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Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 10 11 12

KHÓA HỌC 2022 - 2023

Họ và tên: ________________________________ - Lớp: ____________
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to the following questions.
Japanese Girls' Day-also known as the Doll's Festival-is celebrated on March 3 to pray for the
health and happiness of young girls in Japan. Hinamatsuri, the name of the celebration in Japan, is
marked by families displaying a set of hina dolls in the house and serving special delicacies that
are ceremonially beautiful and delicious.
Traditionally, parents or grandparents of a newborn girl buy a set of hina dolls for the baby,
unless they have special dolls that are inherited from generation to generation. From the end of
February to March 3, hina dolls dressed in Japanese ancient costumes are displayed on tiered
platforms that are covered with a red carpet. The costumed dolls represent the imperial court of
the Heian period (A.D. 794 to 1185] and feature the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians
dressed in traditional garb.
The dolls are displayed hierarchically with the emperor and empress at the top, which are set
in front of a gilded screen representing the throne. The number of dolls and their size vary from
home to home, but five to seven platforms are common.
It is customary to put the dolls away as soon as the festival is over-there is a superstition that
if the dolls are left out, a family will have trouble marrying off their daughters. After the festival,
some people release paper dolls into the rivers praying that this will send away sickness and bad
(Adapted from https:/
Question 1: Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?
A. Different types of dolls for baby. B. Japanese Girls' Day.
C. The way to display the dolls. D. Procedure of Hinamatsuri.
Question 2: What will be done with the dolls after the festival?
A. being displayed in the girls' room B. being sold
B. being thrown away D. being stored
Question 3: What does the word "this" in the last paragraph refer to?
A. putting paper dolls into the rivers.
B. putting the dolls away as soon as possible.
C. marrying off their daughters.
D. leaving out the hina dolls.
Question 4: According to the passage, the following are true about Japanese Girls' Day, EXCEPT
A. It is organized on March 3 to pray for health and happiness of Japanese girls.
B. Before the festival, hina dolls in ancient costumes are covered with a red carpet.
C. The hina dolls are categorized according to their hierarchy in the imperial court.
D. Some sets of hina dolls are preserved to pass down the younger generation.
Question 5: The word "delicacies" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. beverages B. traditional cakes C. rare flowers D. expensive foods
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 6: The university has just implemented a policy that prohibits smoking on campus.
A. forbids B. permits C. refuses D. accepts
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 10 11 12
Question 7: Jane was the centre of attention when she wore an elegant dress at the party.
A. difficult B. unattractive C. tiring D. stylish
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differ from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 8: A. cite B. cast C. cup D. cold
Question 9: A. bite B. hide C. fill D. sign
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on sour answer steer to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 10: They couldn't afford a meal at a restaurant. They were very poor.
A. Unless they were very poor, she could afford a meal at a restaurant.
B. If it hadn't been for their poverty, they could afford a meal at a restaurant.
C. If they had been poor, they couldn't have afforded a meal at a restaurant.
D. But for their poverty, they could have afforded a meal at a restaurant.
Question 11: He will develop serious diseases if he continues living a sedentary lifestyle. He isn't
aware of that much.
A. Not until he stopped living a sedentary lifestyle did he understand how he developed
serious diseases.
B. So serious are his diseases that he isn't aware of the danger of living a sedentary
C. So little does he realise that he will develop serious diseases if he continues living a
sedentary lifestyle.
D. No matter how much he is aware of, he will develop serious diseases if he continues
living a sedentary lifestyle.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Question 12: I thought that my favourite volleyball team would make it to the final, and it turned
out that was a(n) ________ guess.
A. influenced B. motivated C. inspired D. aroused
Question 13: She can pronounce English words _______ than she could last term.
