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ID; MGT/WE/ 082/12




MARCH , 2024

Leadership is asocial relationship between two or more people in which the leader
influence the social knowledge goal acceptance and actions of the follower, goals and
define ways to active them, they use powers and persuading to ensure that followers have
the motivation and role clarify to achieve specific goals. Leaders also arrange to work
environment such as allocating resources and altering communication patterns so that
employees can achieve corporate objectives more easily, it also plays role in the activity

of efficient and effectiveness of performance of the employee on the organization. The

objective of this study is to investigate the impact of leadership on the performance of
employee; all necessary data has been gathered from primary and secondary source of

data. The primary data will be collected through interview and questionnaires because
they are most appropriate instrument to collect relevant data and to identify major
problems of leadership that affect performance of employee, the secondary data are
collected from documents and references.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
1.1. Back ground of the study..........................................................................................1
1.2 – Background of the organization..............................................................................2
1.3 .Statement of Problem...............................................................................................3
1.4 Research Questions....................................................................................................4
1.5. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY..............................................................................4
1.5.1 General Objective...............................................................................................4
1.5.2 Specific objectives..............................................................................................5
1.6 The Scope of the Study..............................................................................................5
1.7 Limitation of the study...............................................................................................6
1.8. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................6
1.9. Definition of Key Terms...........................................................................................7
1.10. Organizational of the Study..................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................8
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITRTURES....................................................8
2.1. Theoretical Review...................................................................................................8
2.2.1 The Concept of Leadership.....................................................................................8
2.1.2 Leadership Theories..........................................................................................10 Great-Man Theory.........................................................................................10 Contingency Theories....................................................................................10
2.2 Empirical Review....................................................................................................11
2.3 Conceptual framework.............................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................14
3. Research design and methodologies.........................................................14
3.1 Description of study area.........................................................................................14
3.2 Research design.......................................................................................................14
3.3 Population and Sampling.........................................................................................15
3.3.1 Target population of the study..........................................................................15
3.3.2 Procedure of the Sample Technique.................................................................15
3.4 Sample Size Determination.....................................................................................15
3.5 Sources of the Data..................................................................................................16
3.6 Data Collection Technique......................................................................................16
3.7. Methods of Data Analysis......................................................................................16
3.7.1. Independent Variables of the Study.................................................................16
3.7.2. The Dependent Variable of the Study.............................................................17

3.8. Ethical Consideration..............................................................................................17
3.7 Time Schedule and Budget plan..............................................................................18
3.7.1 Time Schedule..................................................................................................18
3.8 Budget Breakdown..................................................................................................18


1.1. Back ground of the study

Management is central profession and success-factor in two days competitive world,
never before so many people on all organization levels had to carry out management
tasks this trend is set to increase significantly in the near future, However the basic forms
of management and organization exist since the beginning of management of the
organized human activities for a common goal (Richard H.G. field, 1995, 375)
In the process there is practices of planning, work allocation, organizing- controlling and
decision making. In the progress to the modern word. Business companies’ government,
organizations and public enterprises regardless of their size and nature was facing
challenges in computing for existence.
In many business leadership is welded to the performance, leadership is the process of
influencing people and providing an environment for them the activities teamed the
In fielder's constituency theory which suggest that leadership styles must fit or match (le
eg ama udhigma), the situation in order to be effective is the best known, leadership is art
(hawl u baahan khibrad) of motivating a group of people to act to words achieving a goal
but even more simply leadership is the inspiration director of the action (Nelson, 1984,
The groups that possess the combination of personality and skills that make others to
follow. His or her direction, it also involves communicating inspiring and supervising.
Leadership is a winning combination of person traits and the ability to think act like a
leader, Anyone can be leader even if the only persons they was leading is themselves
Leadership is important for function of management which helps to maximize efficiently
and to achieve organizational goals; leadership of the organization mainly involves
modeling. The vision forming team, influencing them and aligning people to achieve set

Leadership bears the responsibility of inspiring people and producing meaningful
changes in the organization good leadership
Leadership entails the ability to articulate a vision align the people talents and efforts of
the company’s direction and keeping them focused on set vision by motivating and
persuading them,(Richard N,G, 1995,372)
The objectives of the organization is emergency relief runs alongside long term
development and prevention work to help children, their families and communities to be
self-sufficient to gain expertise through projects around the world and use that knowledge
to educate advise others; work is under pinned by the commitment to making reality the
rights of the children enshrined in the convention on the rights of the child (Richard NG,
1995, 385)
Hence this study would conduct for assessing the performance of employee by having
studying the leadership on the performance of employee.

