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Character Creation

SPACER 3 Roll 1d8 to determine your PC’s starting and

maximum Hit Points. A PC’s healing rate is

SPACER is a minimalist set of role-playing game

1 PCs have six abilities: Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma. Each ability has two related values: a
1d8 plus their Constitution bonus. Note that a PC’s
Constitution bonus is not added to their hit point
rolls. Referees who don’t want starting PCs to be
rules for running old school science-fiction adven- value and a bonus. quite as fragile might want to allow starting HP to
tures, inspired by and compatible with KNAVE cre- be rerolled if it is below 5 or can start everybody
ated by Ben Milton. Tweaking the rules and To create a PC, roll 3d6 for each of their abilities, with maximum HP (8).
creating your own exciting science-fiction universe in order. The lowest of the three dice on each
is expected and encouraged. Like KNAVE, roll is that ability’s bonus. Add 10 to find its Their exploration speed is 120ft per exploration
SPACER features: value. turn, and their combat speed is 40ft per round.

• Compatibility with most OSR-style games.

Weapons, armour and especially creatures &
traps can be used with few, if any, changes.
After you’ve finished rolling, you may optionally
swap the scores of two abilities. 4 Invent or roll the rest of your PC’s traits, such
as their species, abilities, talents, clothing,
virtue, vice, cybernetics, background, and align-
Example: You roll a 2, 2, and 6 for Strength. The ment, using the random tables below. Choose a
• Fast to teach, easy to run. Especially suited to lowest die is a 2, so your PC’s Strength has a gender and a name for your PC.
games with new players or one-shots where fast bonus of +2 and a value of 12, written 12/+2.
character creation and few rules are a bonus. All this makes it sound as though your PC is Hu-
The rolling mechanic will make most abilities start man, and that’s the default, but they don’t need to
• No classes. Every PC is a Spacer, a galaxy- at 11/+1. The bonus and value of three abilities will be. If the Referee allows alien species as Player
hopping adventurer at home in space as much rise by 1 point each time the PC gains a level, up Characters then just say that your PC is an alien
as planet-side with a bag full of tech to help to a maximum of 20/+10 by level 10. This puts ev- and work out with the Referee if they have any
them. A PC’s role in the party is determined erything on an intuitive ten point scale, and is in- special abilities that affect gameplay. For the most
largely by the equipment they carry and their at- tended to mirror the way that attack bonuses, hit part though, this will make no difference to the
titude. dice, and saving throws in most OSR games in- PC’s Abilities and the way they’re rolled.
crease by about one point per level.
• No skills, all d20 rolls use six standard abilities. Example: You want to play an insectoid alien,
Any PC’s without the skills to survive in space
are already dead. 2 Roll on the Starting Gear tables to determine
armour and equipment. PCs also start with
one melee and one ranged weapon of their
something like a man-sized ant. The species has
no characteristics that will alter it’s abilities, but the
Referee agrees that it’s hard exoskeleton will pro-
• Optional player-facing rolls. Spacer allows Ref- choice. vide 11/+1 Armour in combat. The down-side is
erees to run a game where players do all the that it’s pincers and mandibles are not good for
rolling. Switching between the traditional shared- PCs have a number of item slots equal to their fiddly jobs, so the Referee rules that you will roll all
rolling model and player-only rolling can be done Constitution value, and items they carry must fit Dexterity Saves for detailed manipulation at Dis-
on the fly. into available slots. Most items take up one slot, advantage.
but some take up more. Some small items can be
• Credit Standard. Everything costs credits, every- bundled together into a single slot. Ask the Ref-
one gets paid credits. One credit is the same as eree if you are unsure.
one copper piece in Knave.
Armour comes with an armour value. Note that
• Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International value on your character sheet with its correspond-
License: You are free to share and adapt this ing Armour bonus (always 10 less than the value).
material for any purpose, including commer- If the PC is not wearing any armour, their armour
cially, as long as you give attribution. value is 10 and their armour bonus is 0.
Traits 1. Ambitious 6. Disciplined 11. Honourable 16. Merciful
Starting Gear
2. Cautious 7. Focused 12. Humble 17. Righteous
Use the following tables for ideas to flesh out and 3. Courageous 8. Generous 13. Idealistic 18. Serene
You start with one melee and one ranged weapon
colour your character. The specific interpretation of 4. Courteous 9. Gregarious 14. Just 19. Stoic
of your choice. The Referee will let you know what
each trait is up to you and the Referee. 5. Curious 10. Honest 15. Loyal 20. Tolerant other tables to roll on.

Species VICE Armour

1. Human 6. Insectoid 11. Canine 16. Cetacean 1. Aggressive 6. Deceitful 11. Lazy 16. Suspicious 1. None 6. Light, 12- 11. Medium, 14- 16. Heavy, 16-
2. Human 7. Icthyoid 12. Feline 17. Energy 2. Arrogant 7. Flippant 12. Nervous 17. Vain 2. None 7. Light, 12- 12. Medium, 14- 17. Heavy, 16-
3. Human 8. Saurian 13. Amorphous 18. Amphibious 3. Bitter 8. Gluttonous 13. Prejudiced 18. Vengeful 3. None 8. Light, 12- 13. Medium, 14- 18. Heavy, 16-
4. Human 9. Ursine 14. Symbiont 19. Humanoid 4. Cowardly 9. Greedy 14. Reckless 19. Wasteful 4. None 9. Light, 12- 14. Medium, 14- 19. Heavy, 16-
5. Transhuman 10. Vulpine 15. Quadruped 20. Humanoid 5. Cruel 10. Irascible 15. Rude 20. Whiny 5. None 10. Light, 12- 15. Medium, 14- 20. Special

