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Define words:

Impressionism: Impressionism was started in the 19th centuries as

an art movement. Impression is a characterized that is made up of
small yet thin, visible, brush strokes, emphasis and a depiction of light
changing qualities. An famous artist that used impressionism is Berthe
Post- Impressionism: Post impressionism is an art movement and special brush
strokes. Post impressionism was started in the late 19th century and early 20th century. A Varity
of artist used this art movement example Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Cézanne. The artwork itself is
made up of naturalism of the impressionists to explore color, line, form and the emotional
response of the artist.

Cubism: Cubism is an early 20 th

century avant garde art movement that went worldwide but
was recognized in European painting and sculpture. But I was inspired in the movement in music
literature and architecture. An artist that uses Finda Kahlo.

Surrealism: Surrealism is an 20th avant garde movement in art and literature.

Surrealism is an potential of unconscious mind for example by the irrational
juxtaposition of image.
Abstract Expressionism: Abstract expressionism is a post-world war 2 art
movement it was developed in New York in the 1940s. Abstract expressionism is

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