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Discussion about your Presentation of your interview

Marianne Arini
Upload your Presentation of your interview and 2. Watch two other presentations

1. Congratulations on completing your interview and presentation of your interview where you
talk about what you have learned from your interview. Upload your presentation here so your
peers can watch your presentation, comment, and ask questions. Your upload should be posted
by Wednesday at midnight. Monitor your post to answer peer questions

2. Watch two of your peers' presentations. 1. Tell each peer what you enjoyed about the
presentation (35 points) 2. Tell each peer what you learned from each presentation (35 points)
3. Ask your peer at least one question per presentation More than one question is welcome. The
responses should not be less than two paragraphs. The more detailed you are in your responses,
the better.(30 points)

3. EXTRA CREDIT-- For each presentation you watch over the required two, you will earn an
extra 50 points. You must response to all the criteria above to get the extra credit.

1st Person: Mariah Arguello


Here is me talking about the presentation and the podcast link since it wasn't loading.
Also sorry if there are random cuts, I was trying to cut off most of the filler words. :)

1. Tell each peer what you enjoyed about the presentation (35 points) 2. Tell
each peer what you learned from each presentation (35 points) 3. Ask your
peer at least one question per presentation More than one question is
welcome. The responses should not be less than two paragraphs. The more
detailed you are in your responses, the better. (30 points)
Firstly, I seemed to enjoy putting a face to a name and how clear Mariah's voice seemed
throughout the whole presentation. The images throughout the presentation also help me
visualize what and who you're talking about. I learned about what and who the topic is
about, which Mariah had mentioned was about her significant other, Devan who had
grown up in a toxic household. Mariah then starts mentioning the overall summary of the
interview, speaking about introductions, childhood stories, daily routines, talks about
abuse and it being normalized, etc. I also got to learn some extra information, that I
previously didn't get to know during the interview, and Mariah started to talk about what
Devan's mom and father did, living arrangements, and just who was simply in the home.
The last thing I'd like to mention that I learned was just how much perseverance Devan
has because it's hard growing up in a toxic environment. Unfortunately, some kids
normalize bad family dynamics, as it's all they know. Some of the follow-up questions I
have though, is if you don't mind me asking, what did Devan's biological father get
arrested for? As you mentioned he went to jail and eventually, the stepfather came into
the picture. Was there ever a time that other family members got involved for the greater
good as they knew about the toxic household? or even legal authority?

2nd Person: Kaliseia Haas

An interview about Sexual Assault and much more.


Tell each peer what you enjoyed about the presentation (35 points) 2. Tell each peer
what you learned from each presentation (35 points) 3. Ask your peer at least one
question per presentation More than one question is welcome. The responses should
not be less than two paragraphs. The more detailed you are in your responses, the
better. (30 points)

I had mentioned this with another student, but it was nice putting a face to a name. I also
admire Kaiseia for speaking up about a topic that can be difficult to address. I also got to
learn about who Rilee Hillman was and her background, as she has previous experience
and her current experience is social working for a medical center specializing in
interpersonal violence. At first, it seemed like her job description was very specific,
although the interviewer mentioned that she specializes in more than I thought. The
presenter also mentioned what the interview was about and I got to further learn about
the topics of the interview, such as what a sexual advocate does and the trauma/long-
term effects of sexual harassment. I learned that it's okay to stand up for yourself,
especially for people who might've suffered similarly to the topic in the presentation.
The presenter speaks about how you can take more precautions and come forward with
your stories. Kaliseia also talked about what she learned, which I wholeheartedly agree
with as well. I also learned the importance of consent, the importance of reporting
assaults and just speaking up for yourself in general, and how a victim's brain may be
after traumatic experiences. One of the questions I seem to wonder about is what
makes you passionate about this particular issue? Also, what are your goals for the
future (Do you plan on working a similar job as your friend does)? and what inspired
your friend to do the job that she does?
I again, appreciate you speaking up about this topic and helping me learn more about it.
It was nice watching your presentation. :)

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