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Background of the Study

In the Philippines, absenteeism is a long-term issue that affects the quality of

education and overall educational outcomes for students. Moreover, Elis (2016) stated
that absenteeism usually occurs when students feel uneasy about their habitual school
activities. To comply with the requirement of class attendance, students must
participate in at least 80% of all school days during the year. Once the student's
absences exceed the allowed 20% of the total number of days in a school year, the
student is automatically considered dropped or failed (Department of Education,
DepEd 2020).

Consequently, absenteeism has a huge effect on results in studies. They are

more likely to fall behind in their studies and have lower grades, less understanding of
the lessons, or worse overall academic performance if they miss a lot of
classes(Legaspi et al., 2018; Tan, 2021). According to Cepada (2020), educational
attainment has been a great contributor for the success of one student however,
despite of this action it has been noted that absenteeism has hindered the students in
exceling their academic endeavor which may lead to disinterest in studying and on
worst case is the dropping out of the students in the school.

Regular attendance and punctuality shall be required in all classes. If a student

has skipped or been absent from class, they must provide a letter of explanation from
their parents or guardians to the school or arrange a brief meeting with the section
advisor or guidance mentor. Guidance for disciplinary proceedings in accordance with
DepEd Order No. 88 s. 2018.
The goal of this study is to find and investigate the factors affecting and
contributing to absenteeism among Junior High School students of Sta. Margarita
National High School and to explore its impacts on academic, curricular, and
recreational performance and educational outcomes of the students.
Purpose Statement
Relevant to the conduct of this study, the researchers aim to discover, analyze,
and identify the factors affecting the academic struggles of the Junior High School
students of Sta. Margarita National High School particularly on absenteeism.
Moreover, in compliance with the school regulations being implemented by the
Department of Education in mandating the schools to comply on certain aspects
respectively in motivating the students in attending schools regularly to ensure that all
lessons being discussed will be obtained by the students.
The researchers have observed that some of the students in Sta. Margarita National
High School has difficulties in completing the school attendance which also resulted
in low performance in their classroom activities. Having observed this, the researchers
have been interested in determining the underlying factors that hinders the students in
fulfilling perfect attendance in the class. On one hand, these observations have made
this research possible to aid the students, parents and the school to acknowledge the
arising concern related to this issue.
In conducting this study, the students' concerns will be accounted for and
further analyzed as a basis of the enhancement and realignment of the existing
curriculum and teaching strategies being implemented in the campus to also amplify
solutions and gain strengthened motivation of the students to strive on their academic
Research Questions
This study aims to discover the factors affecting and contributing to absenteeism
among Junior High School students of Sta. Margarita National High School. In
addition, it is intended that the following questions will be addressed:
1.What are the possible reasons why students are absent from their respective classes?
2.What is the contribution of school factors, e.g. classroom environment, teaching
methods, and school culture, in terms of absenteeism?
3) How effective are the schools existing rules for Junior High School student’s
attendance and academic performance?
4.) How do socioeconomic factors affect the absenteeism rates of the Junior High
School students of Sta. Margarita National High School?
5) What interventions can Junior High School students of Sta. Margarita National
High School improves their class attendance and academic performance?
6.) What strategies can Junior High School students of Sta. Margarita National High
School teachers motivate the students to attend regularly to their classes?
Scope and Limitations
This study will be limited to Sta. Margarita, and will focus on the factors
affecting absenteeism among Juniuor High School students of Sta. Margarita National
High School. As a result, any places that are not predisposed or specified with the
population above will not be discussed in this research.
The respondents of this study are the Junior High School students of Sta.
Margarita National High School. They are chosen to be the research’s respondents
because they are functional for the research and will provide the researcher with the
requisite data for the study, in addition and being the most accessible to the
As the researcher shall not provoke the respondents to answer the survey form
that will be given personally, all of the answers to the questions will be purely based
on the assessment of the Junior High School students and shall not be changed by the
researcher for any reason.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant because it contributes to strengthening the knowledge and
awareness about factors affecting absenteeism among grade 9 students but also its
impact on them. Moreover, this research will bring new information to the existing
past studies on the problem although there has been less emphasis and only very few
researchers that addressed the assessment affecting absenteeism among grade 9
students. In this way, the relevant sectors may find this study useful:

Students: They are the biggest beneficiaries of the researcher’s findings. Through
such research, students will be given ideas on how being present in class impacts their
academics and educational outcomes. With this, they can create and change their
habits of absenteeism and come up with more vivid plans on how to actively
encourage themselves to participate in school. factors affecting absenteeism among
grade 9 students.

Teachers: This study will inform teachers about the importance of implementation of
activities and programs that will inspire and encourage students to actively participate
and attend class.

Parents: This study inform parents or guardians to understand the impact and causes
of absenteeism of the students to take an alternative action or approach on how to
address this issue.

Future Researcher: This study can be used to educate or train new researchers
having Absenteeism or other related topics. This study also stimulated them to do
related studies on a bigger population to bolster more precise and credible evidence to
substantiate the conclusion of this study.