1.2 .Statement of Problem

The effect of leadership on performance of employees has been an arguable theme among
researchers worldwide. Behn (1995), the issues of leadership on manipulating employee’s
performance is one of the questions which need to get proper answer in organizations
Maxwell (2015) distinguished that transactional leadership is the one which highly
motivates employees than transformational leadership. It is also expressed that
transactional leadership style is able to move subordinates beyond their normal level of
performance to higher level of performance than any other leadership style (Bass, 1985).
However, a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee
performance has been found in both practical perspectives (Howell & Frost, 1989). Many
researchers believe that the Leadership can affect the performance of the employees of a
company both directly and indirectly. Reports show that transactional leadership style
influences workers performance more than any other leadership (Patern, 1995).
Furthermore, it is propounded that transformational leadership generates higher
performance than transactional leadership style (Avolio, 1993). A number of recent
studies examined the effect of leadership styles on employees „performance. Se for

example, Rasool, et al. (2015), Pradeep and Prabhu (2011),Aboshaqah et al. (2015), Ipas
(2012), Kahinde and Bajo (2014), Gimuguni, et al (2014), Raja and Palanichamy (2015)
Rasool et al (2015) examined the health sector in Pakistani and report that both
transformational and transactional leadership affect employee performance but the effect
of transformation leadership style is higher than that of transactional leadership Raja and
Palanichamy (2015) report positive relationship between both transformational and
transactional leadership styles but negative relationship between autocratic leadership
style and employee performance from a sample of employees in public and private sector
enterprises in India.
On the other hand, it has also been argued that democratic leadership style since sets
employees to decide on their own, it motivates them to perform better than any other
leadership style hence influences them to perform better than any other leadership
Rasool, et al. (2015). It is opposing represented that democratic leadership is one of the
worst leadership styles in influencing employee performance as leaders let things go
without monitoring performance of employees hence leading to less performance
Kahinde and Bajo (2014).
The two researchers have no common agreement on the influence of democratic
leadership style where in one perspective it is seen that it can influence employee
performance while on the other perspective it cannot influence employee performance.
As revealed in the above different researcher has shown the effect of the leadership
(autocratic, transactional, transformational and democratic) on employee performance
and tries to show whether it has positive or negative relation and effect with performance.
But there is no research done before that shows the effect of leadership on employee
performance in the case of Army foundation, especially, in Ethiopian context.
Accordingly, this study tries to demonstrate the effects of transactional, transformational,
democratic and autocratic leadership on employee performance of Army Foundation.

1.3 Research Questions

So the researcher are tried to investigate the problems of good leadership by raising the
following basic questions.

1.what type of leader ship performance of employees does the organizational

2, what are the uses of leadership performance of employees in the organization

3, what are the problems related to leadership that affect performance of


4, what can be the solution to solve the problems that are related to the assess of

Leadership in the organization


1.4.1 General Objective

The overall objectives of this study would to assess the leadership on the performance of
employee on the save the children organization in Sodo town.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

 To know what type of leadership style does the organization follow.

 To understand the importance of leadership within the organization.

 To know whether the leader has confidence in his or her leadership.

 To explore the problems that affect performance of employees that are

related to leadership.

1.5 The Scope of the Study

The Researcher would assessed how a good leadership Can influence and inspire the
performance of employee and decision making toward them in order to achieve goals of
the organization, the study focused on the impacts of leadership on performance of
employee in save the children organization in Sodo town, the Aim that was the
researcher selected this organization is because of the student researcher faced lack of

sufficient finance during the study, shortness of time that the researcher couldn’t examine
more employees, lack of experience on conducting broad research ,etc.