Species Abilities Cybernetics Weapons

1. Aggressive 6. Weakness 11. Telepathy 16. Ethereal 1. Arm 6. Reflexes 11. Comms 16. Skeleton 1. None 6. Club 11. Handgun 16. Rifle
2. Shapeshifter 7. Multi-limb 12. Logic 17. Telekinesis 2. Leg 7. Datalink 12. Blades 17. Finger(s) 2. Nothing 7. Sword 12. Handgun 17. Rifle
3. Invisibility 8. Regenerate 13. Climbing 18. Reputation 3. IR Vision 8. Skill 13. Firearm 18. Drugs 3. Zip 8. Axe 13. Handgun 18. Support
4. Multiform 9. Teleport 14. Immunity 19. Healer 4. Nightvision 9. Medkit 14. Stimulants 19. Power 4. Nada 9. Staff 14. Shotgun 19. Support
5. Hive Mind 10. Parasitic 15. Poisonous 20. Weak Spot 5. Weapon Link 10. Armour 15. Weapon 20. Full Body 5. Zilch 10. Blade 15. Stunner 20. Special

Talents Background Tech

1. Acrobatic 6. Lucky 11. Brawler 16. Opportunist 1. Technician 6. Explorer 11. Barbarian 16. Performer 1. Binoculars 6. Flashlight 11. Comms 16. Trauma Kit
2. Berserker 7. Resolute 12. Focused 17. Perceptive 2. Clergy 7. Cop 12. Politician 17. Pickpocket 2. Lightsticks 7. Grapnel 12. Comms 17. Surgical Kit
3. Charismatic 8. Sneaky 13. Thoughtful 18. Psionic 3. Pilot 8. Soldier 13. Mercenary 18. Smuggler 3. Diving Gear 8. Parachute 13. Computer 18. Wingsuit
4. Educated 9. Tough 14. Learned 19. Impulsive 4. Noble 9. Gambler 14. Merchant 19. Student 4. Env. Mask 9. Gravchute 14. Computer 19. Goggles
5. Insightful 10. Vigilant 15. Marksman 20. Survivalist 5. Hacker 10. Medic 15. Outlaw 20. Thug 5. Scanner 10. Smartlink 15. Survival Kit 20. Translator

Homeworld Misfortune Gear

1. Space Station 6. Arctic 11. Gas Giant 16. Huge 1. Abandoned 6. Defrauded 11. Framed 16. Pursued 1. Clothing 6. Cold Gear 11. First Aid Kit 16. Climbing Kit
2. High-G 7. Jungle 12. Starship 17. Asteroid 2. Addicted 7. Demoted 12. Haunted 17. Rejected 2. Clothing 7. Desert Suit 12. First Aid Kit 17. Trauma Kit
3. Low-G 8. High-Tech 13. Water World 18. Toxic 3. Blackmailed 8. Discredited 13. Kidnapped 18. Replaced 3. Backpack 8. Comms 13. Flares 18. Surgical Kit
4. Zero-G 9. Low-Tech 14. Rock 19. Industrial 4. Condemned 9. Disowned 14. Mutilated 19. Robbed 4. Pouch 9. Comms 14. Toolkit 19. Cabin
5. Desert 10. Colony 15. Volcanic 20. Dead 5. Unlucky 10. Exiled 15. Poor 20. Suspected 5. Droid 10. 100 Credits 15. 500 Credits 20. 1k Credits