Elis, Jhemson (2016).Effects of Absenteeism to the Learning of the Performance of

Fourth Year Students of one National High School in Batangas City.
Cepada, Charry Mae and Grepon, Benzar Glen. Absenteeism and Parental
Involvement in Home and School Among Middle School Students of Public School in
Northern Mindanao, Philippines.
Department of Education. (2020). Policy guidelines on addressing absenteeism and
promoting student engagement. Manila, Philippines.
Legaspi, R. T., et al. (2018). Factors contributing to student absenteeism in Philippine
high schools. International Journal of Educational Research, 25(4), 345-362.
This chapter involves a comprehensive review of literature relevant to
absenteeism among junior high school students. The review shall essentially aim at
identifying factors that affect absenteeism and an assessment of the effectiveness of
the existing school policies and interventions in bringing about an improvement in
students' attendance and academic performance. On this backdrop, the review of
previous researches will help this study to find its bearings, identify gaps in the
literature, and contribute to a new knowledge of the field of education. Existing
scholarship is being looked into to shape the understanding of absenteeism in the
educational context.

Keppens (2023), has carried an extensive analysis on the theme of

academic absenteeism and academic performance among junior high school
students.Their research indicates a strong link between the absence and academic
attainment of the students.It often was the case that those students who frequently
missed school suffered academically more than their peers who had better school
attendance. This indicates that apart from just disrupting the continuity of learning,
absenteeism also compromises students' capacity to properly assimilate key concepts
being taught in the classes.
According to Akkus (2022), the study examined the reasons and outcomes
associated with absenteeism among junior high school students. They also pinpointed
the variety of causes that led to absenteeism, such as health problems, family
dynamics, socioeconomic status and school-related factors. The researchers identified
a variety of causes contributing to absenteeism, including health problems, family
dynamics, socioeconomic status, and school-related factors. For instance, students
from economically disadvantaged families may face additional obstacles in attending
school regularly, such as lack of transportation or inadequate support at home.
Additionally, the research highlighted the compounding effects of chronic
absenteeism, such as lower grades, higher dropout rates, and diminished future
opportunities for students.
Findings by Khan et al. (2019) reveal the idea that increased air pollution
can result in morbidity and mortality. Their study demonstrated a clear decline in the
academic performance for students who are frequently absent. This signifies that
students missing their lessons due to illness would therefore be deprived of the
continuity of learning opportunities that other students experience when they are
present in class.
Furthermore, a study by Ahmad (2018) indicates that the complexity related to
interventions for absent students' impact on academic performance should be given
due consideration. Approaches like improving school climate, providing support for
at-risk students, and fostering positive teacher-student relationships represent
indispensable measures that can not only help reduce absenteeism but also contribute
to enhanced engagement and improved academic performance in junior high school.
Comprehensively, Hakami (2021) incorporates findings from relevant studies
in her paper to highlight major causes of absenteeism among junior high school
pupils. The evidence suggests that absenteeism is influenced by various factors
including health issues, family dynamics, socioeconomic disadvantage, and school-
related factors such as teacher-student relationships and school climate. For example,
students facing chronic illnesses or mental health concerns may struggle to attend
school regularly, impacting their engagement in school tasks and academic outcomes.
Additionally, family situations, such as parental care and household responsibilities,
are also recognized as factors that can reinforce absenteeism patterns among students.

A study published by Conely (2022) has researched comprehensive

interventions for absenteeism among junior high school students. The research found
techniques that have reported encouraging outcomes in managing absenteeism rates.
One notable solution is the parental involvement program, which engages parents in
their children's education, empowering them to ensure regular school attendance. By
fostering active participation between school systems and families, parental
involvement programs create an atmosphere that encourages learning and reduces
Furthermore, Choudhury (2021) illustrates that mentorship programs have
been effective in reducing absenteeism among junior high school students. For
instance, mentorship programs assign students peers who motivate and encourage
them to attend classes regularly and actively participate in their studies. Additionally,
individualized support for at-risk learners, such as professional counseling and
academic tutoring, can specifically target factors contributing to absenteeism and
provide students with necessary assistance to make progress. Implementing reward
systems within schools, such as recognizing good attendance and acknowledging
improvement, can also promote regular school attendance and foster a culture of
Research by Hamza et al. (2020) demonstrated the efficacy of school-based
mentoring programs as a solution to absenteeism among junior high school students.
Their findings highlighted that through mentorship initiatives, where students are
paired with adult mentors, and provided with individualized help and support,
absenteeism can be significantly reduced. By fostering positive mentor relationships,
students are motivated to attend school regularly and actively pursue their academic
goals. Moreover, mentorship programs address underlying issues such as inadequate
support at home or social-emotional challenges, thus promoting both academic
performance and the overall well-being of students.