1.6 Limitation of the study

In this study, the data is collected only from employees of one selected military
organization due to the constraint associated to the cost of involving more organizations.
Thus, the use of limited sample size in this study would be making it difficult to
generalize the findings to other similar organizations. On the other hand, the study
involved only quantitative data gathered through questionnaire due to the coincidence of
COVID-19 pandemic that the researcher are unable to conduct interviews to include
qualitative data in this study. Thus, the findings in this study would be having been more
substantial, has it be possible to include qualitative data through interviews.

1.7. Significance of the Study

Leadership is act of influencing and directing people in such a way that would win their
obedience, confidence respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives
(Chester Bernard), Leadership is an important function of management which helps
maximize efficiency of managements and achieve organizational goals. .thus, The study
was helpful knowing the influence of the leader in organization and was explored the
ways to find out how can employees work to gather and improve leadership structure of
the organization, the study is cornerstone for other researchers ,the student researcher is
beneficiary on getting knowledge ,experience and advantage on conducting the different
data about this study and have some the knowledge about impacts of leadership on the
performance of employee for any business, also the study can be used for other
organizations which was similar by taking this study and they can check them selves with
identified problem and if the problem was initiate on them they can take their corrective

1.8. Definition of Key Terms

Leadership - Leadership is the process of sharing & coordinating the organization
vision to the followers to overcome problems and to achieve the goals and objectives of
the organization.

Leadership Practice – Leadership practice is the process by which Sodo zurya Woreda
is responsible for directing/influencing public sector organizations employees towards the
organizations’ goals.

Leadership Challenge – leadership challenges are the difficulties or a new thing which
needs an individual leader’s required skills and ability to accomplish a desired goals.
Public sector organization - Public sector organization is one that is operated by the
government often provide services for citizens regardless of the person's ability to pay.

1.9. Organizational of the Study

The research paper included by the following chapters:

Chapter one contain background of the study, background of the organization, statement
of the problems, Objective of the study, Significance of the study, scope of the study.
and methodology .then Chapter two is about the review of related literatures, also
Chapter three concentrates on analyzing, interpreting and contain data presentation.



2.1. Theoretical Review

2.2.1 The Concept of Leadership

Leadership, as Kotler (1990) argues, is more of establishing direction, aligning people,
and motivating and inspiring others. Leadership is concerned with long-term outcomes
and future goals of the organizations. Leadership is more about people and less about
tasks. Leaders often put many of these skills and interests to good use but often to better
effect because they focus on was as such as discovering solutions (not problems),
managing changing, excelling in spite of organizational structure, and inspiring personnel
to achieve their goals. Leadership has become the crux of issues in the corporate world of
today. This is because it is responsible for the harmonization and integration of both
human and material resources to produce the output or services for which the body is
created. Leadership is a process of influencing others commitment towards realizing their
full potentials in achieving a value added, shared vision with passion and integrity. An
important factor in the leadership process is the relationship that a leader has with
individual followers (Obasan Hassan 2014). In the view of Eze (1982), he sees
Leadership as a relational concept involving both the influencing agent and the person
being influenced. This he claimed means that without followers there can be no Leader.
He further indicated that the factor which interact to produce an effective leader include
not only the abilities and characteristics of the group he is leading, but also the
characteristics of the situation in which his leadership takes place. He, posited further that
leadership particularly in the public sector becomes the „cradle of influence to rule

Leadership is a social relation between two or more people in which the leader
influences the social knowledge goal acceptance and actions of follower leaders affect
that the followers do (Field Report; J. 1995,374) Leadership is the process of influencing
people and providing an environment for then to achieve and organizational objectives
(mc shane,2000,432). In corporate world leadership is undoubtedly the most important
action that hands to be considered if you want to do collectively; aright man commanding
the right position at the right time can do wonders. If you was working in a business

environment you would certainly be knowing about the behaviors of the leaders who was
generally your managers, Every leadership style has its own way of behavior and
methods for getting work done, some styles may be preferred by subordinates (mc Shane

Leadership occurs when one person induces others toward some predetermined
objectives, is also the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of a subordinate or
group and persuade than to follow a particular course of action (Chester Bernard)

Leadership is act of influencing and directing people in such a way that would win their
obedience, confidence respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives
(Chester Bernard), Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards
achieving a common goal, In business; leadership is welded to performance, effective
leaders was those who increase their company’s bottom lines

