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Q1. Morgan Fraiser is a typist hired by TBRF Manufacturers. His role is to enter information
about the sales made by the company into a database system. Morgan knows that there is a
high risk of electricity shutting down anytime during his work. He relies on random access
memory (RAM) to store the information as he is typing this work. Is this a correct approach?

o Yes, random access memory will ensure that the data is stored automatically as he is
o No, random access memory only saves up finished work to avoid data losses
o No, random access memory only stores data temporarily
o Yes, but random access memory only work when read only memory is available

Q2. Which of the following describes the smallest unit of data stored in a computer?

o Code
o Gigabyte
o Megabyte
o Bit

Q3. The type of computer memory which stores data permanently hence reducing the risk of
data loss as the computer shuts down is known as which one of the following?

o Read only memory

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o Secondary memory
o Random access memory
o Primary memory

Q4. When planning future data storage capacity requirements, an organisation should consider
which of the following as a priority?

1. Size of supplier base

2. Available disk space
3. Business growth plans
4. Location of computers

o 2 and 3 only
o 1 and 2 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 2 and 4 only

Q5. Which of the following correctly describes the use of cloud computing and storage that the
organisations and supply chains can use. Select ALL that apply.

o Transistors and microchips are required to increase volume of data held in the cloud
o Data is stored which may not geographically available in the computers
o Internet connection is required to store and access data
o Cloud computing poses a risk to data integrity as data could fall into the hands of wrong

Q6. Which of the following are the types of big data analytics that can be used to make useful
trends out of the big data that organisation holds? Select ALL that apply.

o Sound analytics
o Visual analytics
o Digital analytics
o Text analytics
o Speech analytics
o Telephone analytics

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Q7. The tangibles of a computer such as the mouse, hardware and monitor are known as which
ONE of the following?

o Software
o Malware
o Spyware
o Hardware

Q8. To protect the integrity of their information, a supply chain organisation introduces a strict
policy on the use of peripheral devices. Is this a correct approach?

o Yes, peripherals gets information in and out of the computer and can affect its integrity
o No, peripheral devices involves sticks and memory cards and cannot affect data integrity
o No, peripheral devices contains software which protect data and ensures its security
o Yes, unless installed with an operating system, peripheral devices can cause data loss in

Q9. Which ONE of the following is an example of software in a computer?

o Mouse
o Operating system
o Hard drive
o Flash drive

Q10. Which of the following are the uses of logic gates in computer programmes? Select ALL
that apply.

o Performing calculations
o Increase the speed of data processing
o Store data and make decisions
o Analyse big data using microchips

Q11. Internet access can be provided by which of the following methods? Select ALL that apply.

1. Using a satellite

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2. Having powerful computer
3. Use of servers
4. Dial-up using telephone line

o 1 and 2 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 1 and 4 only
o 2 and 3 only

Q12. The increasing volumes of big data have led to some significant challenges as
organisations are finding some strategies on how they will manage it. Is this true?

o No, there is no need to manage big data as there analytics that can automatically make
some meaning out of it
o Yes, the aim is to make sure that the data is organized so that analysis can take place
o No, managing big data can be a cost and needs to be reduced as much as possible
o Yes, big data needs to be managed as it can be used by the procurement professional to
negotiate with suppliers

Q13. Which ONE of the following is the correct use of an operating system in a computer?

o Manages risks and ensures confidentiality

o Gathers big data and assembles it for analysis
o Provides tools for managing the computer hardware
o Increases the storage memory of the computer using programmes

Q14. A computer or device which manages access to a central pool of computing resources is
known as which of the following?

o Hardware
o Software
o Server
o Central processing unit

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Q15. Which of the following are examples of digital data that an organisation can have access
to? Select ALL that apply.

o eBooks
o paper purchase orders
o paper contract documents
o video

Q16. Speech analytics is one of the types of big data analytics that an organisation can use to
analyse big data and make trends out of it. Is this correct?

o No, speech is not an example of big data and it is impossible to be analysed

o Yes, it enables conversations to be converted into text which can then be analysed
using text analytics
o No, speech analytics only records videos and images so that they can support decision
making process
o Yes, it is used only on digital data that the organisation holds such as videos and music

Q17. Speech analytics is used to do which ONE of the following in big data analysis process?

o Capture pictures
o Recognize voices
o Read text and messages
o Instruct a computer

Q18. Advanced Technology Group (ATG) has expanded considerably in recent years. Its chief
information officer (CIO) has conducted a recent internal review to ensure ATG systems are
suitable to meet the organisation’s future expansion plans. The CIO’s review has included
feedback from any of ATG’s key stakeholders.

On considering the review, it is clear that ATG needs to invest more on internal systems
because of two key issues. This is so ATG is able to cope with the increased data that will be
generated by the expanding business and also to meet the increasing demands for high speed,
real-time, data accessing and processing. The issues highlighted relate to which of the following
characteristics of data?

