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First and for most I would like to the almighty God who helped me throughout our journey for
achievement. Second I would like to give a heart full gratitude and appreciation for my advisor
instructor BANTE (MBA)for his guidance and advice. Third I would like to thanks to my family
who support financially. Finally I would like to thanks the bank managers and employees for
their collaboration in filling questionnaires and giving core ideas that support our research.

Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................................................ i
Acronyms.................................................................................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study...................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................................2
1.3. Research questions..........................................................................................................................................2
1.4. Objective of the study.....................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General objective.....................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific objective.....................................................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the study.................................................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the study...........................................................................................................................................3
1.7. Limitation of the study...................................................................................................................................4
1.8. Organization of the paper..............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Literature review......................................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Definition of key terminologies and concepts of management information system...................................5
2.2. Feature of management information system................................................................................................5
2.3. Types of management information system....................................................................................................6
2.3.1. Information reporting system (IRS)...........................................................................................................6
2.3.2. Decision support system (DSS)...............................................................................................................6
2.3.3. Executive information system (EIS).......................................................................................................8
2.4. Information system (IS)..................................................................................................................................8
2.4.1 Type of information system.....................................................................................................................8
2.4.2. Office automation system (OAS)............................................................................................................8
2.4.3. Expert system (ES)..................................................................................................................................9
2.4.4. Knowledge work system (KWS).............................................................................................................9
2.5. Decision making and quality of information.................................................................................................9
2.6. Activities of information system....................................................................................................................9
2.6.1. Input of data resources..........................................................................................................................10
2.6.2. Processing of information into data.....................................................................................................10
2.6.3. Output of information system...............................................................................................................10
2.6.4. Storage of data resource........................................................................................................................10

2.6.5. Control of information performance....................................................................................................10
2.7. Advantage of management information system.........................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................................13
Research methodology...............................................................................................................................................13
3. Methodology..........................................................................................................................................................13
3.1 Study setting...................................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Research design..............................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Population of the study..................................................................................................................................14
3.4 Sampling Design and sample size determination.........................................................................................14
3.5 Sample selection Techniques.........................................................................................................................14
3.6 Sources of data...............................................................................................................................................14
3.7 Method of Data Collection............................................................................................................................15
3.8 Method of Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................15
3.9. Research ethical considerations...................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................................................16
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION........................................................................................................16
4.1. Demographic analysis...................................................................................................................................16
4.1.2. Information about implementation of MIS.........................................................................................18
4.1.3. Information handling and controlling technique of the bank............................................................23
4.1.4. Information about key factors that affect the implantation of MIS...................................................27
4.1.5 Information about satisfaction of customers in MIS............................................................................30
4.1.6. Analysis of interview questions.............................................................................................................33
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................................35
SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................35
5.1. Summary of the study...................................................................................................................................35
5.2.Conclusion of the study.................................................................................................................................35
5.3 Recommendation of the study.......................................................................................................................37
Reference................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix................................................................................................................................................................... 40

List of table Page
Table 4.1 personal information of the respondents-----------------------------------------------------14
Table 4.2 implementation and method of evaluation for MIS ---------------------------------------15
Table 4.3 the strength, draw back and development of MIS projective in the organization-------17
Table 4.4 respondents response regarding to commitment of manager and problems to
Implement MI----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
Table 4.5 skill and knowledge of employees and performance of the organization in MIS-------20
Table 4.6.respondent’s response regarding to method and problem of information handing
and controlling-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
Table 4.7 respondent’s response regarding with information exchange and problems that
affect exchange of information-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 4.8 respondent’s response regarding to performance of MIS and availability
of information----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
Table 4.9 respondent’s response about factors that affect the implementation of MIS------------- 24

Table 4.10 respondent’s response regarding to training about how to use

management information system--------------------------------------------------------------------------26
Table 4.11 respondent’s response regarding to customer level of satisfaction in MIS-------------27
Table 4.12 respondent’s response regarding to methods and level of customer satisfaction
after implementation of MIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------28

Affecting its services and update information. This research was conducted on commercial bank
of Ethiopia in Dicha branch. The main objective of this study is to assess the role of management
information system on enhancing banking service. Primary and secondary sources of data were
used to accomplish this study. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and
interviews. Secondary data was collected from books and manuals of the bank. The researcher
uses census method because each element of the population has known and equal chance to
select and helps us to get representative of the population and to collect accurate and reliable
information. The researcher used 33 total populations. From the total questionnaires the
researcher tried to collect 30 and the remaining 3 questionnaires did filled by respondents.

The researcher assessed that the bank has faced difficulties of delay in process, delay in
communication, data inconsistency and redundancy. The bank has good accuracy, relevance,
competency as well as good performance and the top level management gas good attitude to
development. To be competent, effective and reliable, the bank should prepare training and
development programs to enhance employee’s job performance. Create good information
communication, eliminate factors

KEY WORD: Management Information System,Banking Service

MIS - Management Information System
TPS - Transaction Processing System
KWS - Knowledge Work system
OAS - Office Automation System
ES - Expert System
DSS - Decision Support System
ELS - Executive Information System
IRS – Information Reporting System
ELS – Executive Information System
IS - Information System


1.1. Background of the study
Management information system (MIS) is a managerial decision making tools for any
business through a wide variety of computer base system and use to respond opportunity to
avoid the problem of the organization (Mobert, 2015). Although an information system to
support management and decision making predates the use of computers and related
technology. Several of the other discipline which contributed to the growth of management
information system is management accounting, management science, management theory,
computer science (Marsh, 2016). In the 2007’s mangers realized that they could use
computer base information system for planning, controlling, decision making and problem
solving, rather than just for reporting transactions. This new type of information comes to be
known as management information system (Brien, 2017).
In today dynamic business environment, information technology is a greater contribution in
day today activities and brings development in information with the computer system.
Information technology helps in many areas of different works departments etc. one area of
information system applies in management information system help managers in planning,
staffing, organizing, controlling and monitoring their work (Robert, 2015). Most banking
service analysis includes technology change on the short list of important factors in banking
service, structure and performance (Lucas, 2018). Many successful financial institutions have
clearly demonstrate that information system and technology can be used to capture market
structure or share improve customer service and reduce operating cost and create new
products and potential of information system (Anderson 2013).
Management information system is a system that consists of people procedure, machine, data
base and data model as its element. This system gather data from internal and extern al sources
of an organization process it and supplies information to assist managers in the process of
decision making management information system deal with the planning for development,
management and use of information technology tools to help people to perform all tasks related
to information and management (Stephen Haag, A. philips, 2016)