Leadership is a winning combination of personal traits and the ability to think and act as
leader, a person who directs the activities of others for the good of all. Anyone can be a
leader even if the only person they was leading in themselves.(Debral l.nelson and James
capbell, quick 435) Leadership can be defined as a complex social process, rooted in
aspects of values, skills, knowledge as well as ways of thinking of both leaders and
followers. Thus, it is all about the continuous process of establishing and maintaining a
connection between who aspire to lead and those who was willing to follow (Hersey and
Blanchard 1984). Furthermore, it has been the focal point of many academic research
projects and of more than dozen journals in the market. Many academicians and
researchers have made vital contributions in the different theories as well as practices of
leadership, and after of extensive research, the subject of leadership has emerged as a
legitimate discipline. However, there is still agreement about what leadership actually is.
Many of scholars and researchers agreed that leadership is a combination of skills and
behavior which exhibits those skills (Bass et al. 2003; Bolden et al 2003; James and
Collins 2008). Bass (1990) characterized leadership as a procedure of connection among
people and gatherings that incorporates an organized or rebuilt circumstance, individuals'
desires and recognitions.

“Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to
achieve common goals (Northouse, 2007). Leadership style is the combination of attitude
and behavior of a leader, which leads to certain patterns in dealing with the followers
(Dubrin 2004). It is the result of the philosophy, personality and experience of the leader.
There was several leadership styles such as: autocratic, bureaucratic, charismatic,
democratic, participative, situational, transformational, and transactional and laissez faire
leadership (Mosadeghrad, 2003a). Leadership style has been the deciding factor of more
than one facet of employee behavior in organizations.

2.1.2 Leadership Theories Great-Man Theory

The effort toward explorations for common traits of leadership is protracted over
centuries as most cultures need heroes to define their successes and to justify their
failures. In (1847, Thomas Carlyle) stated in the best interests of the heroes “universal
history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at the bottom of the
history of the great men who have worked here”. Carlyle claimed in his “great man
theory” that a leader was born and that only that man who was endowed with heroic
potentials could ever become the leaders. He opined great men were born, not made. An
American philosopher, Sidney Hook, further expanded Carlyle perspective highlighting
the impact which could be made by the eventful man vs. the eventmaking man (Dobbins
&Platz, 1986). Contingency Theories

The theories of contingency recommend that no leadership style is precise as a stand-

alone as the leadership style used is reliant upon the factors such as the quality, situation
of the followers or a number of other variables. “According to this theory, there is no
single right way to lead because the internal and external dimensions of the environment
require the leader to adapt to that particular situation”. In most cases, leaders do not
change only the dynamics and environment, employees within the organization change.
In a common sense, the theories of contingency was a category of behavioral theory that

challenges that there is no one finest way of Leading/organizing and that the style of
leadership that is operative in some circumstances may not be effective in others
(Greenleaf, 1977). Contingency theorists assumed that the leader was the focus of leader-
subordinate relationship; situational theorists opined that the subordinates played a
pivotal role in defining the relationship. However, the situational leadership stays to
emphasis mostly upon the leader; it creates the significance of the focus into group
dynamic. These studies of the relationships between groups and their leaders have led to
some of our modern theories of group dynamics and leadership”.

2.2 Empirical Review

Many previous researches have studied the effect of various leadership on employees‟
performance. It has been widely accepted that effective organizations require effective
leadership and that organizational performance would suffer in direct proportion to the
neglect of this (Fiedler and House, 1988). Furthermore, it is generally accepted that the
effectiveness of any set of people is largely dependent on the quality of its leadership –
effective leader behavior facilitates the attainment of the followers desires, which then
results in effective performance (Fiedler and House, 1988; Maritz, 1995; Ristow, et al.,

Judge and Piccolo (2004) conducted a meta-analysis of 87 studies measuring

transformational, transactional, and laissez faire leadership. From the study, the authors
found that the Transformational Leadership had shown the highest overall validity, while
contingent reward leadership was a close second. The authors found more validity with
Transformational Leadership than contingent rewards when looking at leader
effectiveness. Contingent reward was found to be more valid for leader performance. The
authors found the differences in validity were not significant for follower motivation and
group performance. The authors found, through their meta-analysis, Transformational
Leadership had a positive relationship with follower job satisfaction, follower leader
satisfaction, follower motivation, leader job performance, group performance, rated
leader effectiveness.

