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Meeting: 8 Subject: Arts and Ethics in SKS : 2

MID TEST/UTS Language Teaching Code :

Time :60
Day/ Date:

Name : Vesna Elfrida Panjaitan

Reg. Number : 2213121032
Class : English Education B 2021


1. What is Arts in English Language Teaching?

Answer :
Arts in English Language Teaching is the integration of various forms of art, such as visual arts,
literature, drama and music into English language teaching and learning so that it can make language
learning more interesting, meaningful and memorable for students.
For example: Using songs to strengthen vocabulary and pronunciation, involving students in role-
play activities to practice speaking and listening skills, using colorful and illustrated story books or
magazines as learning media.

2. What do you think about “The Joy of Arts in the English Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom?”
Answer :
"The Joy of Arts in the English Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom" is a learning concept that
combines arts into language education to make the learning process more interesting, creative and
enjoyable for students. This concept states that artistic elements such as music, drama, and visual
arts can tend to attract the interest and enthusiasm of learners, making the language learning process
more enjoyable and rewarding. Additionally, drama and role-playing games offer opportunities for
meaningful communication and interaction, allowing students to practice language in realistic
situations. Music and visual arts can also strengthen vocabulary, grammar in a way that is easy to
remember. By integrating the arts into the EFL classroom educators can inspire a lifelong love of
language learning and empower students to be confident and proficient in English.

3. What are the various categories into which the diverse range of arts utilized as learning media in
English classrooms? Develop an English Teaching performance that integrates arts and ethics to
teach English skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Please select a specific skills!
Answer :
In English classes, the various arts used as learning media can be categorized into several categories:
1) Visual Arts: This includes drawings or photos that can be used to improve listening skills
through visual aids.
2) Performing Arts: Drama and other forms of performing arts can engage students in listening
activities, such as listening to dialogue, songs, or speeches.
3) Literary Arts: Poetry, short stories, novels, and other literary works can be read aloud or
listened to as audio recordings to improve listening comprehension.
4) Media Arts: Film, television, and podcasts can provide authentic listening material for
students to practice their listening skills.

Writing skills
Objective: To develop students' narrative text writing skills while fostering empathy and
ethical awareness.

Materials needed:
The selection of short stories or quotes focuses on ethical dilemmas and acts of kindness.
Writing prompts related to ethical decision making and acts of kindness.
Art supplies for visual aids or creative projects (optional).

 Introduction (10 minutes):

Engage students in a brief discussion about the importance of ethics and kindness in
Introduce the concept of narrative writing and its elements (character, setting, plot, theme).
Present the lesson theme: "Ethical Narrative: Writing a good Si Lala Story."
 Reading and Analysis (15 minutes):
Read aloud a short story or quote that highlights an ethical dilemma or act of compassion.
Facilitate discussions about the moral choices the characters make and the consequences of
their actions.
Encourage students to identify storytelling elements (e.g. conflict, resolution) and ethical
 Writing Prompt (20 minutes):
Provide students with written instructions regarding ethical decision making or
compassionate action.
Encourage them to brainstorm ideas, characters, and settings for their narrative.
Emphasize the importance of conveying empathy and moral complexity in their stories.
 Creative Expression (15 minutes):
Optional: Let students express their ideas visually through drawings, collages, or other forms
of art.
Encourage them to create visual representations of their narrative concepts or characters.
 Sharing and Reflection (15 minutes):
Invite volunteers to share their narratives with the class.
Facilitate constructive feedback sessions that focus on storytelling techniques and ethical
Encourage students to reflect on the impact of their narratives and the ethical messages
 Conclusion (5 minutes):
Summarize key points from the lesson and praise students for their creativity and ethical

Encourage continued exploration of ethical storytelling in their writing endeavors. By integrating art and
ethics into the teaching of narrative writing, students not only develop their language skills but also cultivate
empathy, critical thinking, and moral reasoning abilities.

4. When teaching English, how do you utilize the visual arts as one of the strategies to facilitate your
student in speaking English ability? Please, describe the interactive visual arts in your classroom
activities to develop students' English-speaking skills!
Answer :
1) Role Play with Visual Context: Give students pictures or short video clips that illustrate
various scenarios, such as ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions. Assign roles
to students and have them act out the scene, using English dialogue. This helps them practice
real-life communication skills in a simulated environment.
2) Storyboarding: Have students create storyboards or comics based on a certain theme or topic.
They can use visuals to illustrate storylines and dialogue to narrate stories. This activity
encourages creativity, vocabulary expansion, and speaking fluency as students discuss and
present their stories to the class.
3) Building Visual Vocabulary: Introducing new vocabulary through pictures or diagrams. For
example, show pictures of different types of animals and ask students to label them in
English. These visual associations help strengthen vocabulary and pronunciation retention.
By incorporating interactive visual arts into English language teaching, educators can create dynamic
and engaging learning experiences that improve speaking proficiency, creativity, and critical
thinking skills in students.

5. Imagine you are a teacher. Develop a strategy and illustrate your innovative classroom management
plan for integrating the arts to facilitate English skills. Select one of the following skills: reading,
writing, listening, or speaking!
Answer :
Strategy: Reading Through Art
Goal: Improve students' reading comprehension, critical thinking, and creativity through the
integration of visual arts, music, and drama.

1. Reader's Theater Show:

 Choose a short story or excerpt from a novel that is relevant to the curriculum.
 Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different text.
 Have students practice reading their assigned passages with expression and fluency,
emphasizing character voices and emotions.
 Provide costumes and props for students to use during their performances.
 Invite other classes or parents to watch the performance, fostering a sense of audience
involvement and accountability.

2. Music and Poetry Analysis:

 Choose poetry with rich language and imagery.
 Play instrumental music that complements the mood or theme of each poem.
 Ask students to read the poem silently while listening to music, focusing on how the music
enhances their understanding of the text.
 Lead a class discussion about the relationship between poetry and music, encouraging
students to analyze the tone, rhythm, and mood of both.

3. Creative Storytelling Through Art:

 Provide a blank canvas or drawing paper along with writing tools.
 Ask students to independently choose a scene or character from a novel they are reading.
 Have students draw a selected scene or character while also writing a descriptive paragraph
or short story inspired by their work of art.
 Encourage students to share their artwork and written work with their peers, fostering a
collaborative and supportive environment.
Good luck!

Name/ Reg.Number : Vesna Elfrida Panjaitan Score :

Lecturer : Rafika, S.Pd., M.Hum
Class : Dik B 2021 Lecturer
Study Program/ Faculty: English Education/ Language and Art Signature:

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