In recent year technology has become increasing important to the evaluation bank retail delivery
system and the development of new electronic retail product (Brien, 2018).
The goal of management information systemizes enables managers to make better decision by
providing quality information (Anderson, 2013). To create an effective information system you
need to do more than simply purchase the various components quality is an important issues in
business today particularly as a relate to information system (Anderson, 2013). Modern banks
must responded to challenges such as process automation increased client expectation at the
same time bank must also manage risk harmonize their business operation with the growing
national and international regulation. Financial instruction is one of the largest investors in
information system (according survey).
This research would be tried to identify the role of management information system on
enhancing banking service in customer satisfaction decision making and management function.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Management information system primary service in the function of planning controlling and
decision making at management level. Most of the organization uses management information
system to process store and record and manipulate accurate data and information in the existence
as well as profitability of the organization in processing to accurate and well defined form.
However without applying management information system an organization does not achieve its
objective for both profit and nonprofit organization (Oledajo, 2017).
In our country Ethiopia the usage of information still has not get consideration and there is lack
of awareness in using it. The drive force to conduct this research is there is a problem of delay in
process and communication, inconsistency and redundancy of data in efficient flow from each
department and less attitude of managers toward development of MIS during decision making
customers and end users are not received the required information in required time and less
application of management information system in the organization has negative effect on the
organization daily long run and operation of each activity. Therefore the purpose of this research
is to assess the above list problems and to give the necessary recommendation for commercial
bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch which is found in Wolita sodo regarding to their problems.

1.3. Research questions

 What is the relationship between management information system and business goals?

 What is the attitude of managers towards the development of management information
system during decision making?
 What is the role management information system for the satisfaction of customers in
commercial Bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch?
 What are the major reasons for insufficient flow of reports from each department and
between employee and customers?

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective
The general objective of the study is to assess the role of management information system on
enhancing banking service in case of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch

1.4.2. Specific objective

 To identify the relationship between management information system and business goals
 To assess the attitude of managers towards the development of management information
system during decision making
 To identify the role of management information system for the satisfaction of customers
in commercial bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch.
 To identify the major reasons for insufficient flow of reports from each department and
between employee and customer?

1.5. Significance of the study

The research has the following significance for parties who have direct and indirect interest on it.
The recommendation of this research helps the organization (bank) to understand the work sides
regarding to MIS and advice to take the necessary measurement to improve its operation.
This research helps to other researcher as a reference to conduct research on the role of
management information system on enhancing banking service and also helps to customers to
get quality service and maximize their satisfaction as well as maintain their loyalty.

1.6. Scope of the study

Geographical, this research was conducted on commercial bank of Ethiopia in dicha branch,
wolaita sodo town. This study is concentrate on the management information system role to
enhance banking service in case of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch.
Conceptually, the focus only management information system role in customer satisfaction
decision making and managerial functions (planning and controlling).methodologically the
researcher was used descriptive research type.

1.7. Limitation of the study
Management information system would have many roles for different purpose but to study this
topic they have many limitations for example employees are not willing to give enough
information, shortage of documentary materials and financial problems due to this reason the
researcher more focuses on the role of management information system in customer satisfaction,
decision making planning, and controlling.

1.8. Organization of the paper

This study was organized in five chapters. Chapter one contains introduction part which includes
bank ground of the study, statement of the problem, research question, objective of the study,
significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitation of the study. The second chapter
deals literature review and third chapter contains research methodology. Finally the fourth and
fifth Chapter presents summary, analysis, interpretation, and recommendation on data collected.


2. Literature review
2.1. Definition of key terminologies and concepts of management information
Management information system is a computerized data base of financial information organized
and programmed in such a way it produces regular reports on operation or every management
level in accompany
Management information system is a collection of three components these are:- management,
information and system.
Management:- is a distinct process that consists of management function of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing (leading) and controlling conductive environment in order to
achieve common group goal and organization objectives efficiently and effectively Lucas,2018).
Information:- is a data that will been processed in to a meaningful for use by the decision maker
within organization information is an important in gradient in a day to day operation and it is
useful as a means of communicating with another organization and individual (Lucas, 2018).
System:- is a set of inter- related elements joined to gather to achieve common objective and it
will be in puts, process, output, feedback and control elements (Lucas,2018).
Open system:- is a system which interact with its environment and exchanges inputs and outputs
Closed system:- is a system which does not interact or exchange within environment.

2.2. Feature of management information system

Management information system can be distinguished from other information system within
the organization by reference to the specific feature of that system. Provision of support for
structured decision maker to all management level. Provision of on line access in the TPS of
transaction processing system of the organization to give summarize about the performance
of the organization.

An internal rather than external focused with detail being provided on organization itself
rather than competitors or the over a;; economic environment. Provision of more detailed
information on the organization operation will be refused (Mesfin, 2018).

2.3. Types of management information system

Management information system provides information and support needed for effective
decision making by mangers. According to (Brien, 2017) major categories of management
information system are:-
Information reporting system
Decision support system
Executive information system

2.3.1. Information reporting system (IRS)

Information reporting system is the most common form of management information system
that provides management end users with information product to support day to day decision
making needs and provides a variety of reports and displays to management there are three
types of information reporting systems or alternatives according to ( Brien, 2017). these are:- Periodic scheduled reports

Periodic to scheduled report is the traditional form of providing information to manager’s
that uses prespecified format designed to provide managers with information on a regular
basis for example weekly sales analysis report and month financial statements (Brien, 2017). Exception Report

Exception report is reports that are produce only when exceptional conditions occur. This
type of report promotes management by exception instead of management with periodic
detailed report of business activity (Brien,2017). Demand reports and responses

This type of information reporting system, information is produced or provided to
management whenever a manager demands the information (Brien,1993).

2.3.2. Decision support system (DSS)

Decision support system are interactive computer based information system that uses
decision model and specialized data bases to assist the decision making process of
management end users. Decision support system provide managers with analytical modeling

specialized data bases, decision maker own insights and judgmental and an interactive
computer based modeling process to support the making of semi-structured and un structural
decision by individual manager (Brien,2017).
There are five (5) computer of decision support system these are:-
Hard ware resource
Software resource
Data resource
Model resource and People resource Hard ware resource

Personal computer work stations provide the primary and hard ware resource for a decision
support system. They can be used on a stand- alone basis but typically by wide and local area
networks to other computer system for access to other decision support system components
(Brien,2017). Software resource

Decision support system software packages contain software modules to manage decision
support data bases, decision model and end user or system dialogue (Brien, 2017). Data resource

A decision support system data base contains data and information extracted from the data bases
of the organization, external database and manager’s data bases. Model resource

The model base includes a library of mathematical models and analytical techniques stored as
programs, sub routines, spread sheet and command files. People resource

A decision support system can be used by mangers or their staff specialists to explore decision
alternatives. Decision support system can also be developed by such end users. However, the
development of large or complex decision support system and decision support system generator
software packages is typically left to information system specialists (Brien, 2017).

