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Class – VI
Subject – English Literature
Topic – ch 3. Mackerel and chips

(Please refer PPT for questions and note down the answers
from below)
Reference to context
1. a) The speaker is the narrator of the story, a girl named
b) The speaker got this present because she secretly wished to
go out on the lifeboat at St Mary’s Bay, just once.
c) The gift was special because Mr Pender would take Leah
all on her own. She Loved fishing and wanted to catch
d) The speaker expressed her happiness by going out fishing
for mackerel. She could catch wrasse or pollock but mackerel
and chips with lashings of tomato sauce was her favourite
meal in the world.

2. a) Mr Pender was the husband of the lady who kept the bed
and breakfast where Leah and her family stayed. He was a
fisherman and his launch was called Nemo.
b) Nemo was famous because it belonged to the time from the
battle of Dunkirk and was used to rescue the soldiers. Of the
several small ships, Nemo was the only one left.

c) During war times, many men of the army were trapped on

the beaches in France Quarter. Nemo was used to rescue these
soldiers and bring them back.

3. a) Leah war trying to tell the others how a soldier with an

injured arm rescued an unconscious Mr Pender and herself
from the storm, out in the sea.

b) The soldier disappeared because he was not real. May be,

the soldier was a part of Leah’s imagination, while she tried to
save Mr Pender.

c) Leah Wished to see the soldier again so that she could

thank him.


B. 1. Nemo was an open boat with shades of blue and white.

She took out tourists to witness the seals off the Eastern
Islands. Nemo saved several wounded soldiers from the war at
Dunkirk and brought them back. Of the many small ships
from then, Nemo was the only one left.
2. Leah’s favourite meal in the world was mackerel and chips
with lashings of tomato sauce.

3. Mr Pender was fond of Nemo because his father was one of

the people who went with her to bring back trapped, badly
wounded soldiers during the war.

4. When Leah finally caught the mackerels, the boat lurched

violently sue to the storm and both, Leah and Mr Pender, fell
together on the deck.

5. Dunkirk was remembered in the story because during the

war at Dunkirk, Nemo, the small ship, was used to bring back
wounded and trapped soldiers.

6. As a reward for Leah’s bravery, the Scilly lifeboat took

everyone out on a special trip.

Inferential and Evaluative

1. St Mary’s and St Martin’s harbours can be found in the
Isles of Scilly.
2. Sea sickness is the condition caused by the rocking motion
of a boat or ship. When there is a conflict between the senses
of eyes and ears, it causes sea sickness.

3. To catch the fishing line to catch fish.

4. ‘The weather is blowing up a bit’ means that the weather is

getting rough with possibilities of rain or thunderstorm.

5. The figure of speech used here is personification. Another

example from the story is ‘come on Nemo, said the soldier,
‘get your skates on’. Those rocks are looking awful sharp and
awful hungry’.

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