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CUSTOMER COPY TV1-3520-24-0101-IR

Report a hate crime

Date: 07 March 2024

Time: 21:16
This form has been sent to the Metropolitan Police via the Single Online Home reporting service.


Your details

Your details
First name
Muhammad Arham


Date of birth


Contact details

Contact details

If we need to contact you about this report, how would you prefer we do that?

Email address

Is there anything we need to know about contacting you?

not given

Do you need an interpreter or translator or have any other communication needs?


Your role

Your role


CUSTOMER COPY TV1-3520-24-0101-IR

How were you involved in what happened?

It happened to me

Are you under 18 years of age?


First name
not given

not given

Email address
not given

Phone number
not given

Have you experienced any other crimes in the past 12 months?


Do you have any health, mobility or welfare issues that are making this situation more difficult?

Would you like to be contacted by a victim support charity who may be able to offer you help and advice?

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


What's your ethnic group?

Asian or Asian British

Incident details

Incident details
When did the incident happen?

What time did the incident happen?

not given

Loxford Ln, Ilford IG1 2UT, UK

Map url

You gave us this map location earlier. Is the address correct?



CUSTOMER COPY TV1-3520-24-0101-IR

About the incident

About the incident

Is the incident you’re reporting about one of the following?
Something else

Please tell us what you think motivated the incident:

hatred, discrimination, judgement, opinions.

Describe the incident in your own words. Please give as much detail as possible:
Subject: Report of Hate Crime and Assault I am writing formally report a hate crime and assault
that occurred at Loxford School in December, which has deeply affected me and left me feeling
insecure, isolated and concerned for my future safety. I apologize for the delay in reporting this
incident, as I was previously unaware that the remarks made towards me constituted a hate crime.
On Friday 8th December 2023, I was subjected to a series of homophobic slurs and verbal abuse by
a fellow student, Nusaybah, which included hurtful remarks such as "batty boy," "gay boy," "dumb
bitch," and other offensive comments. These words were not only deeply hurtful but also
contributed to a sense of vulnerability and isolation within the school environment. Furthermore,
this verbal assault escalated into a physical violence when Nusaybah attacked me, leading to a
physical altercation. It is important to recognize that this incident was motivated by hate and
prejudice, making it a hate crime under the law. While i understand that Nusaybah has already
reported her side of the incident, giving her the upper hand. I believe it is crucial for me to provide
my perspective and report the hate crime that occurred. I want to empathize that my intention in
reporting this incident is not to seek retribution or punishment but rather to ensure that such
hateful behaviour is addressed and prevented in the future. Everyone has the right to feel safe and
respected in their school environment, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
Additionally, I want to highlight that this incident has not only affected me personally but has also
had a significant impact on my family, as hurtful remarks were directed towards them as well.
Therefore, I felt it necessary to report this matter to ensure our future safety and well-being. While i
do not wish for any formal action to be taken by the police at this time, I want to ensure that this
incident is properly documented for reference and that appropriate measures are taken to prevent
similar occurrences in future. I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that it will be
handled with the sensitivity and seriousness it deserves. please do not hesitate to contact me if you
require any further information or clarification regarding this incident. Thank you for you

Why do you think this was motivated by hatred?

people hate me.



Were you or anyone else injured in the incident?


Tell us more about this. Please give as much detail as possible:

After the altercation, I sought refuge in the medical room, the aftermath revealing significant hair
CUSTOMER COPY TV1-3520-24-0101-IR

damage and loss due to the relentless pulling inflicted by Nusaybah. The physical toll extended
beyond my hair, as the fall during the scuffle resulted in a concrete impact to my head, leaving me
feeling persistently lightheaded. The forceful collision also led to a noticeable bump at the back of
my head, contributing to severe neck pain that persisted for weeks. Additionally, an infection on my
cheek, aggravating an already sensitive area. The ensuing stomach cramps made eating a
challenging task, highlighting the comprehensive physical toll of the incident.

Loss or damage to property

Loss or damage to property

Did any loss or damage to property result from this incident?

Tell us more about this. Please give as much detail as possible:

My glasses, once perched on my face, lay on the floor in disarray, broken and with the lenses
scattered. The physical altercation also took a toll on my belongings, with my PE kit breaking in the
process. Adding to the chaos, my blazer pocket suffered a tear, a tangible reminder of the intensity
of the altercation. The tangible destruction mirrored the emotional turmoil of the encounter, leaving
a visible trail of the aftermath.



Were there any witnesses?


not given


How many suspects were there?

Do you know them?


not given

Did the suspect(s) have a vehicle?



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