Additionally, Ally (2019) underscored the effectiveness of comprehensive

interventions to combat absenteeism among junior high school students. On a school-
wide level, strategies such as attendance contracts, daily check-ins, and peer
mentoring programs foster a culture of accountability and support, thereby promoting
regular attendance. Schools’ commitment to involving the entire school community in
combating absenteeism can cultivate a sense of belonging and responsibility,
ultimately increasing attendance rates and fostering student academic success.
Moreover, these results emphasize the efficacy of comprehensive, multi-tiered
approaches and the provision of a school climate conducive to attendance and student
Regular attendance is crucial for school success. Students who are
chronically absent receive fewer hours of instruction, which can hinder their academic
progress. Moreover, chronic absenteeism is associated with negative long-term
outcomes. Research by Sheldon Rothman (2001) indicates that chronically absent
students are more likely to leave education early and face challenges such as long-
term unemployment, homelessness, dependency on welfare, and involvement in the
justice system. Therefore, absenteeism not only affects academic achievement but
also has significant implications for students' future opportunities and well-being.

According to Gheorghe Raftu (2017), absenteeism and school dropout rates

among students serve as crucial indicators of education quality. These factors are
significant predictors of both current challenges and future issues within the education
system. In essence, high levels of absenteeism and dropout rates suggest underlying
problems that may impact the effectiveness and sustainability of the education system.
Therefore, addressing these issues is essential for ensuring the overall health and
success of the education system.
The study by Murat Balkıs, Gökmen Arslan, and Erdinç Duru (2016) aimed
to understand the relationship between student school absenteeism, personal and
family factors, and academic achievement. Analyzing data from 423 high school
students, the findings revealed that absenteeism was negatively associated with
academic self-perception, attitudes towards teachers and school, goal valuation,
motivation/self-regulation, and academic performance. This suggests that higher rates
of absenteeism are linked to poorer perceptions of academic abilities, less positive
attitudes towards school, lower goal valuation, weaker motivation, and ultimately,
lower academic achievement. Thus, addressing absenteeism is crucial for promoting
student success and well-being.
According to Kamile Demir and Yasemin Akman Karabeyoglu (2015), the
primary aim of their study was to investigate the impact of individual, family, and
school factors on absenteeism among high school students. The study findings
revealed that students' assessment of the school environment accounted for 83% of
the variance in their commitment to school. Additionally, students’ commitments to
school, parental control, and their assessment of the school environment collectively
explained 22% of the variance in absenteeism rates.
AFZAL, and Syed Amir Gilani (2019), a student is expected to be regular and
punctual, as success is believed to depend on attendance and participation in all class
meetings. Moreover, attendance significantly contributes to students' course grades.
(Hidayah & Sarah, 2018).
The term Absenteeism mentiones a situation where the learner is not present
or available in the study area for whole day. Absenteeism is increased when a learner
does not appears in the classroom or the clinical learning area due to verity of the
reasons like deficiency of suitable resources, lack of the academic staff, or shortage of
any equipment etc (Abdelrahman & Abdelkader, 2017).
MARK ASSINK (2019), school absenteeism and dropout are linked to various life-
course challenges. To mitigate the risk of these issues, it's crucial to understand the
factors contributing to both absenteeism and permanent dropout.
According to Gürbüz Ocak, İjlal Ocak, and Emine A. Baysal (2017), their
study aimed to identify the causes of high school students’ absenteeism. The
population consisted of 531 students from public high schools. The findings indicate
that the causes of students' absenteeism are not primarily related to school, students
themselves, or their parents; however, psychological reasons partly contribute to
absenteeism. It was observed that male students exhibit higher absenteeism rates than
female students, especially concerning school-related, student-related, and
psychological factors. Additionally, absenteeism rates are notably higher among 9th,
10th, and 11th-grade students compared to 12th-grade students.
According to Marlow Ediger, absenteeism in schools leads to significant
negative effects. When students are tardy, absent, or drop out, it disrupts sequential
learning, impedes the development of subject matter and skills, and results in the
wastage of student talent. Additionally, absenteeism can be indicative of at-risk
students who may exhibit signs of alcohol consumption, drug abuse, or antisocial
behavior. These students require support to address their challenges and succeed
The study by Michael A. Gottfried and J. Jacob Kirksey (2017) delved into
the relationship between school absenteeism and its timing in relation to state exam
scores for elementary students over a three-year period. By analyzing district data, the
research revealed that absenteeism during the spring was linked to lower testing
performance, particularly within the 30-day period leading up to the test. This
highlights the critical importance of attendance in the days and months preceding the
exam date. Moreover, the study suggests that different support systems may be
necessary to address the needs of various student subgroups.

In conclusion, absenteeism among students at the junior high level has

contributed to major issues in performance and well-being. Research studies identify
that this is a complex issue; the root causes are from health problems, family
relationship problems, and economic status to the causes related to the environment of
the school. Interventions to reduce the number of absences aim at improvement in the
school climate, enhancement of positive teacher-student relations, and at the same
time, they can introduce programs for parent participation and mentorship. For the
broad multi-tiered strategies in dealing with absenteeism, it must be holistic,
encompassing the whole community in the school, and bear in mind that ultimately,
consequences of chronic absenteeism go beyond the walls of the school.

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