Clothing Alignment Vehicles and Ships

1. Dark 6. Futuristic 11. Tight 16. Sensible 1-5 6-15 16-20 1. Ground Car 6. RV 11. APC 16. Trader
2. Gaudy 7. Dapper 12. Formal 17. Sporty Law Neutrality Chaos 2. Grav Bike 7. Crawler 12. Boat 17. Courier
3. Colourful 8. Majestic 13. Homespun 18. Thermal 3. Hvy Lifter 8. Grav Car 13. Cargo Lifter 18. Passenger
4. Fur 9. Chic 14. Modest 19. Glossy 4. Walker 9. Drone 14. Racer 19. Freighter
5. Leather 10. Baggy 15. Revealing 20. Geometric 5. ATV 10. Mini Sub 15. Marauder 20. Fighter
Weapons Armour
Gear Arrows x 20
Boarding Blade (d6 damage, 1 hand, 4 quality, hidden)
Ballistic Cloth Coat (13 Defence, 2 slots, 6 quality)
Ballistic Cloth Jacket (12 Defence, 6 quality)
All prices are given in Standard Credits, any item Bow (d6 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality) 15 Ballistic Gel Coat (12 Defence, 2 slots, 7 quality)
Brass Knuckles (d4 damage, 1 hand, 10 quality) 40 Ballistic Vest (11 Defence, 3 slots, 6 quality)
is 1 slot unless stated otherwise..
Chainsaw (d10 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality) 200 Boarding Armour (15 Defence, 5 slots, 10 quality,
Gear Crossbow (d8 damage, 3 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality) 60 sealed)
Chainmail (14 Defence, 3 slots, 5 quality) 1,200
Dagger, Cudgel, Sickle, Staff, etc (4 x d8 damage, 1 hand,
Backpack (uses 1 slot, provides 4 extra slots) 75 5
3 quality) Chameleon Skin (add camouflage to any high-tech ar-
Binoculars 75 Electrowhip (d6 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, stun) 200 mour)
Chemical Light-stick 1 EMP Grenade (4 x d8 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, area, elec- Camouflage Generator (add invisibility to any high-tech
20 armour)
tronics only)
Climbing Kit (3 slots) 500
Energy Pistol (d8 damage, 1 hand, 5 quality) 150 Combat Exoskeleton (14 Defence, 4 slots, 7 quality, en-
Cold Weather Clothing (2 slots) 500 hanced)
Energy Rifle (3 x d10 damage, 4 slots, 2 hands, 4 quality) 200
Combat Engineering Toolkit (4 slots) 500 Emergency Spacesuit (13 Defence, 3 slots, 6 quality,
Energy Support Weapon (3 x d20 damage, 4 slots, 2 sealed)
Desert Suit (2 slots) 1,000 380
hands, 4 quality, auto-fire)
Environment Suit (12 Defence, 4 slots, 8 quality, sealed)
Distress Flare (2 per slot) 15 Flechette Pistol (d6 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, silent) 200
EOD Suit (18 Defence, 6 slots, 10 quality, clumsy)
Diving Hardsuit (12 Defence, 6 slots, 12 quality) 20,000 Flechette Rifle (d8 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality,
300 Full Plate (16 Defence, 5 slots, 7 quality) 8,000
Duct Tape (2 rolls per slot) 5 silent)
Force Sword (d20 damage, 1 hand, 10 quality, rare) N/A Half Plate (15 Defence, 4 slots, 6 quality) 4,000
Environment Mask 50
Frag Grenade (4 x d10 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, area) 10 Helmet (+1 Defence, 1 slots, 1quality) 40
First Aid Kit (Restore d4 HP) 100
Grenade Launcher (add grenade to any rifle or support Hud (add to any sealed armour)
Flashlight 10 150
weapon) Power Armour (20 Defence, 6 slots, 12 quality, en-
Grapnel launcher & cable (3 slots) 150 Gyrojet Pistol (d10 damage, 1 hand, 2 quality, recoilless) 500 hanced, sealed, weaponized)
Hand Scanner 2,000 Gyrojet Rifle (d12 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 2 quality, re- Re-entry Armour (15 Defence, 5 slots, 10 quality, sealed,
1,300 15,000
coilless) gravchute)
IR/Nightvision Goggles 750
Halberd, War Hammer, Long Sword, Battle Axe, etc (d10 Shield (+1 Defence, 1 quality) 40
Laser Drill/Cutter 200 20
damage, 3 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality) Standard Spacesuit (14 Defence, 5 slots, 10 quality,
Neural Link Cyberdeck (2 slots) 5,000 sealed)
Incinerator (2 x d8 damage, 3 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality,
Parachute/Gravchute (2 slots) 500/2,500 65
area) Synthetic Mesh (14 Defence, 2 slots, 6 quality)
Personal Comms 150 Man-Portable Missile (6 x d10 damage, 2 hands, 4 slots 8,000 Tactical Body Armour (15 Defence, 3 slots, 6 quality,
Personal Drone (Armour 11/+1, 3 HP, 2 slots) 500-10,000 Monofilament Blade (d12 damage, 1 hand, 4 quality) 2,500 sealed)
Portable Computer 500 Mortar (4 x d10 damage, 2 hands, 4 quality, indirect) 200
Portable Micro-fusion Generator (2 slots) 11,000 Projectile Pistol (d8 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality) 70 Vehicles
Prefabricated Cabin (10 slots) 2,000 Projectile Rifle (d10 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 4 quality) 140
Battlemaster Walker (Scale: starship, Maneuvering
Space Rescue Ball (8 slots) 150 Projectile Support Weapon (3 x d12 damage, 4 slots, 2 12/+2, Tactical 16/+6, Armour/Shields: 40/20, Hull: 60,
hands, 6 quality, auto-fire) Quality: 8, Point Defence, Weapons: 2 arm-mounted Rail- 2.6m
Surgical Medikit (Restore d8 HP, 5 slots) 4,000
Rocket launcher (3 x d20 damage, 3 slots, 2 hands, 3 qual- guns 4 x d10 dmg each, 2 shoulder-mounted Missiles 2 x
Survival Kit (2 slots) 150 420 d8 dmg each)
Toolkit (Mechanical, Engineering, Starship, Weapon) 400 Security (add to any weapon, only identified user can fire) 200 Combat Walker (Scale: starship, Maneuvering 12/+2,
Trauma Medikit (Restore 1 HP when at -1, 3 slots) 500 Tactical 14/+4, Armour/Shields: 20/10, Hull: 40, Quality: 8,
Sentry Gun (5 x d10 damage, 8 slots, 2 hands, 4 quality, 800,000
5,000 Weapons: 2 turret-mounted Laser Cannons 2 x d10 dmg
Universal Translator/Language Pack 2,500/500 auto-fire, AI controlled) each, shoulder-mounted Rockets d10 dmg)
Vacuum Emergency Kit 500 Shotgun (d8 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality) 60 Grav Flyer (Scale: vehicle, Maneuvering 14/+4, Tactical
Silencer (add to any ranged projectile weapon, silent) 150 N/A, Armour/Shields: 8/2, Hull: 15, Quality: 5)
Wingsuit (2 slots) 500
Smartgun Link (add to any ranged weapon, +1 to hit) 500 Groundcar (Scale: character, Maneuvering 13/+3, Tacti-
cal N/A, Armour/Shields: 4/0, Hull: 10, Quality: 4)