1. Volume

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2. Variety
3. Velocity
4. Viability

o 1 and 3 only
o 2 and 4 only
o 1 and 2 only
o 3 and 4 only

Q19. The 3Vs of big data include volume, variety and velocity. Which ONE of the following does
‘variety’ focuses more on?

o The amount of big data that the organisation have access to has increased significantly
o There are a number of sources that the organisation can access and gather big data
o There number of stakeholders in the organisation big data come from a number of
o There is a need for increased speed of big data processing and analysis for decision

Q20. CLT Technology Solutions (CLTTS) is a rapidly growing business with worldwide operations.
In recent years its data storage capacity requirements have increased dramatically, but despite
this it has found a relatively straightforward, cost effective and flexible solution for most of its
requirements. How has CLTTS solved this requirement?

o Optical drive storage

o Additional hard drive storage
o Network attached storage
o cloud storage

Q21. Big data sets that allow the procurement to understand what happened in the past so that
they can make effective strategic decision is known as which of the following?

o predictive data
o diagnostic data
o prescriptive data

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o forecasted data

Q22. Make it Investment (MII) organisation is a retail supermarket that sells finished products
to its customers. The importance of understanding customer needs in their industry cannot be
underestimated. They therefore need to keep collecting data about the needs of their
customers so that they can successfully meet them. One of the information they need relates to
forecasting the needs of the customers and what demand levels are likely to be in the future.
They also need information on why they were not able to meet the needs of the customers in
the previous year with the aim to make some improvements in the current year. What types of
data does MII gathers?

1. Demand data
2. Prescriptive data
3. Diagnostic data
4. Predictive data

o 1 and 3 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 2 and 2 only
o 1 and 2 only

Q23. Which of the following are the characteristics of deep learning? Select ALL that apply.

o deep learning is a form of machine learning

o deep learning can be operated with few information sets
o deep learning requires cheap hardware and software systems
o deep learning feeds information into the CPU to analyse it

Q24. Modern Information Analyzers (MIA) is a company that gathers a wide range of data sets
from a number of different sources. The data they hold involves structured and unstructured
data. Its information Officer is finding a way on how they could analyse the data sets that they
have. He decides that they will use analytic tools to do this. Is this the right decision?

o no, business intelligence tools can be used to do this because they are more powerful
o yes, data analytic tools will enable them to use machine learning to analyse the data

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o yes, data analytic tools are able to analyse all data types to make useful trends for
decision making
o no, data analytic tools are not suitable to analyse big data due to the size and volume of

Q25. The process of discovering things about the data sets that the organisation holds is known
as which of the following?

o data modification
o data masking
o data integration
o data mining

Q26. Managing ‘data variety’ is a challenge for global organisations because of the sheer range
of data types these organisations have to deal with. Is this true?

o no, with technological advances today full data integration globally is very
o yes, global organisations have to find ways to deal with huge data volumes very quickly
o no, all global organisations now have end-to-end fully integrated systems in all locations
o yes, such organisations have to contend with many different data sources and forms of

Q27. Global supply chain organisation (GSCO) operates in a highly volatile environment. They
need access to big data to ensure they operate effectively and efficiently. They use information
that they get from their own databases and IT systems regarding their operational activities.
They also get access to data from organisations that are do not directly interact with them and
their customers. What types of data does GSCO uses to support their decision making process?

1. First party data

2. Second party data
3. Supply party data
4. Third party data

o 1 and 4 only
o 1 and 2 only

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o 3 and 4 only
o 2 and 3 only

Q28. The speed of retrieval of data and overall performance of systems will be determined by
which of the following?

1. Central processing unit (CPU)

2. Basic unit output system (BUOS)
3. Extensible markup language (XML)
4. Random access memory (RAM)

o 2 and 3 only
o 1 and 4 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 1 and 2 only

Q29. Data which is available and delivered immediately after its collection is known as which of
the following?

o Immediate data
o Proactive data
o Real time data
o Analysed data

Q30. Data is gathered from a range of data sources in real time through which of the following?

o Delayed data
o Sensors
o Streaming
o Devices

Q31. Organisations normally monitor and manage their data to ensure a high degree of its
integrity. Which of the following does data integrity focuses on? Select ALL that apply.

o data is from third party specialist

o data is complete

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o data is about sales and revenues
o data is accurate
o data is analysed using analytic tools
o data is used to predict for the future

Q32. An organisation is concerned about the decisions they have been making recently. They
are trying to investigate the root cause of poor decisions that they implement. In reaching the
conclusion, the chief information officer (CIO) realizes that there is no data integrity in their
organisation as some of the information has been changed and altered from its original state.
To avoid this they formulate a policy which intends to limit the issues of unauthorized access to
their IT systems. Which of the following does the CIO wants to avoid in ensuring that their data
integrity is maintained?

