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Name : Ziana Bastari

NIM : PO7124223017
class : 1A KEMENKES
• Background: HIV is a virus infecting white blood cells that attack the human immune system.
AIDS is a group of symptoms of disease that arise due to the declining immunity caused by
HIV infection. Today, women such as housewives who are less likely to have risky behavior,
have been infected with HIV. Aim: This study aims to determine the description of knowledge
and needs for information about HIV/AIDS in the pre-conception period.

• Methods: This descriptive research used a quantitative approach with the research
population of the women at reproductive age. There were 75 people involved as the sample in
this study. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire that has been tested for
validity and reliability and the data were analyzed by means of Univariate analysis.

• Result: The results showed that 49% of respondents had less knowledge about HIV/AIDS;
meanwhile, the results of the item analysis showed that 52% of respondents answered
incorrectly about HIV transmission, and 69% of respondents had no idea about HIV/AIDS
testing. 87% of respondents did not know that HIV can be prevented from pregnancy. 100% of
respondents stated that they needed information about HIV/AIDS, and 97% wanted to get
information from healqth workers.

• Conclusions: Most respondents (49%) have less knowledge about HIV/AIDS and all
respondents stated that they needed this information.

• Keywords: HIV/AIDS; Knowledge, Pre-Conception

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that infects white blood cells
causing decreased immunity. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a
group of symptoms that arise due to a decrease in the body's immunity caused by
infection with HIV (RI Ministry of Health, 2020). HIV destroys CD4 cells, weakening a
person's immunity to opportunistic infections, such as tuberculosis and fungal
infections, bacterial infections and some cancers (WHO, 2021). According to WHO
data in 2020, there were 37,700,000 people living with HIV, 1,500,000 new infections
in 2020 and 680,000 people who died from HIV. From this data, 19,300,000 people
infected with HIV are women (WHO, 2021).

The HIV endemic pattern in Indonesia is very complex, coupled with its vast
territory and large population. More than 260 million residents spread across 514
districts/cities. As many as 90% of them reported cases of HIV and AIDS. This is a
challenge in controlling HIV and AIDS. It is estimated that there will be 543,100
people with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in 2020. The results of modeling using the Asian
Epidemic Model (AEM), show that 70% of PLWHA are not a key population carried
out in health facilities, especially pregnant women, TB sufferers, STI sufferers.
spouses of PLWHA, hepatitis sufferers, people who come to health care facilities
with signs and symptoms of reduced immunity. It is estimated that the non-key
female population will still make the largest contribution to the projected number
of new HIV infections until 2020-2024, namely 35% of the total projected new cases
(Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2020)

quantitative method

This research uses a quantitative approach, descriptive research type,

the population in the study were women of childbearing age, the
sample in this study totaling 75 people. The data collection instrument
uses a questionnair has been tested for validity and reliability. Data
analysis uses univariate analysis carried out to analyze existing
variables descriptively withcalculate the frequency distribution and
proportions to determine the characteristics from respondents.
The research results showed that all respondents (100%) stated need information about
HIV/AIDS. As many as 97% want it get information from health workers. Research results
(Erawati et al 2018) that the majority of respondents received information from officers
health and only a small portion do not have a source of information. Results research
(Setiyawati & Meilani, 2015) shows the availability of information about HIV from health
workers, families and possible health cadres can increase the willingness of pregnant women
to undergo HIV testing. Information that less will create stigma about HIV/AIDS.
Understanding that is not
This comprehensiveness arises because of the dysfunction of the mass media. Mass media
which is a source of information for the community still provides information which is less
clear. The news that emerged was dominated by the dangers of HIV /AIDS rather than efforts
to prevent its spread. There is news this incompleteness causes people to make wrong
interpretations in responding to HIV/AIDS cases. Further impact of media coverage this lack
of comprehensive mass causes society to be affected drastically
mentality to discriminate against HIV/AIDS sufferers. So it's very important the role of the
media as a source of information for the community, especially housewives about HIV/AIDS.
Therefore, health workers need to provide more intense information related to HIV/AIDS
Research Jurnal Kebidanan Indonesia, Vol
13 No 2. Juli 2022 (69 - 76) 70

source Herlin Fitriani Kurniawati

(Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan

references Informasi HIV/AIDS Masa Pra


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