2.3.3. Executive information system (EIS)
Executive information system is a type of information system that combines many feature of
information reporting system and decision support system. The goal of executive information
system is to provide top management with immediate and easy access to selective information
about key factors that are critical to accomplishing a firm’s strategic objective. Executive
information system uses graphical display to provide immediate access to internal and external
database and to provide information about current status and projected trends for key factors
selected by top executives (Brien, 2017).

2.4. Information system (IS)

Information system is as set of people, procedure and resource that collects, transform and
disseminates information to support decision making, coordination, control in organization and
helps for managers and workers to analyze problem, visualize complex subjects and create new
products (zwass).

2.4.1 Type of information system

There are a number of information systems that are needed to process data generated by and
used in business operations. Some of them are:- transaction processing system (TPS), office
automation system (OAS), knowledge work system (KWS), expert system, decision support
system (DSS), management information system (MIS), and executive information system (ELS)
Kenneth C Lavdon, 2001).
Transaction processing system is information system, that process data resulting from the
occurrence of business transactions. Transactions are events that occure as part of doing
business, such as; sales, purchase, deposit, withdrawals, refund and payment, in addition to this
TPS done additional transaction such as; credit checks, customer billing, inventory change and
increase in account receivable balance. Generally transaction processing system plays a vital role
in supporting the operation of the organization (Zwass, 2018).

2.4.2. Office automation system (OAS)

Office automation system is a system that use computer based information system to collect,
process, store and transmit electronic messages, documents and other form of office
communication among individuals, wok group and organizations, A business may use word
processing for office correspondence, electronic mail to send and receive electronic message,
desktop publishing to produce a company newsletter and teleconference to hold electronic
meeting (Zwass, 2018).

2.4.3. Expert system (ES)
Expert system is a computer based information system that uses its knowledge about specific and
complex application area to act as an expert consultant to users. The system consists of a
knowledge based and software that perform inference on the knowledge (Zwass, 2018).

2.4.4. Knowledge work system (KWS)

Knowledge work means creating new knowledge of information by research extermination and
investigation into existing trends and products. A knowledge work means computerized package
designed to provide knowledge works with the means to create and integrate new knowledge in
to an organization including; keep the organization up to date with new knowledge developed
outside the company and providing advice inside the organization on the knowledge (Brein,
Note:- the remaining types of information system (decision support system, management
information system and executive information system) are explained in type of management
information system or information system for decision making.

2.5. Decision making and quality of information

Information system can support the intelligence, design, choice and implementation activities of
decision making information to be useful for decision making when it fulfill the following
Relevance:- information reduces its uncertainty by helping you predicting what will happen or
confirm what has happened.
Reliability:- information dependable or free from error biased faith fully portrays events and
activity completeness.
Understand able:- information is presented in clear and exact manner and use a consciences
nation, the nature of information in different people tend to produce the same results.
Time lines:- information is getting in a required time for required person to make appropriate
Accessibility:- you can get information when you need and informant you can use (Mesfin,

2.6. Activities of information system

Activities that occur in information system should be able to recognize input, processing, output,
storage, and control activities taking place in any information system you are studying.

2.6.1. Input of data resources
Data about business transaction and other events must be captured and prepared for processing
by input or data entry activities such as recording and editing. End users typically record data
about transactions on same type of physical medium such as a paper form or enter it directly into
computer system. This usually includes a variety of editing activities to ensure that they have
recorded data correctly (Brien, 2017).

2.6.2. Processing of information into data

Data are manipulated by such activities like calculating, comparing storing, classifying, and
summarizing. This processing activity organizes, analyze and manipulate information and
converting it into data for end users. The quality of any data stored in an information system
must also be maintained by a continua process of correcting and updating activities (Brien,

2.6.3. Output of information system

Information in various forms is transmitted to end users and made available to them in the
output activity. The goal of information in the production of appropriate information product for
end users common information products are vides display, paper document, and avoids responses
that provide as with messages, forms, reports, listings and graphics display (Brien, 2017).

2.6.4. Storage of data resource

Storage is a basic system component of information system. Storage is the information system
activity in which data and information are retained in an organized manner for later use. For
example, just as written text material is organized into words, sentences, paragraph and
documents. Stored data is commonly organized into fields, records, files and databases (Brien,

2.6.5. Control of information performance

An information system should produce feedback about its input process, output and storage
activities. This feedback must be monitored and evaluate to determine if the system is meeting
established performance standards. Then appropriate system activity must be adjusted so that
proper information products are produced for end users (James, A. 1996).

2.7. Advantage of management information system

According to Antony (2016) management information system provides the following advantages
these are:-

Facilitates planning:- management information system improves the quality of plans by
providing relevant information for sound decision making.
Minimize information overload:-MIS change the larger amount of data into summarize form
and avoid the confusion by which may arise when managers are flooded with detailed facts.
Encourage decentralization:- MIS is successful used for measuring performance and making
necessary change in the organization plans and procedures. Decentralization of authority is
possible when there is a system for monitoring operations at lower level.
Brings coordination:- MIS facilitate integration of specialized activities by keeping each
department aware of the problem and requirements of other departments. It connects all decision
centers in the organization.
Makes control easier:- MIS server as a link between managerial planning and controlling. It
improves the ability of management to evaluate and improve performance.
According to Brien (2017) management information system is a significant role in the success of
organization. Some of them are:-
Support of business operations:- information system support business operation by processing
data with more speed and capacity generated by and used in business operation. They record and
process data from business and produce various documents and reports to speed up business
operation and decision making will be on time.
Support of management decision:- information system plays this role by providing reports and
critical information to managers. They also give advice and interaction support for managers.
Strategic role of information:- management information system achieves this role by
improving operation and efficiency of the organization, promoting business information and
building strategic information.
2.8 Empirical Literature Review

Through the following presentation, the researcher arranged previous studies related to
the subject of study in descending order.