A. most correctly B. more correctly
C. the most correctly D. correctly
Question 14: She expressed her gratitude to everyone ______ behalf of the president,
A. at B. with C. in D. on
Question 15: The new policy will be helpful for people ______ calls from unverified mobile phone
A. receive B. received C. receiving D. to receive
Question 16: I find that _____ Japanese are very friendly.
A. the B. an C. Ø (no article) D. a
Question 17: A member of a political _______ is expected to deliver a speech at the national park
this evening.
A. party B. band C. crew D. staff
Question 18: During the first 10 minutes of the presentation, her lack of confidence ______ out a
A. kept B. lay C. stuck D. met
Question 19: Tony forgot ______ his name on the exam paper.
A. write B. written C. writing D. to write
Question 20: Laura decided to _______ the job offer as she didn't want to move to a new city.
A. take over B. make for C. go after D. turn down
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 10 11 12
Question 21: My cousin and I _________ on the computer when there was a power cut.
A. am playing B. were playing C. played D. had played
Question 22: They will give a performance ___________.
A. before their school organised the prom B. when their school organised the prom
C. once their school organises the prom D. after their school had organised the prom
Question 23: Do you think that teachers _______ by robots in the future?
A. were replaced B. will be replaced C. replace D. have replaced
Question 24: He has the habit of ________ notes in English lessons.
A. doing B. taking C. holding D. staying
Question 25: Because of working hard, Jimmy finally achieved _______.
A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed
Question 26: Hana rarely goes to the theatre, ________?
A. didn't she B. doesn't she C. does she D. has she
Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to the following questions.
There has always been a problem with teachers being from a different generation to their
pupils. particularly older educators. But the dominance of digital technology has spread that
generation gap even wider, as young people become conversant with mobile digital devices,
games and social media line didn't exist when their teachers were growing up. Teachers now face
pupils using devices and online systems that they don't use themselves, and don't really
understand either. The generation gap is more prevalent than ever, but teachers can bridge that
gap if they receive the right guidance with appropriate technology.
Some schools and teachers have particular trouble grasping the role of social media and
mobile devices in teenage life. They consider Facebook a threat and war parents against it at
parent-leacher evenings. without realizing that preventing teenagers from using social media like
this. or messaging apps such as Snapchat and Instagram, is nearly impossible. Online social media
and network gaming are now such an integral part of teenage behavior that any attempt to prize
the mobile devices out of the hands of young people is likely to widen the generation gap rather
than narrow it.
The generation gap in education isn't just between pupils and teachers - it exists within the
staffroom, too. A teaching career can span more than 40 years, and those towards the end of their
working life will not have grown up with digital technology, whereas teaching staff in their 20s and
30s could well be "digital natives".
Keeping up with the latest online trend is like a dog chasing its tail; every time you think
you’ve caught up, kids move on. However, it's not beneficial to get fixated on how young people
are using social networks that are, in the case of Snapchat, hard for the older generation to
understand. The key factor to consider is that today's school students now take for granted that a
lot of their communication with their peers will be online, and predominantly using smartphones
and other mobile devices. Young people expect their educational experience to be similarly
interactive, and partially delivered via these kinds of devices.
(Adapted from
Question 27: Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. What Causes Difficulties for Teachers Nowadays?
B. The Technology Problems of Older Teachers
C. How to Bridge the Generation Gap Between Teachers and Students
D. The Generation Gap in Education
Question 28: The word "they" in paragraph 1 refers to ____.
A. online systems B. pupils C. teachers D. devices
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 10 11 12
Question 29: The word "bridge" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. build B. connect C. form D. reduce
Question 30: According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Social media and network gaming become an important part of the behavior of teenagers.
B. It's unlikely to stop students from using social media.
C. Separating teenagers from the mobile devices can help to narrow the generation gap.
D. Some teachers and schools don't want their children to use social networks.
Question 31: The generation gap exists even in the staffroom mostly because _____.