In a survey conducted by Bono and Judge (2003) as to whether the followers of
transformational leaders exhibit higher performance, motivation, job satisfaction, and
organizational commitment in service and manufacturing organizations, it was found that
Transformational Leadership behaviors, as evaluated by followers, was positively related
to followers‟ job performance. From the answers given by the employees about the
transformational leadership, Nemanich and Keller (2007) concluded that the
Transformational Leadership behaviors had a significantly 26 positive relationship with
acquisition acceptance and to be positively related to goal clarity, creative thinking, and
follower performance. The authors suggest Transformational Leadership be used to face
challenges, such as those encountered during an acquisition. Many researchers have
studied leadership style from different prospective and in different Social political and
economic environment. The following ones was very match related and useful for this
study: In (Bass‟s 1998) current definition, leadership is an interaction between one or
more members of a group. In another more recent definition, leadership is a relationship
between leaders and followers where they influence each other and they intend real
changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes (Daft, 2005). It means that
situations, contexts, culture, working environment, new laws and regulations, information
overload, organizational complexities and psycho-socio developments remarkably impact
the leadership concept thereby, making it commensurate to the changing organizational
dynamics (Amabile, Schatzel, Moneta & Kramer, 2004)The effect of leadership style on
corporate profitability has been studied considerably by different researchers(Nicholls,
1988; Simms, 1997). Assuming “the essence of leadership is influence”, leadership could
broadly be defined as “the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared
aspirations” (Kouzes& Posner, 1995).

Transformational leaders encourage subordinates to put in extra effort and to go beyond

what they (subordinates) expected before (Burns, 1978). In a similar study of Piccolo and
Colquitt (2006) the authors found Leadership Transformational behaviors had a
significantly positive relationship with task performance. They also found intrinsic
motivation and goal commitment to significantly mediate the relationship between
Transformational Leadership behaviors and task performance.

Bass (1998) added to the initial concepts of Burns (1978) to help explain how
transformational leadership could be measured, as well as how it impacts follower
motivation and performance. The extent, to which a leader is transformational, is
measured first, in terms of his influence on the followers. The followers of such a leader
feel trust, admiration, loyalty and respect for the leader and because of the qualities of the
transformational leader was willing to work harder than originally expected.

Durga Devi Pradeep, N.R.V. Prabhu (2011) studied the effect of transformational,
transactional and laissez- faire leadership styles on employees‟ performance on some
selected Indian public and private organizations. The Results suggested that
Transformational Leadership Style is recommended for both Transformational and
Transactional Leadership Styles.

2.3 Conceptual framework

The study was based on a conceptual construct indicating the effect of different
leadership styles such as: Autocratic, Democratic, Transactional and Transformational
leadership styles implement by organizational leaders on their cohorts and its result on
employee performance in the study was. Hence, the dependent variable in this study was
employee performance. According to (Bass and Avolio, 1993), performance was
perceived as the ability of employees to meet organizational tasks, requirements and
objectives through strategic investment in to organizing, perform and accomplishing rules
and duties in the minimum time possible. Consequently, performance was operationally
perceived as: executing defined duties, meeting deadline, team input, and achieving
departmental goals. The above should guide to efficiency, specialization, effective
feedback and good organizational relations. The solidity of both leadership and
performance should be manifest through style and approach by managers in the 34 try to
cause efficiency which requires specific leadership move toward to unique performance
challenges. To sum up, there plenty in the literature that describes leadership style and
employee performance from a multitude of angles and views .Many articles revealed that
there is a strong relationship between leadership style and employee performance



3. Research design and methodologies

This chapter explained the components of the appropriate methods in conducting the
study. Thus, the chapter focused on the study are, the research design and methodology,
the population and sampling procedures, the instruments of data collection and methods
of data analysis.

3.1 Description of study area

This study will take in Wolaita zone administration. Wolaita zone will be selected
purposively to undertake this research because when the researcher is in the study area
observed leadership practice problems. Wolaita zone , located in Southern part of
Ethiopia particularly at 142 km from A/Minch (Zonal city), 183 km from the region
capital city of Hawassa and 382 km far away from Addis Ababa to the South West of
Ethiopia. It has 1681.8 square km catchment area of which 50% Highland (Dega), 34%
Medium (Woynadega) and 16% Low Land (Kola).

