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Tài liệu bổ trợ luyện kĩ năng tiếng Anh 11 - Global Success


Tài liệu bổ trợ luyện kĩ năng nghe tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Unit 7 được biên soạn bám sát trọng
tâm kiến thức của bài học, giúp học sinh củng cố và nâng cao kĩ năng nghe tiếng Anh.

Tài liệu gồm 5 đoạn văn với các dạng bài tập khác nhau:

• Task 1 - Matching vocabulary:

• Task 2 - Listen and write True or False:
• Task 3 - Listen and choose the best option:
• Task 4 - Listen and complete the summary:

Tài liệu bổ trợ luyện kĩ năng nghe tiếng Anh 11 Global Success Unit 7 mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho học
sinh, bao gồm:

• Giúp học sinh củng cố và nâng cao kĩ năng nghe tiếng Anh: Tài liệu cung cấp nhiều dạng bài
tập đa dạng, giúp học sinh rèn luyện các kỹ năng nghe cơ bản như nghe hiểu câu, nghe hiểu
đoạn văn.
• Giúp học sinh chuẩn bị tốt cho các bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh: Tài liệu bám sát trọng tâm kiến thức
của bài học, giúp học sinh ôn luyện kiến thức và làm quen với các dạng bài tập thường gặp
trong các bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh.

Bên cạnh đó, tài liệu còn là nguồn tư liệu tham khảo cho giáo viên trong việc thiết kế các bài nghe
trong các bài kiểm tra thường xuyên giúp giảm bớt áp lực trong việc tìm kiếm nguồn tài nguyên nghe
đang khan hiếm.

Để sử dụng tài liệu hiệu quả, học sinh nên thực hiện theo các bước sau:
• Hoàn thành bài tập matching, học thuộc các từ vựng cần thiết.
• Nghe đoạn văn và hoàn thành bài tập, (Có thể nghe 1 lần từ 2 recording trở lên, nhưng chỉ
chọn 1 task duy nhất ở mỗi recording, hoàn thành các task khác ở lần luyện nghe tiếp theo)
• So sánh đáp án của mình với đáp án trong tài liệu. Nếu có sai sót, hãy nghe lại và đọc Tape
scripts để tìm hiểu nguyên nhân.

Trân trọng cảm ơn,

Biên soạn bởi

Nguyễn Xuân Thiển

The Importance of Exploring Options After High School

Task 1: Matching the vocabulary to its right definition.

Word Definition
1. Crowded A. A meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of
dishes laid out on a table.
2. Delectable B. Applicable to all cases or conditions, not limited to a
particular group.
3. Information Technology C. Education and training that prepares you for a specific job
or trade.
4. Intense D. Extremely pleasing or delightful, often used to describe
something tasty or enjoyable.
5. Trendy E. Fashionable or popular at a particular time; in vogue.
6. Universal F. Full of people or things, closely packed together.
7. Vocational Training G. Having strong feelings, extreme or forceful.
8. Buffet H. The study and application of computer systems and
Task 2: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are True or False
1) ___ Studying IT at university is the best and only option after high school.
2) ___ If everyone chooses IT as their career path, it can become highly competitive.
3) ___ Vocational training is a suitable alternative to university for acquiring specific skills.
4) ___ Choosing the path after high school should be solely based on popularity.
5) ___ The key to a fulfilling journey after high school is exploring options and understanding oneself.

Task 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option.

1) Why is it important to have different options after high school?

A) To cater to individual goals and skills B) To make universities more competitive

C) To follow the popular trend D) To avoid ending up without a job

2) What metaphor does the author use to describe choosing the right path?

A) Picking the perfect outfit B) Tasting different dishes at a buffet

C) Squeezing into a small space D) Scrambling through a crowded door

3) Why can choosing the same popular path be problematic?

A) It results in a lack of diversity in the job market

B) It makes universities struggle to keep up

C) It can lead to intense competition and potential unemployment

D) It limits future career possibilities

4) What does the author compare studying information technology (IT) to?

A) Enjoying a buffet with many choices

B) Studying a complex and rapidly changing field

C) Being part of a crowded and stressful environment

D) Trying to squeeze through one tiny door

5) What advice does the author give regarding choosing a path after high school?

A) Listen to others' opinions and recommendations

B) Follow the path that everyone else is taking

C) Explore options and choose based on personal excitement and interests

D) Select a path based on its popularity

Task 4: Listen to the recording and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

We are living in the tech world, many high school graduates aim for IT university studies, leading to
a (1) …………….. and difficult path. The competition for IT jobs is intense, making studies (2)
…………... However, there are other options like (3) ………………….. training for specific skills.
Students are unique, with their own goals, passions, and (4) …………………... Choosing a path should
be about self-understanding, not popularity. Exploring options, listening to your heart, and choosing an
exciting path, not just following the crowd, is the recipe for a fulfilling (5) …………….. after high
Making the Right Choice After High School
Task 1: Matching the vocabulary to its right definition.
Word Definition
1. Career Goals A. Education and training focused on practical skills for specific
jobs, usually shorter than university.
2. Duration B. The amount of time something lasts or continues.
3. Financial Situation C. The state of one's personal financial affairs.
4. Hands-on Work D. The process of actively doing something rather than just
learning about it.
5. Professional Fields E. Areas of work that require specialized knowledge and training.
6. Qualifications F. Achievements or attributes that make someone suitable for a
particular job or activity.
7. Time Commitment G. The amount of time one needs to dedicate to a particular
activity or undertaking.
8. Vocational Education H. Future plans and objectives related to one's work or ambition.

