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Chapers 13,14,15 Questions and answers

Q1. What does the journalist think of having a homeless person in the shed?

The journalist, Mr. Stern, seems surprised but impressed by Mrs. Crumb's decision to invite a
homeless man, Mr. Stink, to live in their shed. He thinks it's unusual but kind-hearted of Mrs.
Crumb to offer shelter to someone in need. Mr. Stern even suggests that Mrs. Crumb's
compassionate act could make her famous and help her become the Prime Minister, showing
that he sees it as a positive and noteworthy action.

Q2. What does Mr. Stink want for breakfast?

Mr. Stink is quite hungry and asks for a hearty breakfast. He requests sausages, eggs, bacon,
mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, bread and butter, and brown sauce. It's clear that he has been
waiting for his meal for a while and is eager to eat.

Q3. What do you usually have for breakfast?

This question asks about your typical breakfast routine. Breakfast varies from person to person,
but common options include cereal, toast, fruit, yogurt, or eggs. Some people might enjoy a hot
breakfast like Mr. Stink's request, while others might prefer something lighter.

Q4. The chapter is called Lady and the Tramp. Who is the lady and who is the tramp?

In this chapter, the "lady" refers to Chloe's mother, Mrs. Crumb, and the "tramp" is Mr. Stink, the
homeless man living in their shed. The title references the famous movie "Lady and the Tramp,"
where a refined lady dog falls in love with a street-smart tramp dog.

Q5. Who calls Mrs. Crumb on the phone?

Mrs. Crumb receives a phone call from the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is an important
political figure in the government.

Q6. What does he/she want?

The Prime Minister wants Mrs. Crumb and Mr. Stink to appear on a television program called
Question Time. This suggests that the Prime Minister sees their living arrangement as an
interesting topic for discussion and wants to hear more about it.

Q7. Why doesn’t Chloe tell Mr. Stink that he stinks?

Chloe chooses not to tell Mr. Stink that he smells bad because she doesn't want to hurt his
feelings. She knows that it can be embarrassing and upsetting to be told that you smell, so she
tries to find gentle ways to encourage him to take a bath instead.

Q8. Mr. Stink disappears when he is supposed to have a bath. Where does Chloe find him?

Chloe finds Mr. Stink bathing in a pond in the town. He's enjoying a bath with his dog, the
Duchess. It seems that Mr. Stink prefers bathing in the natural environment of the pond rather
than in a traditional bathtub.

Q9. What color is the Duchess?

Initially, Chloe thought the Duchess was black, but when she sees her coming out of the pond,
she realizes the Duchess is actually white. This shows that appearances can be deceiving, and
sometimes we need to take a closer look to see the truth.

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