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Physical descriptions

les yeux verts / bleus / gris / marron

the eyes green / blue / grey / brown
I have
noirs / bruns / roux / blonds / châtains,
Il a black / brown / red / blond / light brown,
He has
et les cheveux longs / courts / mi-longs,
Elle a and the hair long / short / medium length,
She has
et frisés / raides / bouclés / en brosse / en épis.
and curly / straight / curly / crew cut / spiky.

Attention à l’ordre des mots!

Exemple: I have blue eyes and blond hair.

J’ai les yeux bleus et les cheveux blonds.

Traduisez en français:

1. I have grey eyes and black hair.

2. I have short, brown hair.

3. She has blue eyes and red hair.

4. He has brown eyes and short, crew cut, light brown hair.

5. I have green eyes and long, black, curly hair.

6. She has brown eyes and short, spiky, brown hair.

7. He has green eyes and medium length, brown, straight hair.

8. She has grey eyes and long, brown, straight hair.


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