Living Expenses Smoke Grenade (1 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, area) 15
Half Track ATV (Scale: vehicle, Maneuvering 10/+0, Tac-
Spear, Sword, Mace, Axe, Flail, etc (d8 damage, 2 slots, 1 tical N/A, Armour/Shields: 10/3, Hull: 20, Quality: 6, Cargo 200,000
Poor 400/month 10
hand, 3 quality) Bay, Life Support)
Low 1,000/month Staff (d8 damage, 2 slots, 1 or 2 hand) 50 Jet Bike (Scale: character, Maneuvering 15/+5, Tactical
Average 1,200/month Stun Baton (d6 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, stun) 100 N/A, Armour/Shields: 2/0, Hull: 6, Quality: 4)
Good 1,500/month Stun Grenade (4 x d8 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, area, stun) Riot Tank (Scale: vehicle, Maneuvering 11/+1, Tactical
12/+2, Armour/Shields: 15/5, Hull: 20, Quality: 6, 210,000
High 2,000/month Stun Pistol (d8 damage, 1 hand, 3 quality, stun) 160 Weapons: turret mounted railgun d10 dmg)
Rich 5,000/month Stun Rifle (d10 damage, 2 slots, 2 hands, 3 quality, stun) 300 Tracked Explorer (Scale: vehicle, Maneuvering 10/+0,
Ludicrous 20,000/month Tactical 11/+1, Armour/Shields: 12/4, Hull: 25, Quality: 7)
weapons may take up more slots. Items such as (usually 40 ft) and take one other combat action.
Playing the Game backpacks, power armour or weapon mounts may This action may be making a second move, mak-
provide more slots, or make it easier to carry ing an attack, attempting a stunt, or any other ac-
Abilities heavy weapons by reducing the number of slots tion deemed reasonable by the Referee.
needed. Groups of small, identical items may be
Each of the six abilities is used in different circum- bundled into the same slot, at the Referee’s dis- Melee weapons can strike adjacent foes (within 5-
stances. cretion. As a general guideline, a slot holds around 10 ft), but ranged weapons cannot be used if the
2-3 Kilograms of weight. shooting character is engaged in melee combat,
• Strength: Used for melee attacks and saves re- unless you’re using Area Effect or Auto-Fire (see
quiring physical power, like forcing doors, bend- Saving Throws later).
ing bars, etc.
If a character attempts something where the out- To make an attack, roll a d20 and add the charac-
• Dexterity: Used for saves requiring poise, come is uncertain and failure has consequences, ter’s Strength or Wisdom bonus, depending on
speed, and reflexes, like dodging, climbing, they make a Saving Throw, or Save. To make a whether they are using a melee or ranged
sneaking, balancing, etc. save, add the bonus of the relevant ability to a weapon, respectively. If the attack total is greater
d20 roll to beat a Target Number (TN). For simple than the defender’s armour value, the attack hits.
• Constitution: Used for saves to resist disease, activities with relatively unlimited time the TN is If not, the attack misses.
alien parasites, poison, sickness, cold, etc. The 10. For tasks that are challenging or have to be
Constitution bonus is added to healing rolls. A done within a time limit, the TN is 15. For excep- Example: Duke Starkiller (Strength 12/+2) would
PC’s number of item slots is always equal to tionally difficult challenges, the TN is 20. roll 1d20 + 2 against Garth Madeup’s armour
their Constitution value. value of 15 to hit him with his ion sword.
If the save is opposed by another character, then
• Intelligence: Used for saves requiring concen- instead of aiming to exceed a fixed TN, the side Alternatively, an attack roll can be resolved by the
tration and precision, such as using tech, resist- doing the rolling must get a total greater than the defender rolling a d20 and adding their armour
ing weird energies or telepathic manipulation, opposing character’s relevant value in order to bonus, hoping to roll a total greater than the value
recalling knowledge, crafting objects, tinkering succeed. This type of save is called an Opposed of the ability the attacker is using. If they succeed,
with machinery, picking pockets, etc. Save. Note that it doesn’t matter which side does the attack misses. If they fail, the attack hits.
the rolling, since the odds of success remain the
• Wisdom: Used for ranged attacks and saves re- same. Example: When Garth strikes back, Duke rolls
quiring perception and intuition, such as track- 1d20 + 1 (for his jacket & robes 11/+1 armour)
ing, navigating, searching for secret panels, If there are situational factors that make a save against Garth’s Strength of 14 to successfully de-
detecting holograms, etc. significantly easier or harder, the Referee may fend from the attack.
grant the roll Advantage or Disadvantage. If a
• Charisma: Used for saves to persuade, de- roll has Advantage, roll 2d20 and use the better of On a hit, the attacker rolls their weapon’s damage
ceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, the two dice. If it has Disadvantage, roll 2d20 and die to determine how many Hit Points (HP) the de-
etc. PCs may employ a number of henchmen use the worse of the two dice. fender loses. A bonus damage die of the weapon’s
equal to their Charisma bonus. type may be added to the roll if the ideal weapon
Combat was used against an enemy type particularly vul-
Item Slots nerable to that weapon (for example, using an ion
At the start of each combat round, determine ini- blaster against an android).
PCs have a number of item slots equal to their tiative by rolling a d6. On a 1-3, all of the enemies
Constitution value. Most items, including handheld will act first. On a 4-6 all of the PCs will act first. When a character reaches 0 HP, they are uncon-
tech, drinks, a day’s rations, light weapons, tools Re-roll initiative each round. scious. Medical technology in science fiction set-
and so on take up 1 slot, but particularly heavy or tings is such that the character is not considered
bulky items like armour or medium to heavy On their turn, a character may move their speed completely dead until they have reached their
Constitution value below 0. Advantage in Combat paying hirelings more and treating them well.

