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Political Science Le.1 Power Sharing

1. What does the term ‘power sharing’ mean?
A. Power sharing is a process of distribution of power /subjects among the
organs of the government like executive, legislature and judiciary.
Importance of Power Sharing
1. It ensures stability of political order.
2. It is an intelligent step of the design of democracy.
3. It includes sharing of power at different levels like union and provincial
(state) levels.
2. What is Ethnic composition?
A.1.Ethnic composition signifies a social division based on shared culture.
2. People belonging to the same ethnic group believe in their common
descent because of similarities of physical type or of culture or both.
3. Belgium’s ethnic composition is very complex because it comprises of –the
Dutch speaking, the French speaking, German speaking etc.
4. Sri Lanka’s ethnic composition is also complex because it comprises of –
Sinhalese, Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils.
3. What is the ethnic composition of i. Belgium ii. Sri Lanka
A. i. Ethnic composition of Belgium:-
1. Ethnic composition of Belgium is very complex.
2. Of the country’s total population, 59% live in Flemish region and speak
3.40% of the people live in Wallonia region and speak French.
4. Remaining 1% of Belgians speak German
5. In Brussels the capital city, 80% people speak French while 20% speak
ii. Ethnic composition of Sri Lanka:-
1. Sri Lanka has diverse population.
2. Of the total population 74% are Sinhalese.
3.18% are Tamils who are concentrated mainly in north and east of the country.
4. Among Tamils there are two sub groups of which 13% are Sri Lankan
Tamils and 5% are Indian origin Tamils whose forefathers migrated to
Sri Lanka during colonial rule to work in plantations.
5.7% are Christians who are both Tamil and Sinhala.
6. Remaining 1% belong to other communities.
4. What led to Ethnic tension in Belgium? Why was it more acute in
A.1.The minority French speaking community in Belgium was relatively rich
and powerful.
2. When the majority Dutch community got education and economic
development much later, resented the French speaking community between
1950’s and 1960’s.
3. The conflict between the two communities was more acute in Brussels
because Dutch speaking people were majority in country and minority in the
5. What steps were taken by Belgium government to solve the ethnic
How is the political system in Belgium innovative and different from any
other country?
What steps were taken by the Belgium Government to accomodate the
Ethnic tension?
A.1.The Belgian government amended the constitution four times between
1970 and 1993 and worked out an arrangement that would enable everyone to
live together within the same country.
2. The constitution prescribed that number of Dutch and French speaking
ministers shall be equal in the central government. No single community can
make decisions unilaterally.
3. Many powers of central government have been given to state governments of
the two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to
Central Government.
4. Brussels was given separate government in which both communities have
equal representation. The French speaking people accepted equal representation
in Brussels because the Dutch speaking community accepted equal
representation in the Central Government.
5. Apart from Central and State Government, there is third kind of government,
the “community government” which is elected by people belonging to one
language community – Dutch, French and German speaking no matter
where they live. This government has power regarding cultural,
educational and language related issues.
6. What is Civil war? What are its effects?
A. A violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes so
intense that it appears like a war.
Effects of Civil War:-
1. Thousands of people would be killed.
2. Many families would be forced to leave the country as refugees.
3. Many would lose their livelihood.
4. There would be a terrible set back to social , cultural and economic life of the
7. What is Majoritarianism?
A.A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in
which ever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of minority.
8. Name a country which lost peace due to majoritarianism.
A. Sri Lanka
9. Narrate the measures adopted by the Sri Lankan government to
establish Sinhala supremacy (Majoritarianism).
A.1.In 1956, an Act was passed to recognize Sinhala as the only official
language thus disregarding Tamil.
2. The government favoured Sinhala applicants for university positions and
government jobs.
3. A new constitution stipulated that state shall protect and foster Buddhism.
10. The relations between the Sinhala and the Tamil communities strained
overtime. Why?
A.1.The Sri Lankan government adopted a series of Majoritarian measures like
recognizing Sinhala as the only official language, favouring Sinhala applicants
for university positions and government jobs and fostering Buddhism to
establish Sinhala supremacy.
2. This increased the feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils.
3. They felt that the constitution and government policies denied them equal
political rights, discriminated against them in getting jobs and other
opportunities and ignored their interest.
4. As a result, the relations between Sinhala and Tamil communities strained
over time.
11. What were the demands of Sri Lankan Tamils?
A.1.The Sri Lankan Tamils wanted recognition of Tamil as an official language.
2. Regional autonomy.
3. Equal opportunity in securing jobs and education.
4. Since there demand was repeatedly denied, by 1980’s several political
organizations were formed demanding an independent Tamil Eelam (state) in
northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka.
5. When they tried to raise their demands the government used force to suppress
their demands which led to a long Civil war.
12. What importance lies with Brussels?
A.Though the Belgium model is very complicated it worked well . It helped to
avoid civic strife between two communities and possible division of the country
on linguistic lines. When many countries of Europe came together to form the
European Union Brussels was chosen as its headquarters.
13. How did Belgium and Sri Lanka deal with the question of power
A.1.In Belgium, the leaders realized that the unity of the country is possible
only by respecting feelings and interets of different communities and regions