The Study of (, 2009) Title is " Management Information system to help
managers for providing decision making in all organization " ,this study investigate in
provides management information system (MIS) information on the administrative
activities of the organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides

accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate decision-making and enable
organizations planning and control the executive and the tasks to be carried out
effectively process. Management Information System (MIS) is mainly concerned with
the processing of data into information and then is transferred to different departments
in the organization to take the appropriate decision. MIS is a subset of the overall
planning and monitoring, which covers the application of human beings, techniques,
and procedures of the organization's activities.

Study of ( Karim, 2011) Title is " The Significance of Management Information

Systems for Enhancing Strategic And Tactical Planning ", this study investigate in
management information systems (MIS) is a key factor to facilitate the achievement of
the efficiency of decision-making in the organization. This paper explores the extent to
implement systems to make successful decisions in two of the selected financial
organizations and administrative information. Research examined whether the selected
financial institutions in Bahrain vary regarding the use of the leadership of
management information systems for the purposes of making strategic and tactical
planning decision. Conditioning research and quantitative research designed to
examine two hypotheses. It was distributed to a total of 190 questionnaires equally to
those who work in the various administrative levels in the selected organizations.
Search Results showed that the MIS was used primarily to enhance the strategic
planning in the financial institutions. Regression analysis revealed that thetactical
planning and found to have no effect on the decision-making, while the strategic
planning have a clear impact on the effectiveness of decision making in both
organizations and the study showed no differences in terms of gender and experience

inistration of Secondary Schools in ABA Zone South East Nigeria", this paper has
investigation information management system as a tool in secondary schools in the
ABA Education Management District, southeast Nigeria. The descriptive study to
determine the extent of the official high school use of management information systems
management tool.


Research methodology

3. Methodology
This chapter deals with research design and methodology. The main topics that are going to be
discuss here are: study setting, population of the study, sample size and sample design, sample
selection techniques, sources of data, methods of data collection, method of data collection and

3.1 Study setting

Wolaita Sodo is a town in wolaita zone, South Nations Nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia
region in Ethiopia.the administrative center of the wolaita has a latitude and longitude of
6°54'N 37°45'E/6.900°N 37.750°E with an elevation between 1,600 and 2,100 meters above sea
level. The distance between Addis Abeba Ethiopia and wolaita sodo is 328 km by road.
Wolaita is bordered on the south Gamo Gofa, on the west by omo river which separates if from
Dawro, on the northwest by Kembata Tembaro, on the north by Hadiya, on the northeast by the
oromia region, on the east by the Bilate river which separates it from sidama region and by the
southeast by lake abaya which separates it from oromia region. The administrative center of
Wolaita is called Sodo.
According to the most recent estimate (2017) the people of wolaita numbered 5.83 million in
wolaita zone. The language of wolaita people, similarly called wolaita, belongs to omotic branch
of the afro Asiatic language family.

3.2 Research design

A research design is a framework or blue print for conducting the research. In order to achieve
the objective of the study descriptive research design would be used. This is because the student
researcher is going to be conducting problem solving research. Descriptive research design is a
tool which describes the necessary information by pinpointing the basic problem and answers the
WH questions (Mlhotra, 2016). Descriptive research primary aims are on gathering knowledge
about description and explanation of objectives of the study. Descriptive research method helps

to describe the research setting as it is and also allows the use of both quantitative and qualitative
approach (Malhotra, 2015).

3.3 Population of the study

Population is a group of individuals, objects or items from which measurements are taken
(tramp, 2019). The target population for this study includes Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in
Dicha branch employees specially those working in Human Resource and management
department as well as front line employees providing service to the customers. The total
population will be the current employees’ mention which is 33.

3.4 Sampling Design and sample size determination

All members of the target population would be used in this study because the number of
population is not large. So, the number of respondents to whom questionnaires would be given
out to is 33.

3.5 Sample selection Techniques

This study used census survey due to the small nature of the target population.
While a census is an attempt to gather information about every member of the population,
sampling gathers information only about a part, the sample, to represent the whole. Because a
sample is only part of the population, we can study it more extensively than we can all of the
members of the population.

3.6 Sources of data

The study used both primary and secondary data in the information collecting process. Primary
data comes from the original sources and are collected especially to answerer the research
questions. Primary data is collect mainly through questionnaires of both types (closed-ended and
open-ended) as well as through interviewing of staff members.
Secondary sources of data are classified as internal and external sources of information; internal
information’s published by the organization, external information’s published outside the
organization. The sources that were going to be used include published books, the Banks MIS ,
performance data, and the Internet was also extensively
nformation system, and commitment of management information system, training how to use
management information system and bank performance in management information system.

Books, journals, and scholarly websites were also used to develop the theoretical and
conceptual basis for the study.

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected from respondents was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative
techniques. Descriptive analysis method was used to obtain information from interview (open
ended questionnaires) which was evaluated by using qualitative method and be presented in
the form of paragraph. The data collected from questionnaire (close ended) was evaluated by
using quantitative techniques where data is scored by calculating the number and percentages
and be presented in the form of tabulation.

3.9. Research ethical considerations

The research will be free from unethical behavior means that the aggressiveness and hostility
side, so as to getting respondents consent and allowing them to leave any time they want. And
also the researchers have been politely asking employee of organization and give high degree
of politeness for target study to conduct and the information will deliver to the subject of the
study only those but also the information obtains from respondent in the study has been kept



This chapter consists of the body of research paper which assesses the role of management
information system on enhancing Banking service in case of commercial Bank of Ethiopia in
Dicha branch. The researcher data presented analyzed and interpreted by using tables and
percentage. The researcher used census method to distribute questionnaire for all employees; the
researcher distributed 33 questionnaires. From the total questionnaires the researcher tried to
collect 30 and the remaining 3 questionnaires did not filled by respondents therefore the
following analysis of data is based on only by the 30 respondents.

