a mountain goat, Pyramus
Cunning : Crafty
can move swiftly over even the most treacherous
terrain. He is an extremely cunning Satyr, and his Mystique : Eldritch
favorite trick is triggering avalanches to crush
unwelcome visitors. Some adventurers deliberately Movement : 60'
seek him out, in the belief that Pyramus tends to
orchards of Golden Apples on the highest Initiative : 19
mountaintops. Pyramus loves to play the pipes, and
many treasure-hunters have been lured into deep Melee Attack : +4
ravines by the sound of music that turned out to be Damage : 1d6 (staff)
nothing but an echo... and then crushed by tumbling
boulders. Pyramus is so old that he no longer Defense Class : 14
enjoys the Uncanny Agility and Lightning Fast
quickness typical of the Satyr kin – but his Hits Total : 16
venerable age and his “spiritual” pursuits have
granted a higher-than-usual Mystique and an Detection / Evasion : +10 / +6
exceptional Magic Resistance.
Mystic Fortitude : +8
Whether Pyramus is helpful or antagonistic is up to Special Abilities : Camouflage, Crushing Missiles,
the Maze Master. If the characters require a rare Magic Resistance, Stealthy (18), Sharp Senses,
antidote or some other magical potion, then Supernatural Vigor.
Pyramus might be portrayed as a wise old
apothecary. If the characters are out to steal his The Crushing Missiles ability represents avalanches
apples, (or the Maze Master just needs a villain) caused by Pyramus. He does not have the ability to
Pyramus could easily be used as a clever and lift and throw boulders.
deadly opponent.
Awards: Glory 85, Wisdom 30

Mardakapal is not just the captain of a bandit gang.
He is the kingpin of a network of spies, thieves, and
other miscreants ranging from Kandaria to the Hills
of Brass. The Bandit King takes the greatest
pleasure in robbery. It is not the treasure he wants,
but rather the sick satisfaction of stealing from the
helpless and leaving them with nothing.

Mardakapal conceals his deformities behind a brass

mask and draping robes. He fights with sword, bow
and poisoned arrows and is always accompanied
by a cadre of 2d6 bandit lieutenants.

Taxonomy : Folk (Demi-Satyr)

Description : A demi-Satyr draped in armor and

richly embroidered robes.

Size : Medium

Ferocity : Deadly

Cunning : Crafty

Mystique : Weird

Movement : 60’
Behold the Face of Mardakapal!
Initiative : 16

Mardakapal, the Bandit King Melee Attack : +6

Many years ago, the noble Ashur-Shumi ruled as a Damage : 1d6 (Sword or Arrows)
minor satrap within the Akamen Empire. He was
known as a strict but fair governor and a wise Defense Class : 13 (+2 Helmet, +2 Breastplate)
military commander. Ashur-Shumi looked forward to
a rewarding career as a favorite of the King of Hits Total : 20
Kings. This future came to a swift end when his
wife gave birth to her first child – an infant born with Detection / Evasion : +6 / +6
cloven hoofs. Ashur-Shumi immediately knew she
had lain with the Satyr Hadremech, who the satrap Mystic Fortitude : +2
retained as a musician.
Special Abilities : Charge into Battle, Grapple,
Ashur-Shumi grabbed the infant Mardakapal and Marksmanship (+8), Missile Weapons (bow &
hurled him into the nearest brazier. The mother arrows), Poison (poisoned arrows, slow death),
rescued the child, but not before he suffered Supernatural Vigor, Tough Skin.
heinous burns. While Ashur-Shumi sought out and Awards: Glory 95, Wisdom 10
murdered Hadremech, Mardakapal's mother gave
him to a servant, who fled with the child into the
desert. Ashur-Shumi fell into a deep depression.
He would eventually execute his unfaithful wife and
later take his own life.

Mardakapal, meanwhile, grew up living on the very

margins of the Akamen Empire. As a demi-Satyr, he
inherited the worst tendencies of a Satyr with none
of their advantages. On top of this, Mardakapal was
left permanently disfigured by the burns he suffered
as an infant. With nothing to look forward to but a
life of misery and hardship, Mardakapal became a
cruel and ruthless bandit. He now hides in the
desert expanse between the Land of the Sun and
the River Khet, where he sacks trade caravans
traveling between the two empires.


Golden Apples, the Cider grants 1d3 points to a one

attribute (the wineskin is helpfully labelled). The
Cider can be kept and transported indefinitely
without losing its potency. However, once consumed
the effect only lasts for 2d6 days. After the effect
ends the character is stricken with a powerful
hangover which reduces his Wits and Will by 1d3
points for 1d6 days.

Harpy Egg
The harpy egg is exactly what it sounds like: The
egg of an unhatched harpy. Acquiring such an egg
A foul, abhorrent Helm of Hate is an extremely risky undertaking, as harpies are
notorious for their vicious tenacity. The egg itself
serves no purpose until it is consumed.
Magical Armament
Whoever eats the egg will be cursed to emit a foul
odor which attracts harpies. Harpies will soon
Helm of Hate appear to attack the victim, and if the victim cannot
be slain they will perform all manner of harmful
This abhorrent object is a helmet adorned with the mischief (for example, stealing the victim’s food,
horns of a sacrificed Satyr. When fighting a Satyr or destroying their crops, and befouling their wine).
Satyr-kin (to include Caliban or Demi-Satyrs), the The curse lasts for one month or until the victim is
character will be so fearsome as to make his dead (whichever comes first).
enemies hesitant to attack him.

