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Word Family Lesson for early childhood students

Relevant South Carolina Standards:

2.1 Recognize and produce rhyming words.

2.5 Add or substitute individual sounds in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.

Description: This lesson will help break down words and allow students to notice patterns,
repetition to be able to produce rhyming words and spell/pronounce new words with the
same pattern.

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to produce and detect rhyming words and spell
out unfamiliar words based on pattern.

Step 1: Students will use Partners in Rhyme- Rhyming Game app to determine how to
know if something rhymes. It is an interactive game where students look at a picture that
represents a word and connect it to the rhyming word. This is a great start to begin
noticing patterns in words.


Step 2: Then rather than students simply making up words that rhyme, they will use the
app Kids Rhyming and Sight Word Game to practice rhyming but also spelling. This game
doesn't simply give students the words but has them drag each letter to complete the word
while simultaneously expecting them to make it into a rhyme.


Step 3: Lastly, students will use Wonster Words to pick out vowels and syllables in order to
further their understanding of rhyming words. In this app students don't only find
rhyming words based on the ending but also the number of syllables and the vowels in the

Step 4: After practicing rhyming words on the app, the lesson will transition into a call and
response. The teacher will state a word and students will write as many real rhyming words
as possible on a piece of paper and the teacher will come around & collect the papers at the
end of 3 rounds. The students will receive a grade based on how many real rhyming words
they came up with & their spelling.

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