4.1. Demographic analysis

Table 4.1 personal information of the respondents
No Item Respondents Frequency Percentage (%)
1. Sex Male 27 90
Female 3 10
Total 30 100
2 Age Less 20 - -
20-25 10 33.33
26-30 16 53.33
31-40 4 13.33
>40 - -
Total 30 100
3 Level of Education Certificate 1 3.33
Diploma - -
Degree 29 96.66
Above 2 Degree - -
Total 30 100
4 Marital status Single 17 56.33
Married 13 43.67
Divorced - -
Widowed - -
Total 30 100

5 Work Experience Less than 2 years 2 6.66
2-5 years 24 80
6-9 4 13.33
Above 10 year - -
Total 30 100
6 Monthly Income level Less than 5000 -- -
5001-10,000 10 33.33
10,001-15,000 14 46.67
Above 15,000 6 20
Total 30 100
Source; own survey 2016
According to table 4.1 the sex composition of the respondents were 27(90%) of the
respondents are male and the remaining 3(10%) of the respondents were females. This data
shows that the numbers of males are greater than females.
From the above table 4.1 the respondents age distribution are 10(33.33%) were between the
age of 20-25, 16(53.33%) were between 26-30, and the remaining 4(13.33 of the respondents
were between 31-40. This data indicates that most of the employees are young and there is no
employees that have below age of 20 and above 40
According to table 4.1 the level of education of the respondents were 1(3.33%) were
certificate, 29(96.66%) were degree. This shows that most of the bank employees have
degree level education
The above table 4.1 illustrates the respondents marital status, 17(56.66%) were single and the
remaining 13(43.33%) of the respondents are married. This indicates that most of the
employees are single and there is no divorced and widowed employee.
According to table 4.1 the work experience of the respondents 2(6.66%) have less than 2
years, 24(80%) have between 2-5 years, 4(13.33%) have between 6-9 years. This data shows
that most of the bank employees have between 2-5 years’ work experience.
According to table 4.1monthly income level of the respondents are 10(33.33%) between
5001-10,000, 14(46.67%) were between 10,001-15,000, and the remaining 6(20%) of the

respondents has been above 15,000 monthly income level. This data shows that most of the
bank employees have good monthly income level.

4.1.2. Information about implementation of MIS

Table 4.2 implementation and method of evaluation for MIS
No Item Respondents
Frequency Percentage (%)

1 Does the organization use MIS for

their day to day activities?
Yes 2 6.67
No 28 93.33
Total 30 100
2 If your answer in no 1 is no if
implement how does evaluate the
performance of MIS in your
Time lines 5 16.67
Accuracy 20 66.67
Consistency 3 10
Relevance 2 6.67
Total 30 100
Source; own survey 2016 E.C
According to table 4.2 illustrates that most of the employees 28(93.33%) said “No” and the
remaining 2(6.67%) of the respondents said “Yes”. in general it is agreeable that the
organizations use MIS for their day to day activity.
The second item describes the performance of MIS is measured by 5(16.67%) said by timelines,
20(66.67%) said that by accuracy, 3(10%) said by consistency and the remaining 2(6.67%) of the
respondents said that performance of MIS is measured by relevance. This indicates that the bank
more focus on accuracy and time lines to evaluate the performance of MIS than consistency and
Table 4.3 the strength, draw back and development of MIS projective in the organization
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

3 What are the strength of MIS for

banking service

Facilitate transaction 5 16.67

Make quality decision 7 23.33

Deliver quality decision 15 50

Minimize redundancy 3 10

Total 30 100

4 What are the draw backs of MIS in

your organization?

Costly 4 13.33

Require skilled man power 15 50

Required advance Technology 10 33.33

Others 1 3.33

Total 30 100

5 By whom the project of MIS is

developed in your organization?
Internal staff 12 40
Out sider 3 10
Both 14 46.67
Any other 1 3.33
Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C
According to respondents response in the above table 4.3 regarding to strength of MIS
5(16.67%) of the respondents said that MIS facilitate banking transactions, 7(23.33%) of the
respondents said MIS used to make quality decision, 15(50%) of the respondents said that MIS
used to deliver quality service and the remaining 3(10%) of the respondents said that MIS used
to minimize redundancy of data. From this data the researcher concluded that the strength of MIS
in banking service is to make quality decision and to deliver quality service.
From the above table 4.3 about drawback of MIS 4(13.33%) of the respondents said that costly,
15(50%) of the respondents said that MIS require skilled man power, 10(33.33%) of the
respondents said that MIS require advance technology and the remaining 1(3.33%) of the
respondents said that MIS others. From the data the researcher concluded that the drawback of
MIS is costly, require skilled man power, require advance technology and others to implement.
According to table 4.3 respondent’s response with regarding to MIS project development,
12(40%) of the respondents said that MIS project is developed by internal staff, 3(10) of the
respondents said that MIS project is developed by out sliders,14(46.67%) of the respondents said
that project of MIS is developed by both internal and outsiders and the remaining 1(3.33%) of
the respondents said that MIS project is developed by any other. This data shows that
commercial bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch has high performance in MIS and most of its
information process project developed by both internal staff and outsiders.
Table 4.4 respondent’s response regarding to commitment of manager and problems to
implement MIS
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

6 What are the commitment of top

managers to implement MIS?

Very high -

High -

Medium 6 20

Low 14 46.67
Very Low 10 33.33
Total 30 100

7 What are the problem that hider to

implement MIS in your organization?

Lack of skills 11 36.67

Lack of technology 13 43.33

Lack of capital 5 16.67

Others 1 3.33

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to respondents response in the above table 4.4 regarding to commitment of top
managers to implement MIS 10(33.33%) of the respondents said that top managers have “very
low” commitment, 13(43.33%) of the respondents said the top managers have “low”
commitment, 6(20%) of the respondents said that top managers have “medium” commitment.
From this data the researcher concluded that top management gives their low commitment to
implement and improve MIS for banking service.
From the above table 4.4 item respondents response with regard to problem that hinder the
implementation of MIS 11(36.67%) of the respondents said that lack of skills hinder to
implement MIS 13(43.33%) of the respondents said that lack of advance technology affects the
implementation of MIS, 5(16.67%) of the respondents said that lack of capital hinder to
implement MIS and the remaining 1(3.33%) of the respondents training affect the
implementation of MIS is lack of skills, lack of advance technology and lack of capital.
From this data the researcher concluded that the problem that hinders the implementation of
management information system is lack of advance technology.
Table 4.5 skill and knowledge of employees and performance of the organization in MIS
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

8 What are the skill and knowledge of

employees about the use of MIS?

Very good 2 6.67

Good 8 26.67

Medium 20 66.67

Poor - -

Very poor - -

Total 30 100

9 Does the implement on of MIS

increase the performance of the

Strongly agree 20 66.67

Agree 9 30

Neutral - -

Dis agree 1 3.33

Strongly Dis agree - -

Total 30 100

Source own survey 2016 E.C

According to the above table 4.5, respondents response regarding to employees skill and
knowledge the bank have employees with good skill and knowledge which accounts, 8(26.67%)
of the total respondents 2(6.67%) of the respondents said that the bank has employees with very
good skill and knowledge, 20(66.67%) of the respondents said that the bank has medium skilled

and knowledgeable employees about MIS. From this data the researcher justify that the skills and
knowledge of employees is medium.
Form the above table 4.5 regarding to the implementation of MIS increase the performance of
the organization, 20(66.67%) of the respondents said that “strongly agree”, 9(30%) of the
respondents said that “agree” and the remaining, 1(3.33%) of the respondents said that
“disagree” with implementation of MIS increase the performance of the bank there is no
respondents who answer “strongly disagree” with implementation of MIS increase the
performance of the organization. Based on this data the researcher concluded that
implementation of MIS increase the performance of the bank.