Area Effect and Auto fire Characters can gain Advantage in combat by at- Healing
tacking a target that is unaware, on lower ground,
Weapons capable of an area effect or firing sus- off balance, disarmed, distracted, or tactically dis- After a meal and at least 8 hours rest, PCs regain
tained bursts against more than one target have advantaged in any significant way. The Referee, lost Hit Points equal to a d8 plus their Constitution
their damage listed as number of targets x dam- as usual, has the final say. bonus. Resting at a safe haven for at least 48
age die. Make a separate attack roll at Disadvan- hours restores all lost HP.
tage for each target up to the listed number of When a character has Advantage against an op-
targets, then roll a single damage die separately ponent on their combat turn, they may either apply First Aid or other medical attention can also help,
for each one hit. Each new target, even if it’s a Advantage to their attack roll or stunt against that especially if the right equipment is available, and
friendly, must be adjacent to the last target se- opponent, or make an attack and a stunt attempt will likely restore even more Hit Points. A medical
lected. in the same round against that opponent, both kit or device can only be used once on each PC
without Advantage. before rest and recuperation is required.
When using continuous auto-fire, drop weapon
quality by 1 point for each round you hold the trig- Critical Hits and Quality
ger down after the first. ENEMIES
During an attack roll, if the attacker rolls a natural
Example: Manny Lonestar opens up with his En- 20 (or the defender rolls a natural 1) - a Critical All monsters from OSR bestiaries should work as
ergy Rifle on a melee which includes Duke Hit is scored; the defender’s armour loses 1 point Alien Creatures in Spacer with no major conver-
Starkiller, hoping to help him out. He aims at the of quality and they take an additional weapon die sion needed. Here are some guidelines.
two troopers on either side of Duke but must also of damage. If the attacker rolls a natural 1 (or the
include Duke himself as a third target because defender rolls a natural 20) a Critical Miss is Hit Dice/Hit Points: All monster hit dice can be
he’s in the middle of the troopers. Duke rolls 2d20 scored; the attacker’s weapon loses 1 point of assumed to be d8s unless otherwise specified. To
to hit for each target separately, choosing the low- quality. At 0 quality, an item is destroyed. Each get the monster’s Hit Points, just multiply the num-
est die in each case. Luckily, he hits both troopers point of quality costs 10% of the item’s cost to re- ber of hit dice they have by 4 (or 5 if you’re feeling
but somehow misses Duke, then rolls d10 damage pair. mean.)
for each trooper, dropping them both instantly.
Duke gives Manny one of those “WTF dude!” Morale Armour: Monster AC (if ascending) is identical to
looks. Armour value. If the AC is descending, subtract it
Creatures and NPCs all have a morale rating, usu- from 19 (if it is from OD&D or B/X D&D) or from 20
Stunts ally between 5 and 9. When they face more dan- (if it is from AD&D) to find its ascending equiva-
ger than they were expecting, the Referee will lent.
Stunts are combat maneuvers such as stunning, make a morale roll by rolling 2d6 and comparing
shoving, disarming, tripping, breaking armour, and the result to the NPC’s morale rating. If the roll is Attack Bonus: Any attack bonus given is un-
so on. They are resolved with an opposed save. higher than the rating, the NPC will attempt to flee, changed, and can be added to both melee and
They should not cause damage directly (they’re retreat, or parley. Morale rolls can be triggered by ranged attacks. If an attack bonus is not given, as-
meant to be impressive, not necessarily deadly), defeating half of an enemy group, defeating a sume that it is the same as the monster’s number
but may do so indirectly (for example, pushing an group’s leader, or reducing a lone enemy to half of hit dice.
enemy off of a ledge). The Referee is the final ar- HP. Other effects may trigger a morale roll at the
biter as to what stunts can be attempted in a given Referee’s discretion. Damage: Damage remains the same.
Hirelings also make morale rolls when they aren’t Morale: Morale rating remains the same.
paid, their employer dies, or they face extraordi-
nary danger. Morale may also be improved by Saves: Since OSR monsters usually don’t come
with ability scores, assume that monsters have Maneuvering limits the pilots Dexterity when they fence of 15 to dodge the attack.
ability bonuses equal to their level/Hit Dice, with try to maneuver the ship quickly or are dodging in-
the corresponding ability value. coming weapons fire. A Maneuvering Save uses Weapons
either the pilot’s Dexterity or the vehicle’s Maneu-
Example: Ogres from OD&D (or Ogrons as they’re vering, whichever is the lowest. There are so many different types of vehicle and
known here) are [Descending] AC 5 and 4+1 HD. starship weapons it would be futile to try to cover
In SPACER they would be 4HD, 16-20HP, Armour Tactical them all specifically here. They do, however, fall
Defence 14, 14/+4 in all Abilities. Since they use into two categories: Direct Fire and Fire-and-For-
blasters and swords, they will do d8 damage. Firing weapons against incredibly fast moving tar- get.
There’s no listed Morale, so let’s make it 8 as gets is not an easy task so most combat vehicles
they’re pretty tough. have a Tactical system to assist gunners and pilots Direct Fire weapons include lasers, blasters, par-
hit their enemies. In game terms this is repre- ticle beams, cannons, rail-guns, gatling guns,
sented by a vehicle’s Tactical ability. This effec- rockets and anything else where the act of firing
Advancement tively limits the Wisdom used by anyone firing results in a hit in the same round.
mounted weapons on said vehicle or starship.
Whenever a PC accumulates 1000 XP, they gain a Fire-and-forget weapons include torpedoes,
level. As a guideline, PCs receive 50 XP for low- Attacking bombs and mass-drivers, the primary characteris-
risk accomplishments, 100 XP for moderate-risk tic of which is that there is a delay (sometimes sig-
accomplishments, and 200 XP for high-risk ac- Whenever a gunner tries to shoot an enemy vehi- nificant) between firing the weapon and the actual
complishments. cle with their own vehicle mounted weapons they hit.
must make a Tactical Save using either their Wis-
When a PC gains a level, they roll a number of dom or the vehicle’s Tactical, whichever is the Direct weapons fire is handled using the normal
d8s equal to their new level to find their new HP lowest, rolled against the target pilot’s Dexterity or combat procedure: the attacker rolls to hit (or the
maximum. If the result is less than their previous their vehicle’s Maneuvering, whichever is the low- defender rolls to defend) and if a hit is scored the
maximum, their maximum HP increases by 1. est. damage is rolled and applied immediately.
They also raise the value and bonus scores of 3
