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What have we learned form the

previous lesson?
Look at the picture and choose the correct word!

This is Karolina Goceva. She’s tall / short. She’s got long dark / fair
Look at the picture and choose the correct word!

This is Ivan Radenov. He’s got green / brown eyes and he’s got a
moustache / a beard.
Look at the picture and choose the correct word!

This is Lionel Messi. He’s slim / fat. He’s got / He hasn’t got
Look at the picture and choose the correct word!

This is Pero Antic. He’s short / tall. He’s / He isn’t bald.

Describing people – Опис на луѓе
Tom is slim and tall.
The verb To be – Глаголот Има

1. I am – Јас сум
2. You are – Ти си
3. He/ She/ It is – Тој/Таа/Тоа е
4. We are – Ние сме
5. You are – Вие сте
6. They are – Тие се
Tom has got brown eyes.
The verb Have got – Глаголот Има

1. I have got – Јас имам

2. You have got – Ти имаш
3. He / She / It has got Тој / Таа / Тоа има
4. We have got – Ние имаме
5. You have got - Вие имате
6. They have got – Тие имаат
Make the sentences negative!
1. Tom is slim and tall.

2. Tom has got brown eyes.

Rewrite the sentences using the short forms
of the verbs to be and have got!
I am not short and fat.
He is quite tall.
She has got long brown hair.
I have got blue eyes.
I am not short and fat.
I’m not short and fat.
He is quite tall.
She has got long brown hair.
I have got blue eyes.
I am not short and fat.
I’m not short and fat.
He is quite tall.
He’s quite tall.
She has got long brown hair.
I have got blue eyes.
I am not short and fat.
I’m not short and fat.
He is quite tall.
He’s quite tall.
She has got long brown hair.
She’s got long brown hair.
I have got blue eyes.
I am not short and fat.
I’m not short and fat.
He is quite tall.
He’s quite tall.
She has got long brown hair.
She’s got long brown hair.
I have got blue eyes.
I’ve got blue eyes.
Open your books on page 65!
Exrcise 3
Look at the green table!

What does Mut say?

Exercise 4

Match the words to the people.

Open up your laptops!
Let’s do exercise 4b – Describe the people
and save the document.

Write a description of each

member of your family!
Made by:
Aleksandra Platanska
OOU Risto Suklev Negorci

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