o alteration
o masking
o commission
o manipulation

Q33. Quantity survey Organisation (QSO) holds large volumes of data which they use to make
decision about their operations. They recognize the need to maintain a high degree of data
integrity. The manager wants to introduce a policy by which thorough checks and inspection
will be carried out on data sets before it is stored and distributed. He decided to implement a
quality assurance process for this. Is this the correct option?

o no, quality assurance focuses only on data that has been distributed to potential key
o yes, quality assurance enables physical checks and verification to be carried out on data
o no, quality assurance is a proactive approach and is not suitable to be used here
o yes, quality assurance is a quality management tool and ensure a high degree of data

Q34. Which of the following are ways in which the integrity of data that the organisation holds
can be affected? Select ALL that apply.

o multiplication

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o disintegration
o commission
o omission

Q35. Encryption is commonly used to provide assurance as to the relevance of data. Is this

o no, it is used to improve data security

o yes, it will automatically cleanse data
o no, it’s a data back-up mechanism
o yes, it will ensure data records are up-to-date

Q36. Data governance will focus on answering which of the questions. Select ALL that apply.

o What analytic tools to apply in big data analysis?

o How should data be stored and used?
o Who is responsible for maintaining equipment to gather data?
o How will risks that relates to data be managed?
o When should the equipment that hold data be renewed?
o How the information gathered will be distributed among different functions?

Q37. The process of applying rules, policies and procedures in the acquisition, processing and
storage of data is known as which ONE of the following?

o data masking
o data mining
o data pooling
o data governance

Q38. The threats to the security of data held in a computer can be caused by which of the
following? Select ALL that apply.

o virus attacks and malicious activities

o failure to understand the concept of big data
o use of cloud computing and internet
o IT system failures and breakdown

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Q39. Which ONE of the following is a measure that the organisation can use to ensure that
security of the data they have is maintained?

o using memory sticks and hard drives so that everyone can have a copy of their
o use of encryption to code data so that it does not make sense to other people
o maintaining computer equipment so that the speed of information processing is
o designing a business case to justify why the organisation needs to invest in big data

Q40. MBTF Manufacturers is multi-nation company operating in more than one country. They
deal with suppliers around the world for a number of products and service that they use for
their operation. They need to frequently share a lot of information with these suppliers about
their operations. However, they are concerned about the confidentiality of their information as
this may result in potential loss of competitive edge if this information falls into the hands of
their competitors. They decide to incorporate a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) into a contract
with every supplier they deal with. Is this the right decision to make?

o no, NDA does not prevent the competitive edge of an organisation from being reduced
o yes, NDA discourages suppliers from sharing information with people who are not part
of the contract
o no, NDA cannot be used in all type of contract and hence this risk still remains
o yes, NDA sustains the competitive advantage by allowing only few information volumes
being shared with third parties

Q41. Symbols and logos of an organisation can be protected by using which of the following
intellectual property rights method?

o trademarks
o trade secret
o copyrights
o patents

Q42. A company has had technology issues which have compromised both the accuracy and
completeness of some of its data records. Its chief information officer (CIO) has commissioned a

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review with the specific goals of ensuring the shortcomings are addressed and providing a
greater assurance in terms of the organisation’s future data management and storage. The
focus of the CIO’s review is on addressing which of the following?

o Data transferability
o Data integrity
o Data protection
o Data accessibility

Q43. The use of trade secrets is one of the ways in which an organisation can protect their
intellectual property. Trade secrets focused more on protecting which of the following?

o new inventions and ideas about products and services

o logos and designs about future plans
o confidential information about operations
o relationships with suppliers and distributors

Q44. Which of the following are the aspects of information assurance that supply chain
organisations need to take into consideration?

1. Confidentiality
2. Bridging
3. Due diligence
4. Availability

o 1 and 4 only
o 2 and 3 only
o 1 and 3 only
o 2 and 4 only

Q45. TNGR Investors is a company that offers loans and grants to small and medium
businesses. They hold large volumes about details of their customers. They were recently
associated with a scandal where some information about their customers was leaked which
affected their reputation and brand positioning. After reviewing the matter, their CEO made
some finding that the information was leaked by one of their employees. To solve this issue, the

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CEO implements a non-repudiation method which will ensure that these incidences are
reduced. Is his a correct action?

o no, non-repudiation will lead to some security risks as it increases the number of people
who will access the data files
o yes, non-repudiation help to provide the audit trails which can help reduce these risks
o yes, non-repudiation uses encryption and data cannot be accessed by anyone
o no, only passwords can be used to maintain the security and integrity of data files

