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weather data using Python to get

umbrella reminder on email”

A Main Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the award of the degree of




Under the guidance of
Assistant Professor

(A Constituent College, O. U)

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….... 3

Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………………………………….... 4

Chapter 2: Project Analysis …………………………………………………………...... 5

2.1 Existing System
2.2 Proposed System

Chapter 3: System Requirements ……………………………………………………….8

4.1 Hardware Requirements
4.2 Software Requirements

Chapter 4: Modules included……………………………………………………………10

Chapter 5: Conclusion …………………………………………………………………..11

This project aims to provide a solution for obtaining real-time weather data using
Python and sending email reminders based on the weather forecast. The system
utilizes web scraping techniques to retrieve weather information from the
OpenWeatherMap API, allowing users to specify their location and receive
customized alerts. By analyzing weather conditions such as rain probability, the
system determines whether an umbrella is necessary and sends email reminders
accordingly. The implementation includes the integration of the requests library for
API communication and the smtplib library for email sending. The project serves as a
practical example of leveraging Python programming to automate weather-related
notifications, demonstrating its potential for personal or organizational use cases.

In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the weather forecast is essential for
planning our daily activities. Whether it's a sunny day perfect for outdoor adventures
or a rainy day calling for indoor plans, having timely access to weather information is

In this project, we will leverage the power of Python to scrape weather data from an
online weather service provider, specifically focusing on OpenWeatherMap API. We
will utilize the requests library to fetch weather information based on the location
provided. Additionally, we will implement an email reminder system to notify users
whether they need an umbrella based on the weather forecast.

The project aims to demonstrate how Python can be used to automate the process of
retrieving weather data and sending personalized reminders via email. By integrating
web scraping techniques with email automation, we create a practical solution to
assist individuals in planning their daily routines effectively.

Throughout this tutorial, we will cover the following key steps:

Obtaining an API key from OpenWeatherMap to access weather data.

Writing Python code to fetch weather information for a specified location.
Analyzing the weather forecast to determine the need for an umbrella.
Implementing an email reminder system using the smtplib library to send
Running the script periodically to receive timely updates and reminders.
By the end of this project, you will have a functional Python script that can scrape
weather data and send umbrella reminders via email, empowering users to make
informed decisions based on the current weather conditions. Let's dive into the
implementation details and build this practical weather reminder application using


2.1 Existing System

To implement a system for scraping weather data using Python to send an

umbrella reminder via email, you would typically follow these steps:

Setup Environment:
Install necessary packages like requests, beautifulsoup4 for web scraping,
and smtplib for sending emails.
Obtain API keys if using a weather service API.

Scraping Weather Data:

Use a weather service API or scrape weather data from a website using
libraries like requests and beautifulsoup4.
Extract relevant weather information such as temperature, precipitation, and
weather conditions.

Check Weather Conditions:

Determine if an umbrella is needed based on the weather conditions.
Define criteria for when to send the reminder (e.g., if precipitation > 0).

Send Email Reminder:

Set up an email server using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
Compose the email message with the reminder.
Send the email to the recipient(s) using libraries like smtplib.

Automate the Process:

Schedule the script to run at specific intervals using tools like cron jobs (on
Unix-like systems) or Task Scheduler (on Windows).
Ensure error handling and logging to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.


Here's a proposed system architecture for scraping weather data using

Python to get an umbrella reminder via email:

Data Source: Weather API

Use a weather API like OpenWeatherMap or Weatherstack to retrieve
current weather data for a specific location.
Obtain an API key to authenticate and access the weather data.

Python Script: Scraping and Email Reminder

Write a Python script to fetch weather data from the API using requests
Parse the JSON response to extract relevant weather information (e.g., rain
Based on the weather conditions, generate an umbrella reminder message.
Use smtplib library to send an email reminder to the user's email address.

User Input: Location and Email Address

Prompt the user to input their location (city, country) for weather data
Request the user's email address to send the umbrella reminder.

Authentication and Security

Securely store the API key and user's email credentials (if necessary) using
environment variables or a configuration file.
Implement secure email transmission using TLS/SSL for SMTP.

