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Only One Man In 31 Is Hep To Her Sex Signals

Dr. Timothy Perper is one of the most respected researchers in male/female courting behavior.

His laboratory?
A singles bar.

His subjects?
Unsuspecting men and women who were there for the purpose of meeting each other.

With the resolve of a mad scientist examining horny hamsters, Dr. Perper spent 9,000 grueling
hours sitting on a bar stool and feverishly taking notes on cocktail napkins while watching
women and couples. Those beer-soaked scribbles became the research for getting his
doctorate. Subsequently, Dr. Perper's work has become one of the most esteemed bodies of
research on male/female interaction that the world has to date.

His conclusion:

Women have vested nearly all their actions with symbolic meaning. Physical distance, topic of
conversation, degree and intensity of eye contact, and choice of locale have all been assigned
an exquisitely developed and coordinated set of proceptive and rejective meanings. Women
employ their total environment symbolically: everything and every act in it consciously
expresses how they feel about the man.

Translation: "Women are constantly giving off undercover sex signals."

Dr. Perper continues,

We cannot conclude, however, that women actually succeed in communicating with men
through these symbolic meanings. In part that depends on what he thinks the woman's behavior
means. Profound chasms of misunderstanding can exist between men and women concerning
these meanings ... The skilled objective observer, therefore, has little trouble understanding the
woman's intentions, even if her male partner can't.

Translation: "But guys just don't get it."

"Yo," you're probably thinking, "you mean there is rock-solid proof that babes are giving
me the come-on and I'm as blind as a potato?" You called it. That's precisely what I mean. If
you have the powers of observation of the average guy, you don't know a "C'mon" from "Get

Dr. Perper further proved this point by surveying his subjects as they left the bar, either singly or
together. One of the questions buried in his survey was "Do you think the woman you were
talking with (or are leaving with now) likes you?" Practically all of the men responded with a
less than erudite, but very truthful, form of "Uh, gee, I dunno." 30 out of every 31 men had
missed the signals the woman was emitting.

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