Task 2: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are True or False

1) ___ Continuing education at a university or college gives students qualifications and skills needed to
work in professional fields.

2) ___ Vocational education provides practical skills needed to work in fields such as healthcare,
education, engineering, and business.

3) ___ The duration of vocational education is typically longer than university education.

4) ___ Vocational education has a higher cost compared to university education.

5) ___ Choosing the right path depends on a student's interests, abilities, financial situation, and career

Task 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option.

1) What are some examples of professional fields that require a university or college education?

A) mechanics, electronics, construction, and service B) cooking, gardening, painting, and writing

C) healthcare, education, engineering, and business D) art, music, literature, and history

2) What are some examples of fields that vocational education prepares students for?

A) art, music, literature, and history

B) healthcare, education, engineering, and business

C) mechanics, electronics, construction, and service

D) cooking, gardening, painting, and writing

3) What factors should be considered when choosing between university and vocational education?

A) hometown, favorite color, favorite food, and favorite movie

B) age, height, weight, and political beliefs

C) favorite hobbies, family background, geographic location, and social status

D) interests, abilities, financial situation, and career goals

4) If you want to gain practical skills right after graduation, what is a good choice for you?

A) self-study B) university education

C) vocational education D) traveling around the world

5) Why is it important to choose the right path for your interests, abilities, and goals?

A) To meet famous people B) To impress your friends and family

C) To have a lot of money D) To be successful and happy in your career

Task 4: Listen to the recording and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

Post-high school, students can pursue university education in fields like healthcare, education, (1)
………………, and business, or opt for vocational education that gives students the (2) ………………
skills needed for jobs in mechanics, electronics, etc. The choice depends on the student’s interests,
abilities, financial situation, and (3) ……………… goals. University education requires a significant (4)
……………… and time commitment, while vocational education is shorter, less expensive, and allows
for earning money (5) ……………… after graduation.
The Role of Education and Career Guidance in Today’s World
Task 1: Matching the vocabulary to its right definition.
Word Definition
1. Affordable A. The quality of being within one's financial means or not too
2. Career Guidance B. Advice and support provided to help individuals make informed
decisions about their careers.
3. Emerging Industries C. Industries that are in the process of rapid growth and
4. Evolve D. To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more
complex form.
5. Formal Education E. Structured education provided by schools, colleges, and
universities, leading to recognized qualifications.
6. Obsolete F. No longer in use or no longer relevant, often due to
technological advancements.
7. Skilled Workers G. Individuals with expertise and proficiency in a particular job or
8. Vocational Education H. Training that focuses on practical skills and knowledge required
for specific jobs or trades.

Task 2: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are True or False

1) ___ Formal education institutions are the only path to a successful career.

2) ___ Vocational programs are more affordable than traditional college degrees.

3) ___ Career counselors can help students explore their interests and abilities.

4) ___ Formal education provides students with practical skills in demand in the workforce.

5) ___ Investing in formal education, vocational training, and career guidance increases students'
chances of finding a successful career.

Task 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option.

1) What is the role of formal education institutions in preparing students for the workforce?

A) Guide students in making informed decisions about their future

B) Provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their chosen careers

C) Provide vocational training to students

D) Explore students' interests and abilities

2) Why is vocational education a great option for students?

A) It helps students explore their interests and abilities

B) It teaches practical skills that are in demand in the workforce

C) It is more affordable than formal education

D) It provides traditional college degrees

3) Who can provide guidance on the best way to achieve career goals?

A) Employers B) Vocational training providers

C) Formal education institutions D) Career counselors

4) Why is it important for students to be prepared for the future?

A) To increase their chances of getting a job B) To explore new and emerging industries

C) To find a successful career D) Because the world of work is constantly changing

5) How can students increase their chances of finding a successful career?