different abilities of their choice by 1 point. Abilities Alternatively, the defending vehicle’s pilot can Fire-and-forget weapons require the firing charac-
may never be raised higher than 20/+10. make a Maneuvering Save against the attackers ter to take a Lock Target action (see below) in
Tactical or Wisdom using either their Dexterity or one turn, then fire the weapon on a later turn (it
their vehicle’s Maneuvering, whichever is lowest. need not be their next turn). The Referee will de-
Vehicles and termine how long the weapon takes to reach it’s
Example: Duke Starkiller (Dexterity 16/+6) in his target, then damage is calculated and applied.
Starships V-wing fighter (Maneuvering 13/+3, Tactical 14/+4) The lock must be maintained until the weapon
is being fired upon by Garth Madeup (Wisdom hits.
Vehicles and Starships are defined by the abilities: 17/+7) in his Twin-Turbine Fighter (Maneuvering
Maneuvering, Tactical, Hull, Armour & Shields, 13/+3, Tactical 15/+5). When Garth fires, he Armour and Shields
Quality, and Systems. makes a Wisdom Save at +5 (his +7 Wisdom
bonus limited by his fighter’s +5 Tactical ability) Both Armour and Shields act as additional Hull
Maneuvering against Duke’s fighter’s Maneuvering of 13 (which Points which absorb damage before the actual hull
is less than Duke’s Dexterity of 16). does.
Some vehicles are capable of incredible speed
and maneuvers while others look like a fish, move Example: Alternatively, when Garth attacks, Duke Hits against a vehicle equipped with Armour an-
like a fish and steer like a cow. In game terms this could roll a save at +3, using the lower of his +6 d/or Shields will reduce the shield rating first, then
is represented by a vehicle’s Maneuvering ability. Dexterity bonus and the fighter’s Maneuvering the armour, then score against the Hull Points.
bonus of +3, against Garth’s fighter’s Tactical De-
Armour can only be restored by repairing it, usu- 12/+2, and if he tries to contact help on his comms at Disadvantage.
ally at a shipyard or vehicle maintenance facility. he makes that Intelligence Save at -2.
Shields restore automatically at the rate of 1 point • Main Reactor: The main power source of the
of shield at the start of each combat round up to Systems vehicle. Although referred to here as a “reactor”
the maximum shield rating. this may be anything from a steam engine to an
A vehicle may have one or more of the following antimatter reaction chamber. Some vehicles
Hull systems installed. This is not an exhaustive list, so may also have a secondary power source, usu-
if something you want isn’t here just ask the Ref- ally less powerful than the main reactor, which
As characters have Hit Points, vehicles and star- eree. While some systems act passively or are al- can be used to supply power if the main reactor
ships possess Hull Points which measure how ways on, others may require an ability save - is inoperative.
much damage they can suffer before falling apart. typically Intelligence - to operate.
As long as a vehicle still has Hull Points they con- • Emergency Power: A system of small backup
tinue to work just fine unless they take a Critical • Life Support: Seals the vehicle against the out- power sources, distributed throughout the vehi-
Hit. side atmosphere (or lack thereof) and provides cle or ship, which provides minimal power when
breathable air. May also provide a food & water all other sources are unavailable. For most vehi-
Quality supply and waste reclamation facilities for an ex- cles, this would mean minimal life-support and
tended trip. lighting only.
A vehicle has an overall Quality rating which de-
fines how well it’s holding together and the effec- • Sub-light Drive: Moves the vehicle through • Self-Destruct: Arranges for the complete, usu-
tiveness of it’s systems. This can drop as a result space or an atmosphere at speeds less than ally explosive, destruction of the vehicle after a
of poor maintenance, intentional abuse or damage that of light. suitable escape delay.
taken in the form of Critical Hits.
• FTL Drive: Allows the vehicle to travel faster- • Flight Deck or Shuttle Bay: An area of the ve-
The Referee will let you know when your vehicle than-light. This may be a Warp Drive (the vehicle hicle where other, smaller, vehicles such as
loses Quality from wear and tear, normally after a remains in normal space, just moving very fighters or shuttle craft can be launched and re-
period of use (such as every month) or because of quickly), a Hyperdrive (the vehicle moves to an covered.
physical abuse. To carry out corrective mainte- alternate dimension where the journey is
nance, make an Intelligence Save to restore one shorter), a Jump Drive (the vehicle disappears in • Sickbay: A medical facility equipped for some
point of Quality. Time taken and cost are up to the one place and reappears some time later in an- form of First Aid or medical procedures. A larger,
Referee, but it’s usually cheaper than repairs done other) or any other weird and wonderful way of better equipped, sickbay may include surgical,
later. travelling interstellar distances. recovery and intensive care facilities. One hour
in a sick bay allows a character to recover 1d8 +
As a vehicle’s Quality drops, so does the effective- • Cryogenic/Stasis Chambers: Provides enough their Constitution bonus Hit Points. In 24 hours
ness of it’s systems. For every point of Quality lost chambers for all the crew and passengers to ef- they can recover back to their maximum Hit
the vehicle’s Maneuver and Tactical ratings drop fectively sleep for the duration of a long journey Points.
by 1/-1 and any saves carried out using on-board without any aging effects or food & water re-
systems such as scanners or the medical equip- quirements. • Laboratory or Science Facility: Facilities for
ment in the sickbay are made at a -1 penalty until carrying out some form of scientific investigation
the damage can be repaired (or jury-rigged). • ECM Array: Electronic Counter-measures de- or study. May be a laboratory capable of a vari-
vices used to spy on, disrupt or jam enemy com- ety of basic scientific functions or several spe-
Example: Duke Starkiller’s V-wing fighter has munications and scanners. cific facilities each focused on one particular
taken two critical hits which have knocked out one science, such as an Astrometrics Lab.
of his laser cannons and the shield generator. • Stealth Package: Makes the vehicle harder to
He’s also lost 2 points of Quality from those hits so locate or determine details by enemy scanners. • Cargo Bay: An area of the vehicle set aside for
his Maneuvering is now 11/+1 and Tactical is All scan or lock-on attempts against it are made cargo or other storage. May include equipment
for moving cargo such as cranes, fork-lifts, Critical Hits How long it takes and how much it costs is up to
loader exoskeletons or anti-grav handlers. the Referee, but typically each repair roll will take
During an attack roll, if the attacker rolls a natural 2d6+6 hours and cost 1d6% of the vehicle’s origi-