4.1.3. Information handling and controlling technique of the bank

No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

10 What are the information handling and

controlling Techniques of the

Manual 3 10

Semi-automatic 15 50

Automatic 12 40

Total 30 100

11 If your answer in no 10 is Manual
what is the problem of manual

Data redundancy 10 33.33

Delay data process 10 33.33

Data inconsistency 10 33.33

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to table 4.6 respondents response about information handling and controlling
techniques, 3(10%) of the respondents said that the bank uses “manual”, 15(50%) of the
respondents said that the bank uses both manual and automatic or “semi – automatic” system and
the remaining 12(40%) of the respondents said that the bank use “automatic” system to handle
and control data. This data indicates that the bank uses both manual and automatic system to
handle and control the data of most of the organization data is handled and controlled in
computerized system.
From the above table 4.6 regarding to problem of manual system 10(33.33%) of the respondents
said that data redundancy, 10(33.33%) of the respondents said that delay data process and the
remaining, 10(33.33%) of the respondents said that data inconsistency is problem of manual
system. Based on the data the researcher summarized that data redundancy, delay data process
and data inconsistency is the major problem of manual systems.
Table 4.7 respondent’s response regarding with information exchange and problems that affect
exchange of information
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

12 Is there good information exchange

between members of the organization?

Yes 6 20

No 24 80

Total 30 100

13 What are the problems that affect the

information in the organization?

Lack of communication and skill 6 20

Language difference 9 30

Attitude difference 15 50

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to the respondents response in the above table 4.7, 24(80%) of the respondents said
“No’ there is no good information exchange between members and the remaining, 6(20%) of the
respondents said that “Yes” there is good information exchange between members of the bank
most of the respondents response indicates that there is not good information exchange between
members of the organization.
Respondents response regarding to problems that affect the exchange of information, 6(20%) of
the respondents said that lack of communication skill affect exchange of information, 9(30%) of
the respondents said that language difference affect the exchange of information and the
remaining, 15(50%) of the respondents said that attitude difference affect exchange of
information. Based on the data the researcher concluded that attitude difference affects the banks
exchange of information more than other factors.
Table 4.8 respondent's response regarding to performance of MIS and availability of
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

14 Does the bank have good performance
in MIS compared to other banks?

Yes 24 80

No 6 20

Total 30 100

13 What are the availability of MIS in

your organization?

Very sufficient 9 30

Sufficient 15 50

Medium 6 20

In sufficient - -

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to respondents response in the above table 4.8 regarding to the performance of MIS;
24(80%) of the respondents said that “Yes” the bank has good performance in MIS compared
with other banks and the remaining, 6(20%) of the respondents said that there is no good
performance in MIS compared with other banks. Based on the respondent’s response the
researcher concluded that this bank has good performance in MIS compared to with other banks.
As indicated in the above table 4.8 respondents response regarding to availability of information,
9(30%) of the respondents said that there is very sufficient information in the bank, 15(50%) of
the respondents said that there is sufficient information, and the remaining 6(20%) of the
respondents said that there is medium availability of information in the bank. This interpretation
shows that commercial bank of Ethiopia in Dicha branch has relatively sufficient information for
decision making.

4.1.4. Information about key factors that affect the implantation of MIS
Table 4.9 respondent’s response about factors that affect the implementation of MIS
No Factors Respondent responses Total

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree disagree
1 Lack of man 5(16.67%) 15(50%) 1(3.33%) 6(20%) 3(10%) 30(100%)
2 Lack of capital 1(3.33%) 3(10%) - 20(66.67%) 6(20%) 30(100%)
3 Lack of advance 3(10%) 15(50%) - 9(30%) 3(10%) 30(100%)
4 Unwillingness of 3(10%) 6(20%) 12(40%) 9(30%) - 30(100%)
5 Lack of 6(20%) 15(50%) 3(10%) 3(10%) 3(10%) 30(100%)
awareness about
Source; own survey 2016 E.C
According to the above table 4.9 respondents response regarding to lack of skilled manpower
affect implementation of MIS, 5(16.67%) of the respondents said that strongly agree, 15(50%) of
the respondents said that “agree” lack of skilled manpower affects implementation of MIS,
1(3.33%) of the respondents said that “neutral”, 6(20%) of the respondents said that “disagree”
and the remaining 3(10%) of the respondents said that “strongly disagree” because lack of skilled
manpower does not affect the implementation of MIS.
Based on the data the researcher concluded that lack of skilled manpower is the major factors
that affect the implementation of MIS.
Respondent’s response with regarding to lack of capital affect the implementation of MIS;
1(3.33%) of the respondents said that “strongly agree” 3(10%) of the respondents said that
“agree”, 20(66.67%) of the respondents said that “disagree”, and the remaining 6(20%) of the
respondents said that “strongly disagree” because lack of capital does not affect the
implementation of MIS. This data indicates that lack of capital is one factor that affects the
implementation of MIS.
From the above table 4.9 respondents response regarding to lack of advanced technology affects
the implementation of MIS, 3(10%) of the respondents said the “strongly agree”, 15(50%) of the
respondents said that ‘agree”, 9(30%) of the respondents said that “disagree” and the remaining

“3(10%) of the respondents said that “strongly disagree” because lack of advanced technology
does not affect the implementation of MIS. Based on the respondent’s response the researcher
concluded that lack of advanced technology affects the implementation of MIS in the bank.
Respondent’s response regarding to unwillingness of customers affect the implementation of
MIS, 3(10%) of the respondents response said that “agree”, 6(20%) of the respondents response
said that neutral, 12(40%) of the respondents response said that “disagree” and the remaining
9(30%) of the respondents response said that “strongly disagree “because un willingness of
customers does not affect the implementation of MIS. Based on the data the researcher
concluded that unwillingness of customers is not major factor that affect the implementation of
According to the above table 4.9 respondent’s response regarding to lack of awareness about
MIS affects the implementation of MIS,6(20%) of the respondents said that strongly agree,
15(50%) of the respondents said that “agree” 3(10%) of the respondents response said that
“strongly disagree” because lack of awareness about MIS does not affect the implementation of
Generally based on the above table 4.9 the researcher concluded that customer lack of awareness
about MIS and lack of skilled manpower are the key factors that affect the implementation of
MIS in the bank.
Table 4.10 respondent’s response regarding to training about how to use management
information system
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

6 Do you get any training about how to

use MIS?

