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The passive voice

a) Active: They completed the project yesterday. Passive:

b) Active: The company will launch a new product next month. Passive:
c) Active: The police caught the thief last night. Passive:
d) Active: She has written a beautiful song. Passive:
e) Active: The mechanic fixed my car. Passive:
f) Active: You need to fill out the form. Passive:
g) Active: Please sign the document. Passive:
h) Active: They should finish the report by Friday. Passive:
i) Active: We have to submit the application before the deadline. Passive:
j) Active: You must return the book to the library. Passive:

2. Active or passive?

a) The cake was baked by my sister. Voice:

b) The dog chased the cat. Voice:
c) The book will be published next year. Voice:
d) They are cleaning the house. Voice:
e) The letter was sent by him. Voice:

3. Indirect speech

a) Direct: "I will visit my grandparents next week," he said. Indirect:

b) Direct: "We are going to watch a movie tonight," they said. Indirect:
c) Direct: "I have already finished my homework," she said. Indirect:
d) Direct: "I can swim across the river," he said. Indirect:
e) Direct: "I won the competition," she said. Indirect:
f) Direct: The teacher said, "Do your homework." Indirect:
g) Direct: "Please clean your room," she told her son. Indirect:
h) Direct: He said, "Take care of yourself." Indirect:
i) Direct: "Be quiet during the movie," the usher said. Indirect:
j) Direct: "Don't touch that," she warned me. Indirect:

4. Direct or indirect?

a) He said, "I am studying for the exam." Speech type:

b) She told me that she had finished her project. Speech type:
c) "I will call you tomorrow," he promised. Speech type:
d) They said, "We have been working on this project for months." Speech type:
e) "I cannot attend the meeting," she explained. Speech type:

5. Write these verbs in the past and participle forms (2nd and 3rd columns):

a) Be
b) Have
c) Do
d) Go
e) Say
f) Make
g) Take
h) See
i) Come
j) Know
k) Eat
l) Give
m) Get
a) Think
b) Feel
c) Sleep
d) Run
e) Write
f) Speak

6. Writing

Exercise 1: Sentence Expansion

Start with a simple sentence and expand it by adding descriptive details, additional clauses, or
relevant information.

Example: Original Sentence: The cat sat on the mat. Expanded Sentence: The fluffy black cat sat
lazily on the soft, woven mat in the corner of the room, basking in the warm afternoon sunlight.

a) The children played in the park.
b) She cooked dinner.
c) The car drove down the street.
d) He read a book.
e) They went to the beach.

Exercise 2: Descriptive Writing

Choose a picture or a specific scene and write a descriptive paragraph to paint a vivid picture
for the reader, using sensory details, figurative language, and expressive vocabulary.

a) Describe a beautiful sunset at the beach.
b) Describe a bustling city street during rush hour.
c) Describe a peaceful mountain landscape.
d) Describe a delicious meal you recently had.
e) Describe the atmosphere at a lively concert.

Useful vocabulary

Beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, magnificent, picturesque
Busy, bustling, crowded, lively, vibrant
Peaceful, serene, tranquil, calm, quiet
Delicious, mouthwatering, savory, flavorful
Lively, energetic, electrifying, dynamic

Explore, discover, wander, roam, investigate
Engage, immerse, captivate, fascinate, enchant
Evolve, transform, develop, progress, change
Overcome, endure, conquer, persevere, triumph
Encounter, experience, witness, undergo, face

Sunset, horizon, shoreline, waves, sand
Street, intersection, traffic, pedestrians, vehicles
Mountain, peak, summit, valley, wilderness
Meal, dish, cuisine, flavors, ingredients
Concert, stage, audience, music, performance

Gently, softly, peacefully, gracefully, calmly
Frantically, hurriedly, swiftly, frenetically, rapidly
Majestically, grandly, impressively, dramatically, magnificently
Intensely, passionately, fervently, deeply, strongly
Deliberately, thoughtfully, attentively, carefully, meticulously

Transitions and Connectors:

Firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore, in addition
However, nevertheless, on the other hand, nonetheless
Consequently, as a result, therefore, thus
For instance, for example, specifically, notably
In conclusion, overall, in summary, to sum up

Expressions of opinion:
In my opinion, I believe, I think, from my perspective
It is evident that, it is clear that, it seems to me
Arguably, it can be argued that, one could say
Personally, I am of the view that, in my experience
It is worth noting, it is important to mention, it should be emphasized

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