3.2 Research design.

The study will be utilized descriptive survey research design with giving of effect of
leadership variables on employee performance by employing quantitative data collection
through questionnaire. Descriptive studies also concerned with narration of facts and
characteristics concerning individual, group or situation. In this regard it is important to
know specific phenomena of the issues that must be identified and solved within a given
situation (Kothari, 2009).
Besides to this, the study is followed a mixed method that encompasses both qualitative
& quantitative research approach in order to answer the research questions. The mixed
method to research is used when the integration of qualitative & quantitative approach
provides a better understanding of the research problem than either of each method alone.

According to Creswell (2016) a mixed method research approach is a procedure for
collecting, analyzing and mixing both qualitative and quantitative methods in a single
study to understand clearly the objectives and research questions (Creswell, 2016).

3.3 Population and Sampling

3.3.1 Target population of the study
The target population of the study are the leaders/managers, employees of 40 one
selected organization currently operating under the children organizations located in
Wolaita Sodo town in the use of census.

3.5 Sources of the Data

The sources of the data for this study would involve both primary and secondary sources
of information. Primary data is collected by using closed-ended questionnaire as data
gathering instrument. The respondents are the employees and leaders/managers of Army
foundation. Secondary data which were used to understand and explain the research
problem is collected from many sources like library books, articles/journals, and the
organization’s reports.

3.6 Data Collection Technique

To obtain reliable and objective information, the data is collected through different data
collection methods. Three basic data gathering tools would be used in the process of
collecting the necessary data for the study. The first part of data gathering questionnaire
involved respondent’s background information such as sex, age, level of education, work
experience, and marital status. A close ended questionnaire is prepared and administered
to an employee who is selected to participate in the study to examine the effect of
leadership practice on employee performance. Observation, in the process of data
collection, the researcher observed facilities services available for employees, meeting,
and performance report. The observation data are contributed to a more truthful context
that made it possible to interpret the meaning of variables indicators analysis in
describing context of the study.

3.7. Methods of Data Analysis
3.7.1. Independent Variables of the Study
The main variables, in this study, are the four leadership styles (i.e., independent
variables) and employees‟ perceived work performance (i.e., the dependent variable).
The independent variables involve the four leadership styles identified in the study. These
was (1) autocratic leadership style,

(2) Democratic leadership style,

(3) Transformational leadership style, and

(4) Transactional leadership style of the leaders as perceived and rated by sample


3.7.2. The Dependent Variable of the Study

In this study, employees‟ perceived level of work performance has been taken as an
outcome variable or dependent variable. Perceived work performance has also been
measured using a five-point Likert-Scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5
(Strongly Agree).

3.8. Ethical Consideration

Ethical clearances are obtained from Wolaita sodo university, College of Business and
Economics department of management. Formal letters of cooperation are written to the
sodo zurya Woreda administrative office from Wolaita sodo university Graduate School.
Consent of the Wereda administration is obtained as well. Informed consents are obtained
from each public sector organizations. Any involvement in the study was carried out with
the full consent of leaders to be interviewed and the participant of the study is fully
informed that the studies are only for academic purpose. Finally, after collection of the
necessary data, identified problems during assessment are discussed with public sector
organizations leaders in order to apply appropriate leadership styles, techniques of
solving leadership challenges and improve the gaps of leadership development strategy

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3.7 Time Schedule and Budget plan

3.7.1 Time Schedule

No Activity Feb March April May June

1 Topic selection X
2 Preparation of proposal X
3 Collection of useful X
4 Data collection X
5 Data analysis and writing of X
6 Submission of proposal X
7 Presentation of find research X

3.8 Budget Breakdown

Item Quantity Per unit(birr) Total cost(birr)
Equipment Paper 5 100.00 500.00
and Pens 4 20.00 80.00
stationary Binder 2 100.00 200.00

Total cost - - 250.00
Personal Transportation - - 200.00
cost Internet 20 hers 30 150.00
Typist 1 300.00 300.00
Overall total - - 1680.00


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