• Point Defence: Short-range cannons with a 20 (or the defender rolls a natural 1) the attacker nal cost. The Referee should also determine if all
high rate-of-fire which are used to shoot down rolls 1d6 on the table below and the target vehicle the necessary parts are available and, if not, how
incoming targets such as torpedoes and fighters. Quality drops by 1. Vehicles reduced to zero Qual- they can be obtained.
Before a fire-and-forget weapon hits, make a ity are barely limping along and will be immedi-
Tactical vs Tactical Save between the attacking ately destroyed if they take additional damage that Jury Rigging
ship and the target ship. If the target ship wins, drops their Hull Points to zero.
the incoming weapon is destroyed, if not then In combat or another emergency, it may not be
that weapon hits it’s target. PDC’s attack incom- If a vehicle or ship suffers any damage after possible to make repairs that will last, but there
ing fighters with a Tactical vs Maneuvering Save. reaching zero Hull Points it is considered to have may just be time to jury rig something that works
suffered another automatic Critical Hit, rolling on for as long as is needed.
• Torpedoes: Fire & forget weapons. Once a tor- the table below and losing another point of Quality.
pedo is locked on to a target the firing ship can Make an Intelligence Save with a TN of 15 to re-
1D6 Critical Effect
move on and attack other targets while the tor- store one Hull point, one Quality point or a single
pedo tracks until it detonates. A secondary system: comms, life-support, scanners, shields damaged system. The repair lasts for 1d6 rounds,
1 or an area such as the sickbay or cargo bay is hit and out of
action until repaired. Determine randomly. plus an extra 1d6 rounds if you elect to take the
• Interior Scanners: Cameras and/or sensors in- 2
A weapon has been hit, determine which randomly. That roll at Disadvantage.
weapon is unable to fire until repaired.
side the vehicle which can be used to track pas-
Fire breaks out on-board, determine where randomly. Anyone
sengers & crew or other creatures on board. 3 in that area or fighting the fire without protection takes d6 Example: The Century Eagle’s shields have been
damage every round until the fire is out. knocked out from a direct hit and it’s down to only
The engines take a hit. The vehicle cannot maneuver and, if
• Combat Drones: A number of small vehicles 4 flying in a gravitational field, will fall from the sky unless re-
5 Hull Points - probably not enough to survive an-
which are deployed en-masse for reconnais- paired. other hit. Duke Starkiller tries to jury-rig the shield
sance or combat purposes. The idea of combat The hull is breached, determine where randomly. Anyone in generator by making an Intelligence Save, electing
5 the affected area will suffer the effects of the atmosphere (if
drones is to carry the fight away from the main toxic) or vacuum (if in space) until the breach is sealed. to make it at Disadvantage for an extra 1d6
ship and overwhelm the enemy with a large The vehicle’s controls explode in a shower of sparks & debris. rounds. He rolls a 13 (Disadvantage, low roll), +3
6 d6 damage to any crew member using them, Dexterity Save
number of attackers. Each drone launched be- to avoid. for his Intelligence for a total of 16 - success!
comes an independent weapon under the con- Rolling 2d6, the temporary repairs will keep the
trol of one or more gunners. Each gunner can Destruction and Repairs shields working for another 7 rounds, after which it
control a number of drones equal to their Wis- may be time to check whether the escape pod is
dom bonus. Roll attack and damage for each A vehicle reduced to zero Hull Points or zero Qual- still operational.
drone as if they are an independent vehicle.. ity is out of action but salvageable - with a lot of
work. A vehicle with zero Hull Points and zero scale
• Teleporter: A faster (and some would say safer) Quality is scrap, or an expanding cloud of debris.
way of moving personnel or cargo across space. There are four scales: Character, Vehicle, Starship
Step into the teleporter, make an Intelligence Permanently restoring one damaged system or and Mega. Character is the scale of Player Char-
Save to lock on to a target location and one turn one point of Armour, Hull or Quality requires some acters (duh), NPCs and most creatures and aliens
later you’re somewhere else. time and an Intelligence Save. The right specialist as well as most vehicles carrying about 4 to 6 peo-
tools, working in a shipyard or dry-dock or opting ple. Vehicle is the scale of most planet bound ve-
• Escape Pod: A small, low-powered lifeboat ca- to take extra time over repairs allows the save to hicles like tanks, helicopters, planes and (wet)
pable of automated sub-light travel to the near- be made with Advantage, while trying to rush ships. Starship scale includes starships of almost
est habitable world. things would mean making the save with Disad- any size from starfighters to capital ships. Mega
vantage. scale includes anything bigger than most capital
ships, including space stations and small plane-
toid-sized battle stations. AttackS boost the Eagle’s engines. He makes an Intelli-
gence Save against a TN of 18 (15+3) and for the
Use the following table to determine attack and Make an opposed save, Tactical vs Maneuver- next d6 rounds the Eagle’s Maneuvering of 13/+3
damage modifiers. ing, to engage an enemy ship with one or more becomes 16/+6 - but the Life Support failure alarm
weapons. goes off.
Scale Difference Attack at... With the effect...
Three Lower Disadvantage, complete destruction
Two Lower Disadvantage, 10 times damage
Boost Shields Boost Weapons
One Lower Disadvantage, double damage
Same Normal roll, normal damage Temporarily increase a vehicles shields by redi- Redirect the vehicle’s energy reserves to tempo-
One Higher Advantage, half damage recting power from other systems. The character rarily improve the power of a vehicle’s guns. Make
Two Higher Advantage, 1/10th damage, round down makes an Intelligence Save with a TN of 15 plus an Intelligence Save with a TN 15 plus the number
Three Higher Advantage, no damage but they do notice you the amount they want to improve the Shield score of guns affected. Increase the weapon damage by
by (up to the maximum of it’s normal Shield score, 1 die of it’s usual type (eg: if the weapon does
Either way, a Critical Hit counts as a Critical Hit - effectively doubling it). This lasts for 1d6 rounds. 1d10 damage, it now does 2d10, if 1d6, it’s now
after all, it’s always possible to hit that two meter 2d6). This lasts for 1d6 rounds, no longer.
wide exhaust port. One other shipboard system becomes inoperative
or unusable for the same period of time. On a criti- One other shipboard system becomes inoperative
Example: Firing a blaster rifle (d10 character dam- cal failure, immediately reduce the Quality of the or unusable for the same period of time. On a criti-
age) at a tank would attack with Advantage but vehicle by one point. cal failure, immediately reduce the Quality of the