Q46. Authentication is one of the aspects of information assurance that the supply chain
organisations can use to maintain the security and integrity of their data files. Authentication
focuses on which of the following? Select ALL that apply.

o use of analytic tools to give useful meanings out of data files

o use of passwords to restrict access to data files
o use of facial recognition before being granted access to data files
o giving useful feedback on the effectiveness of data after use

Q47. Which of the following activities may be undertaken by the organisation as part of physical
integrity process? Select ALL that apply.

o verifying the sources of data to check whether they are up to date

o making some physical checks on the computer to determine its relevance
o monitoring the performance of computer hardware that process data
o assessing the business case for big data in terms of its costs and benefits
o monitoring the temperature of the room where the servers are kept
o liaising with other supply chain partners to develop strict quality control procedures

Q48. An effective data resilience strategy should establish measures to minimize the impact of
disruption through external events. Which of the following are such events? Select ALL that

o viruses
o spyware
o malware
o masking
o cleansing

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o encryption
o erasure

Q49. Risk assessment is one of the activities that the organisation must carry out to understand
the impact of potential risks on their operations and activities. Risk assessment is focused on
which of the following?

1. Probability
2. Power
3. Influence
4. Impact

o 1 and 2 only
o 1 and 4 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 2 and 3 only

Q50. Which of the following defines a risk management approach where the organisation
passes some of the risk to a third party organisation?

o Translate
o Tolerate
o Treat
o Transfer

Q51. Which of the following international standards relate to security management system?

o ISO 14001
o ISO 20400
o ISO 28000
o ISO 26000

Q52. Which of the following are types of cyber-attacks? Select ALL that apply.

o Malware
o Encryption

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o Phishing
o Encoding

Q53. Cyber-crime in a business context most typically focuses on which of the following?

1. Causing intentional disruption to business

2. Accessing commercially sensitive information
3. Encrypting data to prevent use by unauthorized third parties
4. Preventing easy sharing of supply chain data

o 1 and 2 only
o 3 and 4 only
o 2 and 4 only
o 1 and 3 only

Q54. A consultant has been tasked with developing a new data backup policy for a large central
government department. Which of the following are essential considerations for the consultant
to address in undertaking this task? Select ALL that apply.

o When was data first used by the department

o What needs to be backed up
o Where is the data policy likely to be stored
o How will the data policy be communicated
o Why is data used by the department
o How often should the data be backed up

Q55. Business continuity focuses on the processes undertaken to get the business back to
normal and to full functionality following an event that affect the organisation’s operations and
IT systems. Which of the following may be undertaken by manager as part of business
continuity planning?

1. Outlining the roles and responsibilities of staff should a disruption to data occur
2. Defining the reliable storage measures to use in order to reduce possibility of data theft
3. Testing of the plan to ensure that all staff are familiar with the plan
4. Giving operations manager sufficient budget to invest in reliable IT equipment

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o 3 and 4 only
o 1 and 4 only
o 1 and 3 only
o 2 and 3 only

Q56. Ensuring data integrity is a key goal for organisation. To meet this goal, systems
development must ensure that all data in maintained is such a way as to ensure which of the
following. Select ALL that apply.

o that the data held is always original

o that the data held is always reliable
o that the data held is always brief
o that the data held is always accurate
o that the data held is always uncorrupted
o that the data held is always disclosed
o that the data held is always time bound

Q57. Systems redundancy focuses on measures that are undertaken to ensure that the
organisation’s IT systems are available as and when needed. Which of the following may be
undertaken to build redundancy into the organisation’s IT systems?

1. Designing a business continuity plan to reduce the impact of disruption

2. Use of software to protect the computer equipment form breakdown
3. Encrypting data files of the organisation to reduce unauthorized access
4. Provision of duplicate, back up equipment to replicate copies of systems and data

o 1 and 4 only
o 2 and 4 only
o 2 and 3 only
o 1 and 2 only

58. An IT system consolidates key business processes such as finance and human resources into
a single integrated database is known as which of the following?

o integrated data base systems

o consolidated database system

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o manufacturing resource planning
o enterprise resource planning

Q59. An IT manager at Digital Data Storage Group has been tasked to find a method of
improving the confidentiality of data. They are proposing to introduce the use of encryption.
Will this achieve their goal?

o yes, encryption is a method of improving data confidentiality

o no, there is nothing that can be done in this respect
o yes, but encryption cannot usually be applied to digitally stored data
o no, encryption is a method of security not confidentiality

Q60. TBRF Manufactures were affected by a catastrophic event which affected their entire IT
systems. This has disrupted their operations. Its operations manager is currently reviewing the
issue to make sure that their IT systems are restored following is event. Which of the following
is the operations manager focused more on?

o event planning
o problem solving
o contingency planning
o disaster recovery planning

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