Yes 24 80

No 6 20

Total 30 100

7 If your answer in no 6 is Yes do you
agree that the aim of training is

Strongly agree 3 10

Agree 24 80

Neutral - -

Disagree 3 10

Strongly disagree - -

Total 30 100

8 Does the training have positive change

in the performance of organization
Yes 27 90
No 3 10
Total 30 100
Source; own survey 2016 E.C
According to table 4.10, respondents response regarding to do you get any training about how to
use MIS, 24(80%) of the respondents said that Yes” and the remaining, 6(20%) of the
respondents said that “No” get training. This data shows that the bank prepares training programs
and most of the organization employees did get training.
Respondents response regarding to do you agree that the aim of training is achieved, 3(10%) of
the respondents said that strongly agree and 24(80%) of the respondents said that agree and the
remaining 3(10%) of the respondents said that the aim of training is not achieved. This data
indicates that the aim of training is achieved because most of the organization employees are
From the above table 4.10 respondents response regarding to does the training have positive
change in the performance of the organization, 27(90%) of the respondents said that “Yes” and
the remaining, 3(10%) of the respondents said that “No” because training does not have positive
change in the performance of the organization. Based on the respondent’s response the

researcher concluded that training prepared by the bank increase the decision making capacity of
employees and performance of the bank

4.1.5 Information about satisfaction of customers in MIS

Table 4.11 respondent’s response regarding to customer level of satisfaction in MIS
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

9 Which mechanism uses the

organization to understand the interest
of customer?

Market research 15 50

Suggestion box 10 33.33

Asking the interest of customer 5 16.67

Total 30 100

10 What are the levels of customer

satisfaction before implementation of
MIS in the organization?

Highly satisfied 1 3.33

Satisfied 12 40

Neutral 3 10

Unsatisfied 10 33.33

Highly unsatisfied 4 13.33

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to table 4.11 respondents response with regarding to mechanism used to understand
the interest of customers, 15(50%) of the respondents said that the bank uses market research,
10(33.33%) of the respondents said that suggestion box used understand the interest of customer
and the remaining, 5(16.67%) of the respondents said that asking the interest of customers is
mechanisms to understand interest of customers. Based on this data the researcher concluded that
market research and suggestion box are the best mechanism to understand the interest of
customers in the bank.
From the above table 4.11 response of respondents regarding to level of customers satisfaction
before implementation of MIS, 1(3.33%) of the respondents said that “highly satisfied”,
12(40%) of the respondents said that customers are “satisfied”, 3(10%) of the respondents said
that “neutral”, 10(33.33%) of the respondents said that “unsatisfied” and the remaining
4(13.33%) of the respondents said that customers are “highly unsatisfied” before the
implementation of MIS.
This data indicates that the level of customer’s satisfaction before the implementation of MIS is
not satisfactory.
Table 4.12 respondent’s response regarding to methods and level of customer satisfaction after
implementation of MIS
No Item Respondents

Frequency Percentage (%)

11 By what method the bank satisfy the

interest of customer?

Pay high interest 2 6.67

Reduce waiting time 10 33.33

Deliver quality service 15 50

Access information 3 10

Total 30 100

12 What are the satisfactions of customer
after the implementation of MIS?

Highly satisfied 12 40

Satisfied 18 60

Neutral - -

Unsatisfied - -

Highly unsatisfied - -

Total 30 100

Source; own survey 2016 E.C

According to the above table 4.12 respondents response about methods used to satisfy the
interest of customer, 2(6.67%) of the respondents said that “paying high interest”, 10(33.33%) of
the respondents said the “reduce waiting time”, 15(50%) of the respondents said the “deliver
quality service” and the remaining, 3(10%) of the respondents said that customer are satisfied by
“access of information”. Based on this data the researcher concluded that the bank deliver quality
service to satisfy customers.
From the above table 4.12 response of respondents regarding to satisfaction of customers after
the implementation of MIS, 12(40%) of the respondents said that “highly satisfied” and the
remaining 18(60%) of the respondents said that customer are “satisfied” after the implementation
of MIS. In contrast there are no respondents answer “neutral”, “un satisfied” and “highly
unsatisfied” because without the implementation of MIS there is no satisfaction of customers in
the banking service respondent’s response indicates that the level of customer satisfaction
increases after the implementation of MIS in the bank.

4.1.6. Analysis of interview questions

1. What is the attitude of managers towards the developments of the whole work decision
The attitude of managers is positive since MIS simplifies the whole work by provide managers
with analytical modeling, specified database, decision maker own insights and judgment and an
interactive computer based modeling process during decision making process.

2. What are the critical roles of management information system for banking service?
The whole data of the bank is loaded on the system and there will be no service without MIS.
Some of the roles of MIS for baking service are:-
 Minimize work load and easy processing of bulky data with minimum effort and cost.
 Help to increase good communication.
 Facilitate daily base activities and information transfers.
 To deliver quality service timely, accurately and consistently.
 Reduce redundancy of data
 Increase efficient and effective teamwork and banking service.
 Provide relevant information for decision making.
 Help to develop the performance of employees.
3. How MIS increase decision making quality?
Management information system increase the decision making quality by provide report and
critical information to mangers, promote business information and building strategic information.
Support the intelligence, design, and choice and implementation activity of decision making
process, provide relevance, reliability, understandable information in a required place and time
for decision makes, improve quality of decision making by encourage coordination of all
decision centers of the organization.
1. Does the bank provide training and development to employees about performing MIS?
The bank prepare short term and long term training and development for new employees,
existed employees that have low performance about MIS and promoted employees about
new jobs activity. In addition to this the bank give on job training to improve the
employee’s skill and performance about MIS.



5.1. Summary of the study
 The researcher stated the data analyzed and discussed by the background information of
employees which included sex, age educational level, work experience and monthly
income level.
 Around 90% of employees of the organization are male whereas only 10% of employees
are female. Thus there is domination of male in office work.
 The age of employees in the organization is more than half percent of the employees are
found between 26-30 years.
 The level of education employee’s work in the organization has almost degree level.
 Around 80% of employees in the organization have work experience between 2-5 years.