The user gains a +2 magical bonus to his EDC, on Nepenthe

top of the +2 bonus normally granted by a helmet.
This defensive bonus only applies to attacks from This drink appears to be normal wine but is actually
Satyrs and Satyr-kin. It offers no benefit a potion designed to rob the drinker of their memory.
whatsoever against non-Satyrs. All Satyrs will feel Which, come to think of it, is not that different from
deep hatred towards anyone who wears the Helm, regular wine after all. After drinking a cup of
and a player-character Satyr will never tolerate Nepenthe, the drinker will fall into a state of
another character who wears it. unconsciousness for 1d6 hours. Upon awaking,
they will have lost all memory of the last 2d6 days.
Seeking Stones Once lost, the memories cannot be restored by any
means short of Divine Intervention. If a player
Seeking Stones are normally found in bags of 1d6 character won any Glory, Wisdom, or Experience
Stones. Legend has it these missiles were crafted points during this time period, they will lose one-half
by a Satyr who wanted to cheat in a marksmanship of those points.
competition. When hurled by a sling, the Stone
grants its user a +2 magical bonus to their Missile
attack roll. The stone may be recovered and re- Garments & Accessories
used. However, they are difficult to distinguish from
normal rocks. Once thrown, the user must make a Actor’s Mask
detection roll against a target number of 15 in order
to find them again.
The Actor’s Mask appears to be a normal theatrical
mask crafted out of wood or clay. When worn, the
Potions & Consumables mask casts an illusion over the user so that they
appear to be a different person.

Cider of Golden Apples However, each mask only creates a single illusion
and will always depict the same “character” no
The Cider is brewed from rare and magical Golden matter who is wearing it. The illusion is in all ways
Apples that Pyramus tends in secret places. Each identical to the Shapeshifter’s Alter Appearance
quart of the Cider counts as a single dose. Like the power (M&M Companion, page 26).

Bronze Fleece
This mythical artifact is similar to the legendary
Golden Fleece. It is less exceptional of course, but
some would argue it is much more useful. The
Bronze Fleece is as hard as metal but soft as wool.
This makes it an ideal form of armor.

Like other breastplates, the Bronze Fleece grants a

+2 bonus to the wearer’s EDC. However, the fleece
is light enough that it offers zero Encumbrance and
can be worn by classes that would not normally
benefit from armor. For example, an Elementalist or
Sorceror may wear the Bronze Fleece because it is
not technically metal armor. A Lyrist, on the other
hand, could not wear the fleece because their moral
code forbids any form of armor. The Maze Master is
the ultimate arbiter on which classes can and
cannot benefit from the Fleece. Wearing the Fleece
does not interfere with a Satyr’s Fleet-Hoofed ability.
Wow, two Unique Artifacts in a single image!

Chorus Mask
The Chorus Mask appears to be a normal theatrical
mask crafted out of wood or clay. When worn, the This artifact is the holy symbol of Dionysos and the
mask grants the wearer total anonymity. While it is Aegipan’s badge of office. The Thyrsos resembles
obvious that the wearer is wearing a mask, the a staff decorated with ivy, leaves, and pine cones.
viewer is unable to discern any other details about Many devotees of Dionysos carry non-magical
the wearer’s appearance. Furthermore, when versions of the Thyrsos which function as regular
multiple people wear Chorus Masks they all appear staves. The original Thyrsos, however, is an
identical to each other. That is to say, if two people extremely potent mythic item.
wore Chorus Masks a viewer would not be able to
tell the difference between them. The user should Once per day, the user may invoke the Divine
exercise caution, though. While wearing Chorus Madness power as if they were a Level 4 Priest of
Masks, even the wearers cannot tell the difference Dionysos (see M&M Companion for more details).
between each other! The user must touch the target with the Thrysos,
which may require a Melee attack roll if the target is
engaged in combat. If the attempt fails, the user
Satyr’s Boots may not re-use the Thyrsos until the next day.
Armor offers no protection from the Thyrsos when
These curious pieces of footwear appear to be like used in this manner. If, for example, the user
leather socks that lace up at the ankle. They can touches the target’s shield, it still counts as having
only be worn by Satyrs and, oddly enough, “touched” the target, causing Divine Madness.
Centaurs. (Assuming the latter has a set of four, of
course.) The wearer’s footprints are altered to Goat of Gullibility
resemble those of any non-magical animal they
wish. A Satyr could, for example, traipse through This item takes the form of a large and poorly-
the forest and leave behind the tracks of a wolf, a constructed wooden goat. The Goat stands
rhinoceros, or even a human. The user can change approximately six meters tall and can house six
what type of animal he imitates at a whim. fully-armed adult passengers. One might think this
was the oldest trick in the book. However, the Goat
was once blessed by the Godling Pan so that
Unique Artifacts anyone who observes the Goat will accept it as an
unexceptional (if somewhat shoddy) statue.
Abundant Pitcher
If a character wishes to examine the inside of the
A magically enchanted vase that may pour an Goat, they must first make a Danger Evasion roll
unlimited amount of wine. Legend has it that each against a target number of 15 (or 20 if a Satyr
member of the original thiasos possesses such a Trickster occupies the Goat). Failing the saving roll
vase. The vase will produce a maximum of five means the character’s mind is befuddled and he
liters of wine per turn. Unfortunately, if lthe Pitcher does not question the otherwise dubious Goat.
is left unattended it will continue to pour indefinitely. Aside from this, the Goat is just a wooden statue
There are legends of drunken Kings who tragically and provides no additional benefits or protection.
drowned when they passed out and allowed the Legends tell of other varieties of wooden barnyard
Pitcher to flood their homes, and at least one animals, but none are yet known to be found in
account of a Pitcher accidentally sinking a Trireme. Mythika.




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