Scheduled Execution
Implement a scheduler (e.g., cron job on Unix-like systems, Task Scheduler
on Windows) to run the Python script at specified intervals (e.g., daily,
Alternatively, deploy the script on a serverless platform like AWS Lambda
with scheduled triggers.

Error Handling and Logging

Implement error handling to gracefully handle exceptions (e.g., network
errors, API rate limits).
Log relevant information (e.g., weather data retrieval status, email sending
status) for troubleshooting and monitoring.

User Notification
Notify the user if the email reminder was successfully sent or if any errors
occurred during execution.

Feedback and Updates

Provide an option for users to provide feedback or report issues with the
umbrella reminder system.
Regularly update the system to accommodate changes in weather APIs or
address any issues reported by users.

Documentation and Support

Provide clear documentation on how to use the system, including setup
instructions and troubleshooting tips.
Offer support channels (e.g., email, forum) for users to seek assistance or
ask questions about the system.

By following this system architecture, you can create a reliable and efficient
system for scraping weather data using Python and sending umbrella
reminders via email.


4.1 Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for scraping weather data using Python to send
an umbrella reminder via email are quite minimal, as the tasks involved are
not computationally intensive. Here are the basic hardware requirements:

Computer or Server: Any computer or server capable of running Python

scripts will suffice. This can be a desktop computer, laptop, Raspberry Pi,
virtual machine, or cloud server.

Processor: A basic processor, such as an Intel Core i3 or equivalent, is

sufficient for running Python scripts. The scraping and email sending tasks
do not require high computational power.

Memory (RAM): A minimum of 2 GB of RAM is recommended. This

should be more than enough to run the Python script and handle the data
processing involved in scraping weather data and sending emails.

Storage: Minimal storage space is required for storing the Python script
and any dependencies. Since Python scripts are lightweight, a few
megabytes of disk space should be sufficient.

Internet Connection: An active internet connection is necessary for

accessing the OpenWeatherMap API and sending emails via SMTP.

4.2 Software Requirements

To scrape weather data using Python and send an umbrella reminder via
email, you'll need the following software requirements:

Python: Python is a programming language commonly used for web

scraping and automation tasks. You can download Python from the
official website:

Requests Library: The Requests library is used to send HTTP requests
easily. It is commonly used for fetching data from APIs and websites.
You can install it using pip:

SMTP Library: The SMTP library is part of Python's standard library

and is used to send emails. It allows you to connect to an SMTP server
and send email messages. No additional installation is required.

OpenWeatherMap API Key: You'll need an API key from

OpenWeatherMap to access their weather data. You can sign up for a
free account and obtain an API key from their website:
OpenWeatherMap API.

Gmail Account: You'll need a Gmail account to send emails. If you're

using Gmail, you may also need to enable "Less secure app access" in
your Gmail settings. Alternatively, you can use an SMTP server
provided by your email service provider.


requests: This module is used to send HTTP requests to the

OpenWeatherMap API and receive the weather data in JSON format.

smtplib: This module is used to create an SMTP client session object that
can be used to send email messages to any Internet machine with an SMTP
listener daemon.

email.mime.text: This module provides an easy way to create a MIME

object representing a text/plain email message.

email.mime.multipart: This module provides an easy way to create a

MIME object representing a multipart message, which can contain
multiple parts, such as text and attachments.

These modules are essential for retrieving weather data from the
OpenWeatherMap API, checking if an umbrella is needed based on the
weather forecast, and sending an email reminder if necessary.
Additionally, the script utilizes built-in Python modules such as json for
handling JSON data and os for accessing environment variables or
configuration files securely (if applicable).


In conclusion, we have created a Python script that utilizes web scraping

techniques to retrieve weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API based
on a specified city and country code. The script then checks if the weather
forecast indicates rain, and if so, sends an email reminder to bring an
umbrella using the smtplib library.

This project demonstrates how to:

Utilize the requests library to perform web scraping and fetch data from a
remote API.
Extract relevant weather information from the API response.
Implement basic email functionality using the smtplib library to send
Handle sensitive information such as API keys and email credentials
By running this script periodically, users can receive timely reminders to
prepare for rainy weather conditions, enhancing their convenience and
preparedness. Additionally, this project serves as a practical example of
integrating web scraping, API consumption, and email functionality in a
real-world scenario.


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