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DENG 621 Assignment (Assignment)

This assignment is designed to assess your skills in the key areas of advanced writing skills.

Please complete the tasks below and submit your assignment per the instructions.

Part 1: Paraphrasing Task (4 Points)

Objective: Enhance paraphrasing skills.


Paraphrase the following sentence and passage in your own words.

i. The student requested that the professor excuse her absence, but the professor refused.

The student asked the professor for permission to miss class, but the professor
declined the request.

ii. Of the more than 1000 bicycling deaths each year, three-fourths are caused by head injuries. Half of

those killed are school-age children. One study concluded that wearing a bike helmet can reduce the risk

of head injury by 85 percent. In an accident, a bike helmet absorbs the shock and cushions the head

from "Bike Helmets: Unused Lifesavers," Consumer Reports (May 1990): 348.

In more than 1000 annual bicycle fatalities, approximately three-fourths are

attributed to head injuries, and half of those who lose their lives are school-age
children. Research has demonstrated that the use of a bike helmet can
significantly reduce the risk of head injury by 85%. When an accident occurs, the
bike helmet functions by lessening the impact and offering protection for the

Part 2: Writing Task (Essay) (6 Points)

Objective: Develop coherent and structured writing skills using your own words.

1. Write an essay (approximately 250 – 300 words).

2. Ensure that your essay has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Assignment description: A local newspaper has invited readers to submit articles about their favorite

about the use of AI (artificial intelligence). Write the article talking about the things you can do with AI

recommend an AI tool for the readers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly prevalent and powerful technology in our daily
lives. AI-powered tools and applications can assist us in a wide range of tasks, from creative endeavors
to complex problem-solving. In this article, I will explore some of the exciting ways AI can be utilized
and recommend a particularly useful AI tool for readers.

Body Paragraph 1
One of the remarkable capabilities of AI is its ability to automate and optimize repetitive tasks. AI-
powered software can help streamline administrative processes, organize data, and even assist with
writing and editing. For example, AI-based grammar and spelling checkers can quickly identify and
correct errors, allowing users to produce more polished written work with greater efficiency.

Body Paragraph 2
AI can also be a valuable tool for creative professionals. AI-powered image and audio editing software
can help artists and designers experiment with new styles and techniques, offering a level of precision
and flexibility that would be difficult to achieve manually. Additionally, AI-generated content, such as
music composition or narrative writing, can inspire new ideas and assist creators in expanding their
creative horizons.

Body Paragraph 3
Perhaps one of the most significant applications of AI is in the field of problem-solving and decision-
making. AI algorithms can analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and provide insights that can
inform and optimize complex processes. For instance, AI-powered predictive analytics tools can help
businesses forecast demand, optimize supply chains, and make more informed strategic decisions.

In conclusion, the integration of AI into our lives has unlocked a world of new possibilities. From
automating mundane tasks to enhancing creative expression and empowering strategic decision-
making, AI-powered tools have become invaluable assets. One particularly useful AI tool I would
recommend to readers is ChatGPT, a language model that can assist with a wide range of writing,
analysis, and problem-solving tasks. By embracing the power of AI, we can unlock new levels of
productivity, creativity, and innovation in our personal and professional lives.

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