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Global war

Global war refers to large-scale military conflicts that involve multiple nations or regions around the
world. Examples of global wars include World War I and World War II.
1) Acts of religious terrorism are violent and destructive actions that are motivated by religious
beliefs or ideologies. These acts are typically carried out by individuals or groups who believe
that their cause is just and that their actions are necessary to achieve their goals.
2) Religious terrorism often involves targeting innocent civilians or non-combatants, with the goal
of instilling fear and chaos in the broader population. The authority of religion can provide the
moral legitimacy for these acts, giving perpetrators the belief that they are engaged in a spiritual
struggle between good and evil, and that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their
3) Acts of terrorism, particularly those that are religiously motivated, can also be seen as skirmishes
in a global war. These acts are intended to make a powerful impact on the public consciousness
and are often meant to be seen as catastrophic and of biblical proportions. They are a kind of
perverse performance of power meant to ennoble the perpetrators' views of the world and to
draw us into their notions of cosmic war.
4) Religious terrorism is often transnational in nature, with targets, perpetrators, and impacts that
cross national and regional boundaries. The network of individuals involved in acts of religious
terrorism can be made up of people from a variety of countries and regions, making it difficult to
track and prevent these types of attacks.
This is global terrorism index 2017 according to which countries with highest impact of terrorism include
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Nigeria
5) The global impact of acts of religious terrorism is amplified by the widespread coverage of
transnational news media. The instantaneous dissemination of news and images via news
networks such as CNN and Al Jazeera means that acts of terrorism can have a global impact and
are often meant to be seen and heard around the world.
6) The ongoing issue of religious terrorism and the global war on terror continues to have
significant impacts on individuals, communities, and nations around the world. The need for
effective international cooperation and the development of strategies for countering violent
extremism remain critical priorities for global security.
7) It is important to note that not all acts of violence committed in the name of religion are
considered terrorism. However, when these acts are intended to instill fear and create chaos in
the broader population, they can be seen as a form of terrorism. The use of violence to achieve
religious or political goals is never justifiable and must be condemned by all who value peace
and stability in the world.
8) In conclusion, acts of religious terrorism are a serious threat to global security and stability. The
global war on terror is an ongoing effort to counter these acts and prevent them from occurring
in the future. It is important that we continue to work together as a global community to
develop effective strategies for countering violent extremism and promoting peace and

Now let me show you the biggest example of global terrorism in history
This is world trade center before and after September 11 attack. The terrorist attacks on September 11,
2001, which targeted the World Trade Center in New York City, resulted in the deaths of approximately
2,977 people. Among those killed were citizens of 86 countries, making it a truly international tragedy.
The majority of the victims were from the United States, but citizens of other countries including the
United Kingdom, India, and Canada also lost their lives in the attacks. The attacks had a profound impact
on global security and led to significant changes in the way countries around the world approach
counterterrorism efforts.

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