only does d10/2 (0-5) damage, against which the vehicle by one point.
tank still gets its Armour and Shields. A starship Example: Manny Lonestar tries to boost the
railgun firing at a tank would attack at Disadvan- shields of the Century Eagle. He elects to increase Dodge and Jink
tage but do 2-24 damage (d12 for the railgun, dou- the normal rating of 3 by an additional 3 points
bled). Yes, it’s nasty - don’t get hit. (the maximum), so must make an Intelligence A pilot can perform sudden, chaotic maneuvers in
Save against a TN of 18 (15+3). Stunningly, he order to avoid enemy fire. The pilot decides how
Crew Actions makes it, and the improvement lasts for 3 rounds - many points of additional TN they want to impose
but the lights in the sickbay go out. on an enemy attack and must pass a Maneuvering
Pilots maneuver their vehicles in hopes of avoid- Save with the same TN penalty.
ing enemy fire or to position the ship for the per- Boost Engines
fect shot. Technicians have their hands full jury If the roll is successful enemies attacking them
rigging repairs, trying to keep systems running or Redirect the vehicle’s energy reserves to boost its have the TN of their attacks increased until the
boosting the engines for a desperate escape. engines temporarily. To do this the character start of the pilot’s next turn. Failure means that not
Gunners, besides trying to blast the enemy to bits makes an Intelligence Save with a TN of 15 plus only are the enemy’s attacks not affected, but at-
and pieces, may need to lock onto a target before the amount they want to increase the vehicle’s tacks made by the pilot’s own ship are increased
trying to shoot them with a valuable but devastat- Maneuvering rating by (up to the maximum of it’s by the penalty amount.
ing torpedo, or try to restart the Tactical systems if normal score, effectively doubling it). This lasts for
they go offline. Communication officers may need 1d6 rounds. Example: Manny Lonestar is trying to evade impe-
to contact help, or try to jam the comm systems or rial fighters in the Century Eagle. He elects to
scanners of rival ships. One other shipboard system becomes inoperative make a Maneuvering save at +3, for a total TN of
or unusable for the same period of time. On a criti- 18 (15+3). Rolling 1d20 plus the Eagle’s Maneu-
The following are just some of the actions a vehi- cal failure, immediately reduce the Quality of the vering of 16/+6 (which is lower than Manny’s Dex-
cle’s crew can take, the Referee may allow others. vehicle by one point. terity of 17/+7), he gets a total of 17 - failure. Until
Manny’s next turn, Duke Starkiller’s attempts to
Example: Not making any headway against the shoot at the attacking fighters are made at +3 TN
imperial fighters gaining on him, Manny decides to but the fighters shooting back are unaffected.
Jam CommS or Scanners Example: Duke Starkiller makes his Intelligence Weapons: 2 turret-mounted Laser Cannons (1d10
Save and manages to lock the Century Eagle’s dmg each)
A character operating the communication or scan- proton torpedoes onto Garth Madeup’s fighter. Be-
ner systems may try to jam an enemy ship’s sys- fore he can fire in the next round, Garth dodges V Wing Fighter
tems by making an Intelligence Save with a TN of and manages to increase his ship’s Maneuver rat-
15. If successful this action makes the target ship ing from 13/+3 to 15/+5. Duke must re-roll his Scale: Starship, Maneuvering: 13/+3, Tactical:
unable to communicate as long as that character lock-on immediately, but scores only 14. Garth has 14/+4, Armour/Shields: 12/4, Hull: 10, Quality: 6,
keeps jamming their channels; any attempts to broken the lock and Duke must try again as a new Systems: Main Reactor, Sub-light Drive, Life Sup-
use scanners, Lock on Target or attack by that action before he can fire the torpedoes. port, Weapons: 2 forward-mounted Laser Can-
ship are made at Disadvantage. nons (1d10 dmg each)
Plot a Course
Requires the vehicle to be equipped with an ECM Star Cruiser C57D
Array. The Pilot or Navigator makes an Intelligence Save
to calculate an FTL course and lock it into the Scale: Starship, Maneuvering: 12/+2, Tactical:
Lock on Target helm navigation computer. At any point after that, 14/+4, Armour/Shields: 20/8, Hull: 30, Quality: 8,
the ship can activate it’s FTL drive. The roll may Systems: Main Reactor, Emergency Power, Sub-
Gunners can spend a full round locking their vehi- be made at Advantage if extra time is taken, at light Drive, FTL Drive, Life Support, Sickbay,
cle’s targeting system to a specific target. Disadvantage if it’s rushed. Cargo Bay, Weapons: 4 turret-mounted Blaster
Cannons (d10 dmg each)
When firing Direct Fire weapons, make a Tactical The Referee can rule that this only takes one turn,
Save and forgo all other actions that round, then or may decide on longer, but typically 1d4 or 1d6 Imperial Planet Killer
next turn make an attack against the specified tar- turns are appropriate. The Pilot or Navigator can
get with Advantage, or attack with Disadvantage to take no other actions while plotting a course. If Scale: Mega, Maneuvering: 10/+0, Tactical: 16/+6,
score an automatic Critical Hit against a specific they do, they must start over. Armour/Shields: 60/20, Hull: 200, Quality: 10, Sys-
vehicle system (ignoring armour and shields). tems: Main Reactor, Secondary Reactor (x2), Sub-
Ram light Drive, FTL Drive, Life Support, Cargo Bay,
When firing Fire-and-Forget weapons, make a Sickbay, Flight Deck (x2), Shuttle Bay, ECM Array,
Tactical Save and forgo all other actions that In a desperate move, a pilot can attempt to take Point Defence, Interior Scanners, Weapons: 14
round. If a lock-on is achieved, the weapon may out another vehicle by ramming it without suffering turret-mounted Laser Cannons (1d10 dmg each),
be fired as an action in a later round, provided the too much damage themselves. 8 turret-mounted Particle Beams (2d10 dmg
lock is maintained. each), 2 spinal-mount Mass Drivers (4d10 dmg
Make a Maneuvering Save against the target’s each), 6 Torpedo launchers (2d10 dmg each)
If the target’s pilot takes a successful Dodge ac- Maneuvering to hit, inflicting half the ramming ve-
tion or otherwise increases their Maneuvering hicle’s normal maximum Hull Points in damage on
value before the attack can hit, they break the tar- both vehicles. Armour and shields will reduce this
get lock. Gunners must re-roll the lock-on save im- damage for both vehicles.
mediately, using the new Maneuvering value as
the TN or lose the target lock. Sample Ships
As long as the weapon has a target lock at the Armed Freighter
point it reaches the target (even if it has lost and
re-acquired that lock in between), it will hit. The Scale: Starship, Maneuvering: 11/+1, Tactical:
referee will rule when a weapon has exceeded its 11/+1, Armour/Shields: 10/3, Hull: 20, Quality: 8,
maximum flight time. Systems: Main Reactor, Sub-light Drive, FTL
Drive, Life Support, Cargo Bay, Sickbay,

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