which resulted in mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power.
2. Sri Lanka shows a contrasting example where a majority community wants to
force its dominance over others and refuses to share power, which in turn
undermine the unity of the country.
14. Why is power sharing desirable?
a. Prudential reason:-
1. Power sharing is good because it reduces possibility of conflict between
social groups.
2. Conflicts between social groups often lead to violence and political
3. Power sharing is a good way to ensure stability of political order.
4. Power sharing is also desirable to ensure unity of nation.
b. Moral reason:-
1. Moral reason is a very deeper reason for power sharing in democracy.
2. Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. A democratic rule involves
sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who have to live with its
3. In democracy, people have a right to be consulted on how they are to be
governed like de-centralization of power.
4. Besides, a legitimate government is one where citizens through participation
acquire a stake in the system.
Concluding point:-
1. Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes,
moral reasons emphasize the very act of power sharing as valuable.
15. Tyranny of the majority isn’t just oppressive for minority; it often
brings ruin to majority as well. Explain.
A. Imposing will of majority community over others may look like an attractive
option in the short run, but in the long run it undermines unity of nation.So
tyranny of the majority isn’t just oppressive for minority. It brings ruin to
majority as well.
Ex: In Sri Lanka when a majority community wanted to force its dominance
over others and refused to share power, it led to a long civil war.
Conflicts between social groups often lead to violence and political instability.
and undermined the unity of the country.
16. All the power of the government must reside in one person or group of
persons located at one place. Why?
A. For a long time it was believed that all power of a government must reside in
one person or group of persons located at one place. It was felt that if the power
to decide is dispersed, it wouldn’t be possible to take quick decisions and to
enforce them.
17. In a democracy political power should be distributed among as many
citizens possible. Explain.
A.1.Idea of power sharing has changed with emergence of democracy.
2. One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all political
3. In a democracy, people rule themselves through institutions of self –
4. Due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in society.
5. Everyone has a voice in shaping of public policies.
6. Therefore, in a democracy political power should be distributed among as
many citizens as possible.
18. What are the different forms of power sharing?
A.1.Horizontal power sharing (or) power sharing among different organs of
Government at same level (or) a system of checks and balances.
2. Vertical power sharing or power sharing among govt. at different levels.
3. Power sharing among different social groups.
4. Power sharing among political parties, pressure groups and movements.
19. Explain difference between horizontal power sharing and vertical
power sharing.
Horizontal Power Sharing Vertical Power Sharing
1. Power is shared among the different 1. Power is shared among government
organs of the government such as the at different levels, such as Central,
legislature, the executive and Provincial or Regional levels
the judiciary.
2. Different organs of government 2. Division of power involves higher
are placed at the same level and and lower levels of government
exercise different powers.
3. Each organ checks the other 3. The lower organs work under the
higher organs
4. It is called system of checks 4. It is called federal division of power
and balances. For example In some countries like India and
although the judges are Belgium the constitution clearly lays
appointed by executive they can down the powers of the government
check the functioning of executive at different levels. Such government is
and laws made by the legislature called federal government
20.Why and How is power shared among different social groups?
A.1.Power is shared among different social groups to give them a fair share in
the government and administration.
2. In some countries there are constitutional and legal arrangements to represent
socially weaker sections and women in legislatures and administration.
3. There are also reserved constituencies in assemblies and parliament of our
country to give a fair share in administration so that they don’t feel alienated
from govt.
4. Ex-Community government in Belgium is a good example of this kind of
21. How is power shared among political parties pressure groups
Explain the power sharing arrangements among pressure groups.
A.1.Political parties, pressure groups and movement control or influence those
in power.
2. In a democracy, citizens have freedom to choose their rulers.
3. So, there is competition among different political parties which ensure that
power doesn’t remain in one hand.
4. Sometimes power is shared among different political parties that represent
different ideology and social groups.
5. Sometimes two or more parties form an alliance to contest election and if
they are elected they form coalition government and share power.
6.The interest groups such as those of traders, businessman, industrialists,
farmers and industrial workers have a share in governmental power either
through participation in governmental committees or influencing the decision
making process.
22.What was the key change made in constitution of Belguim?

A1.One of the key changes made in the constitution of Belgium was to reduce
the power of the central government and to give these powers to the regional

2.The regional government had their own rules and powers which were given to

3.In 1993 the regional government were given constitutional powers and they
were no longer dependent on the central government.

4.Thus, Belgium shifted from a unitary to a federal form of government.

I. power sharing –definition

II. Ethnic problem in Belgium
III. Steps taken to solve ethnic problems in Belgium
IV. Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
V. Steps taken by Sri Lankan government to solve problem
VI. Need for power sharing
 Moral reason
 Prudential reasons
VII. Forms of power sharing

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