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SOTA Sounds - Minimal House Bass Presets Vol.

1 - About The Pack

Introducing "Minimal House Bass Presets Vol.1" – the ultimate pack

for crafting impeccable basslines.

One of the many challenges that producers often face when working
on the low-end in their mix is struggling to find "usable" bass
sounds for their tracks, often getting stuck in a cycle of scrolling
through presets & endlessly tweaking to find something that fits
their track. Minimal House Bass Vol.1 is an inspired collection of
bass presets, crafted using just Ableton Stock instruments &
effects, to help you get past that stage.

Designed to ignite your creativity, these sounds go beyond the

boundaries of specific genres. While initially tailored for minimal
house and rominimal, these presets have proven to be versatile and
well-suited for a broader range of house music. Each preset is
meticulously designed to deliver high-quality and instantly usable
sounds that seamlessly integrate into your mix. To further enhance
your low-end, this pack includes a carefully curated selection of
minimal kick drums. These carefully selected kick drums will
provide the solid foundation your tracks need to make an impact.

No more wasting time endlessly searching for bass presets,

tweaking stock sounds & making them worse, or investing in
expensive plugins for the answer to all your bass-related needs –
everything you need to improve your low-end is right here.

Pack contains: 25 x Minimal House Bass & Sub Presets + 15 x

Bonus Minimal Kick Samples

SOTA Sounds

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