A) By investing in formal education, vocational training, and career guidance

B) By exploring their interests and abilities

C) By choosing a new and emerging industry

D) By getting vocational training only

Task 4: Listen to the recording and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

In today’s world, with the rise of automation and (1) ……………….. intelligence, traditional jobs are
becoming obsolete, creating demand for skills in new industries. It’s important to note that (2)
……………….. education isn’t the only path to success. Vocational education offers practical skills in
demand in the (3) ……………….. , often at a lower cost and time commitment than university. Career
guidance helps students make informed (4) ……………….. about their future. By investing in
education and guidance, students can increase their (5) ……………….. of success in the evolving job
Kickstart Your Cooking Career with For Future Vocational School
Task 1: Matching the vocabulary to its right definition.
Word Definition
1. Apprenticeships A. Hands-on training and work experience provided by working under
skilled professionals.
2. Apron B. A protective garment worn over the front of clothes and tied around
the back, covering the chest and lower part of the body, especially
while cooking.
3. Bistro C. A small, casual restaurant serving moderately priced meals.
4. Booming D. Experiencing rapid growth, success, or prosperity.
5. Craving E. A strong desire or yearning, often for a specific type of food.
6. Culinary F. Related to cooking or the kitchen, especially as an art.
7. Launchpad G. A platform or starting point that provides a foundation for further
development or success.
8. Mouthwatering H. Extremely appetizing or delicious, causing saliva to flow in

Task 2: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are True or False

1) ___ For Future Vocational School offers cooking courses for every taste bud.

2) ___ The cooking classes at For Future Vocational School are taught by experienced chefs.

3) ___ Apprenticeship opportunities through For Future Vocational School include working in real

4) ___ Jessica is currently running her own catering business.

5) ___ For Future Vocational School requires fancy exams and high fees to get started.

Task 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option.

1) What is the objective of For Future Vocational School?

A) To teach people about different cuisines

B) To offer affordable cooking classes

C) To help people pursue their culinary dreams

D) To partner with local restaurants for apprenticeships

2) What qualification is not required to join For Future Vocational School?

A) A passion for cooking B) Previous cooking knowledge

C) Professional culinary experience D) A background in the food industry

3) Who teaches the cooking classes at For Future Vocational School?

A) Experienced chefs B) Local restaurant owners

C) Former students D) Academic professors

4) Which country's cuisine is not mentioned in the text?

A) China B) France

C) Mexico D) Italy

5) What can graduates of For Future Vocational School do?

A) Become celebrity chefs B) Teach cooking classes

C) Work in famous restaurants D) Start their own successful businesses

Task 4: Listen to the recording and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

For Future Vocational School is a place for creating (1) …………………. dishes and achieving culinary
dreams, no matter your (2) …………………. or experience. Our courses, taught by real-life (3)
…………………., cover a range of cuisines. We offer apprenticeships to let students work in real (4)
…………………. and gain hands-on experience. Our graduates, like Jessica and David, are making
their mark in the culinary world, proving that a future with us is full of (5) …………………. and
success. Your culinary journey starts here.
Understanding Your Options and Making Informed Decisions
Task 1: Matching the vocabulary to its right definition.
Word Definition
1. Aspirations A. Strong desires or ambitions towards achieving something.
2. Commencement B. The beginning or start of something, often used in the context of
events or ceremonies.
3. Disciplines C. Branches of knowledge or areas of study, often categorized by
specific subjects.
4. Outweigh D. To be more significant or valuable than something else.
5. Pinnacle E. The highest point or culmination, often used to describe the peak
of achievement or success.
6. Specialization F. The act of focusing on a particular area or field of study or work.
7. Thorough G. Complete and exhaustive; covering all aspects in detail.
8. Undergraduate H. The initial level of higher education, typically leading to a
bachelor's degree.

Task 2: Listen to the recording and decide if the statements are True or False

1) ___ An undergraduate degree is also known as a master's degree.

2) ___ Postgraduate or master's degrees are conferred by universities or colleges.

3) ___ Doctoral degrees can be earned in fields like medicine or law.

4) ___ Sixth-form colleges offer courses that prepare students for higher education.

5) ___ Higher education is not influenced by individual interests, aspirations, or financial circumstances.

Task 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option.

1) What are the three primary levels of higher education?

A) Undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies

B) Primary, secondary, and tertiary education

C) Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees

D) Arts, sciences, and engineering disciplines

2) How long does it typically take to complete an undergraduate degree?

A) Five years B) Two years

C) Three years D) Four years

3) Which level of education allows for specialization in specific fields?

A) Undergraduate degree B) Doctoral degree

C) Secondary education D) Master's degree

4) How long does it take to complete a doctoral degree?

A) One to five years B) Four to eight years

C) Two to six years D) Three to seven years

5) In certain countries, students have the option to attend a ________ after secondary education.

A) Technical school B) Community college

C) Sixth-form college D) Preparatory school

Task 4: Listen to the recording and complete the summary with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

Higher education, covering a broad spectrum of (1) …………………. ranging from arts to engineering,
is categorized into undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral studies. Undergraduate and postgraduate
degrees are also (2) …………………. by universities or colleges. The doctoral degree allows
specialization in fields like (3) …………………. or law. The decision to pursue higher education is
influenced by individual interests, aspirations, and (4) …………………. circumstances. Despite the
challenges such as (5) …………………. costs and time commitment, the benefits often outweigh the
drawbacks. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research and seek advice before making this significant


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