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Battlemage Human

24 Cobolt Blue Oak Brown 5ft 11in 160lbs

Bartholomew Zieghart Gloved right hand covering a slave brand 0

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2 ● ◆

Witch-sight - You are gifted with the ability to ‘see’ the magical energy that
Spell-casting (Amber) - Dominant in Ghur, permeates the realms. For some, this manifests as coloured waves or motes of
Amber magic is wild and untamed. Its lore light in the air. Others perceive the thaumaturgical energies of the realms as
distinct frequencies or musical notes, or as a scent in the air, or a touch on the
concerns the hunter and the hunted, the beast skin. Most wizards and spellcasters have some minor form of Witch-Sight, but
you have trained yourself to discern the patterns and motes of magical energy
and its prey, and the feral aggression of nature. around you. At the GM’s discretion you can use this ability to track and follow
the flow of magic, though the realms are so pervasive with magical energy this
can prove quite difficult. In fact, Witch-Sight can also be almost blinding in areas
Unbreakable Spells - Your spells are not so rich with magic, such as the edge of a realm or when staring directly at a piece
of realmstone. Despite this, this ability can prove highly effective in mapping
easily broken. You weave the Lores of Magic magical ley-lines or tracking down powerful spells and artefacts. Spell Hunters
have even been known to enlist people gifted with Witch-Sight when hunting an
into a tightly bound chain of indecipherable Endless Spell.
eldritch power. If a creature attempts to unbind
Acute Senses -One of your senses is highly developed, allowing you to spot
or disrupt your spells, the Complexity of the what others might miss. Choose one from sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
When making an Awareness Test using that sense, the dice gained from
Test increases by 1 per level of Focus you Training is doubled. Additionally, the GM may allow you to make Awareness
have in Channeling. Tests that others can not, such as to smell poison in food or to see things
beyond other’s sight.

8 1 1

2 7 7 ●

Rifle 6 1 2+S Loud, Piercing, Range (Long), Two-handed ●
Pistol 6 1 1+S Close, Loud, Piercing, Range (Medium) ●
Pistol 6 1 1+S Close, Loud, Piercing, Range (Medium)
Adaptable - You gain one
additional Talent.

An arcane focus, a grimoire, a
Long Blue Overcoat Long padded blue overcoat, x10
Medium small steel slabs, ink and quill,
chalk, a number of small pouches
Black Glove
with various oddities.
Black Leather

5 8 1

Move Object 6:1 Medium Object

Long 1 Minute You use your arcane might to move an object roughly your size. Choose a Medium or smaller object you can see within Long Range. You can lift, mo

Farsight 4:1 Me Self 1 Minute Your eyes become as sharp as a hawk’s. You can see further and with greater accuracy than normal. This allows you to see things others can not, li

Nocturnal 6:1 1 Short 1 Day You become a creature of the night, able to navigate dark places without need for rest. Choose a creature within Short Range, including yourself. Th

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