 Around 46.66% of employees monthly income level is above 5000 the remaining percent
is below this.
 All of employees respondents questionnaire distributed related to quality service delivery
activity the respondents replies “no” the bank not delivered quality service to its
customers by;
 Giving quality service on current and saving account, ATM service and also Hawala
western union, money gram and exchanging foreign currency.
 Investigation the customer needs and wants to provide its service coordinately.
 Giving service loans for different customers.
All of the employees respondents answered the bank’s manager always evaluate
satisfaction of its regular customers. Therefore the banks manger should continue these
kinds of activities to retain and satisfy its customer properly.

5.2Conclusion of the study

Based on the finding of the study the following conclusions are drawn by the researcher
 There is a shortage of skilled employees in MIS on processing and organizing of
 The employees have clear understanding about by whom information development
project is conducted and service deliveries were performed.
 Concerning to the main challenge regarding to the application of MIS were lack of
computer professional, system interruption lack of integrity and lack of finance to rub the
 Managers have no positive attitude, commitment and consideration for the development
of MIS in the banking service.
 The major problem of MIS in the banks is delay in processing, inconsistency of data, data
redundancy, and delay in communication.
 The employees of the bank face difficulties of error to perform the information system
correctly and effectively.
 Management information system played a vital role for decision making through
providing relevant, accurate, timelines and consistence information to the managers.

 The availability of information for employees is sufficient to make a day to day decision
 The bank evaluates the performance of MIS by timelines, accuracy, consistency and
relevance of data for decision making process.
 The implementation of MIS in the banking service increase the performance of the bank
by facilitates transactions and minimizes redundancy and inconsistency of data.
 The bank uses both manual and automatic system for information handling and
 The bank no satisfies its customers by paying high interest deliver quality service and
make quality decisions.
 There is no good information exchange in the bank between members of the organization.
 The major factors that affect the exchange of information between employees are lack of
communication skill attitude difference and language difference.
 Key factors that affect the implementation of MIS are customer’s lack of awareness about
MIS and lack of skilled manpower.
 The training and development program prepared by the bank increase the performance of
the bank by increase the decision making capacity of the employees.
 The bank uses market research and suggestion box to understand the interest of
 The level of customers satisfaction increase rapidly after the implementation of
management information system in the bank.

5.3 Recommendation of the study

Based on the finding of the study the researcher suggests the following recommendations for the
 There are some employees with less skill and knowledge in the bank. Therefore to have
skilled, experienced and compete employees, the researcher advice the bank to provide
on the job training and further training and development program to employees about the
application of management information system.
 The bank faces some problem of timely, consistency and lack of availability of
information for good decision making the researcher advice the bank to minimize factors

that affect its service and optimize its information use by manipulating management
information system.
Delay in communication delay in process, and inconsistency of data is major finding of
this research, so that by improving MIS such problems can be solved.
 The researcher advised the bank to facilitate the flow of reports from each department
between employees and customers by increase good communication and work together
 The bank facilitates its quality service delivery and satisfaction of customers by
distributes the necessary information for end users and loyal customers in a required
place and time.

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Wolaita Sodo University

Faculty of business and economics

Department of management
This questionnaire is prepared by 4 th year management student from Wolaita Sodo University to
gather data about the role of management information system on enhancing banking service. The
information collected will be used only for the academic purpose for fulfill the requirements of
Bachelor of Arts degree in management your clear response and completion of the
questionnaires is very important for the success of this research. Instructions for respondent
 Read the questions carefully and analyze before you give the answer
 For multiple questions you can choose more than one answers.
 Do not write your name and put “√” sign in the box for multiple questions.
Personal information of the respondents

1. Sex male female
2. Age <20 20-25 26-30 31-40 >40
3. Level of education
Certificate diploma degree above 2nd degree
4. Work experience
<2 years 2-5 years 6-9 years above 10 years
5. Marital status
Single married divorced widowed
6. Monthly income level
< 1000 1000-3000 3000-5000 above 5000
Implementation of management information system
1. Does the organization use MIS for their day to day activity
Yes No
2. If your answer in a no 1 is “Yes” how does evaluate the implementation of management
information system in your organization?
Times lines accuracy consistency relevance
3. What are the strength of MIS for banking service
Facilitate transaction make quality decision deliver quality service
Minimize redundancy
4. What are the drawbacks of MIS in your organization?
Costly require advance technology require skilled manpower
Others please specify------------------------------------------------------------------?
5. By whom the project of MIS is developed in your organization?
Internal staff outside both any other
6. What is the commitment of top managers to implement MIS?
Very high high medium low low very
7. What is the problems that hinder to implement MIS in your organization?
Lack of skills lack of capital lack of technology
Other please specify--------------------------------------------------?
8. What is the skills and knowledge of employees for the use of MIS?
Very good good medium low very low

9. Does the implementation of MIS increase the performance of the organization?
Strongly agree neutral agree disagree
Strongly disagree
Information handling and controlling techniques
10. What are the information handing and controlling technique of the organization?
Manual semi – automatic automatic
11. If your answer in a No is “Manual” what are the problems?
Data redundancy data inconsistency delay data process
Others please specify-----------------------------------------------------?
12. Is there good information exchange between members (staffs) of the organization?
Yes No
13. If your answer in a no 12 is “No “what are the problems that hinders to exchange of
Lack of communication skill attitude difference language difference
Others please specify-------------------------------------------------------------------?
14. Does the bank have good performance in MIS compared to other banks?
Yes No
15. What are the availability of information system in your organization?
Very sufficient medium sufficient insufficient
Very insufficient
Key factors affecting implementation of MIS
No Factors Strongly agree Neutral disagree Strongly
agree disagree
1 Lack of skilled man
2 Lack of capital
3 Lack of advanced
4 Unwillingness of
5 Lack of awareness

1. Do you get any training about how to use management information system?
Yes No
2. If your answer in a No “1” is “Yes” do you agree that the aim of training is achieved?
Strongly agree agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly disagree
3. Does the training have positive change in performance of the organizations?
Yes No
4. Which mechanism uses the organization to understand the interest of the customer?
Market research suggestion box asking interest of customer
Others please specify-------------------------------------------------------?
5. What are the levels of satisfaction of customers before implementation of MIS in the
Highly satisfied neutral satisfied unsatisfied
Highly unsatisfied
6. By what method the organizations satisfy the customers?
High interest deliver quality service reduce waiting time
Access of information
7. What are the satisfactions of customers after implementation of MIS?
Highly satisfied satisfied unsatisfied
Neutral highly unsatisfied

Interview questions
1. What is the attitude of managers towards the development of management information
system during decision making?
2. What are the critical roles of management information system for banking service?
3. How management information system increase decision making quality?
4. Does the bank provide training and development to employees about performing
management information system?

Thank you for your cooperation!


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