A. the older teachers are less unaffected by the development of technology than the younger.
B. many young teachers prefer using digital devices to operating others.
C. the older teachers are not as familiar with digital technology as the younger.
D. the teaching career span is too long to adapt new technology.
Question 32: The phrase "a dog chasing its tail" in the last paragraph most probably means ___.
A. keeping on doing something futile B. moving around a circle
C. doing harm to yourself D. getting tired of your behavior
Question 33: According to the last paragraph, what is the main factor to consider in the
generation between teachers and students?
A. It's hard for the older generation to understand the social networks used by the young.
B. Students get accustomed to communicating with their friends online by smartphones
and devices.
C. Students are competing with the latest online trend with their peers.
D. Teachers should use these social networks to provide education.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 34: I'm sure that he didn’t commit the crime as he was with me at that time.
A. He should have committed the crime as he was with me at that time.
B. He can't have committed the crime as he was with me at that time.
C. He must have committed the crime as he was with me at that time.
D. He needn't have committed the crime as he was with me at that time.
Question 35: "What are you going to do tomorrow?" He asked his girlfriend.
A. He asked his girlfriend what was she going to do the next day.
B. He asked his girlfriend what she is going to do the next day.
C. He asked his girlfriend what she was going to do the next day.
D. He asked his girlfriend what is she going to do the next day.
Question 36: She began to work for this charitable organisation 5 years ago.
A. She didn't work for this charitable organisation 5 years ago.
B. She last worked for this charitable organisation 5 years ago.
C. She hasn't worked for this charitable organisation for 5 years.
D. She has worked for this charitable organisation for 5 years.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose
the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks from 37 to 41.
Each family forms its own set of values and decides what is most important to them.
Discipline also varies among families. Families have different ways of dealing with different issues.
In some families, from the children, while other one or both parents make all the decisions with no
(37) _______ families may encourage input from all family members before decisions are made.
Perhaps you know of a family (38) _______ there is equal decision making among family members.
There is no one family style for everyone. A family's style develops based on each family's
individual your family may be laid-back, while another situation and the values they care about.
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 10 11 12
(39) ________ family is very active and hurried. Many different ways of living together can work.
What makes a family strong is not just (40) __________ of people in it, whether its members are
related, or their pace of life; people caring for one another and sharing their lives is what really
Many families also share faiths such as religious activities with one another. As a Scout, part
of your duty is to do your best to make your family strong and help your family thrive. By doing
this, you are helping to lay the (41) _________ for a stronger community and society.
Question 37: A. import B. input C. export D. output
Question 38: A. which B. where C. that D. when
Question 39: A. Such as B. For instance C. In other words D. Furthermore
Question 40: A. amount B. most C. a number D. the number
Question 41: A. ground B. background C. base D. groundwork
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 42: If the essay were written in a simpler way, they would be rated as good.
A. were B. simpler C. they D. as
Question 43: Air pollution became very serious in recent years due to human activity.
A. became B. serious C. due to D. activity
Question 44: The president did not sound unduly concerned that the new policy would be
disadvantaged to the future development of the company.
A. unduly B. policy C. disadvantaged D. future development
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 45: A. popular B. horrible C. positive D. successful
Question 46: A. challenge B. parent C. research D. nature
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 47: The manager brought workers to task for not wearing face masks in workplaces to
reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
A. blamed workers B. praised workers
C. criticized workers D. asked workers
Question 48: After the recent scandals, many stars are expected to do the decent things to set
good examples for teenagers.
A. reasonable B. satisfactory C. good D. unacceptable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
the following exchanges.
Question 49: Jack and John are talking to each other at the cafeteria.
- Jack: “How did you get here?”
- John: “______”
A. Is it far from here? B. I came here by taxi.
C. I came here last night. D. The train is so crowded.
Question 50: Two students are planning for their weekend.
- Ted: “How about going camping in Cuc Phuong National Park?”
- Kate: “______”
A. Not at all. B. You can make it.
C. That would be great. D. Oh, that’s a problem.

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