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(Present and past perfect)

Prof. Carlos Juárez Ortiz

Bonilla Hernández Andrés Alexander
Oropeza Nava Víctor Manuel
Ortiz León Kenya Abigail
Ramírez Quesada Chelsea Marian
Grupo: 615

4 DE ABRIL DE 2024
Come in Present perfect: She have been coming to Sams´s house

Past perfect: She had come to the park

Go out Present perfect: Yu have been going to church

Past perfect: Had you gone home?

Present perfect: I have been putting tomy alarm for 6:00

Put on Past perfect: I hd put my shoeson wrong

Present perfect: I have been sitting since yesterday

Sit down Past perfect: I had sat somowhere else

Stand up Present perfect: I have standing up when the national anthem started

Past perfect: He had already stood up when the teacher walked into the classroom

Present perfect: I have not picking up the books on the floor

Pick up Past perfect: By the time I arrived at home, she had picked up all the toys and clothes from the


Present perfect: I have got in my home

Get in Past perfect: I had got in the course of cooking

Present perfect: I have got out in my car

Get out Past perfect: I had got out in the course of maths

Present perfect: I have taken out the lunch box on my backpack

Take out Past perfect: She had taken out the trash before his sisters got house

Present perfect: I have woken up in my bed

Wake up Past perfect: I had woke up for go to the park

Present perfect: She have taken away the carrots

Take away Past perfect: He had not taken away the toy car

Present perfect: He has trown away the trash

Throw away Past perfect: She had not thrown away the old shoes

Present perfect: I have running away the dog

Run away Past perfect: The monkey had run away before we could catch it and bathe him

Present perfect: I have looked for the dog

Look for Past perfect: She has not looked for the snakers

Present perfect: She have look after the rabit

Look after Past perfect: He had not looked after the grandma
Present perfect: I have turning on the lights the classromm

Turn on Past perfect: We had turned on the lights before the guests arrived at the party

Present perfect: I have turned off the lamp

Turn off Past perfect: Had you turned off the blender?

Present perfect: I have grown up for be a teacher

Grow up Past perfect: I had grew up before my brother

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