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The Voice of Youth is a witnessing program of Adventist Youth Ministries. It is designed to
help young people to proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages in their local communities using
relevant means and to provide them with the opportunities and resources needed to
effectively make disciples for Jesus.
All the World hearing the gospel by young people through the power of the Holy Spirit.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the
message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world.”
Education, p. 271.
The VOY exists to:
1. Impact Communities (Galatians 6:2)
2. Encourage the identification, development and use of spiritual gifts. (Romans 12, Eph 4)
3. Preach and teach the 3 Angels Messages (Revelation 14:6-12)
4. Baptize, make and retain disciples (Matthew 28:19-20)
5. Raise or plant local churches/companies/branches (Acts 11:20-26).
To launch Local Church based Voice of Youth teams made of up 3-7 every year until Jesus
“Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the
living water becomes a fountain of life” —The Desire of Ages, p.195. An awesome call to
young people for consecrated service in the science of soul winning. Opportunities in the
communities, cities and campuses are beckoning. Now is the time to respond positively. “The
Lord has appointed the youth to be his helping hand.” —Testimonies for the Church, Vol.7,
p.64. Rise to the task. Will you go?
Small Groups (discussion/studying) | Traditional (preaching/teaching) | Virtual | Hybrid
1. Church
2. Campus
3. Cities
4. Countries


GC Youth Ministries will be available to motivate and train young people of the participating
division upon request.
Conduct a weekend training for the VOY Task Force with the following topics:
Voice of Youth Roles Suggested Topics Possible Resource
Speaker 1. How to Make an Appeal Pastor
2. Life Changing Tips for the

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Overall Coordinator/Program Running and Documenting the VOY Youth Ministries
Coordinator Effectively
Budget Officer /Logistic How to Raise and Manage Evangelism Treasury
Coordinator Budget
Health Lecturer How to Give Life Changing Health Ministries
Health Lectures
Music Coordinator Music tips Music Director
Prayer Network How to Lead Your Team in Fervent and Prayer Coordinator
Coordinator/Interest United Prayer
Records and Membership Keeping Records of Interests and New Secretariat
Baptized Disciples
Social Media/Technical Voice of Youth for Digital Spaces Communication
Children Coordinator Transforming Children’s Live Through Children’s
Stories Ministries
Pastor/Elder Witnessing Pastor/Elder
Pastor/Elder Identification and Development of Spiritual Pastor/Elder

Other Topics to Consider

1. Youth Mission to Unentered Territories
2. The Devotional Life of the VOY Team
3. Team Dynamics
4. How to Resolve Conflict Within the Group
5. The Role of Written Pages in Evangelism
6. Contextualization of the Three Angels Message.


Ignition Outcomes:
1. Voice of Youth Practical Experience (6 months)
2. Each of the VOY team is dedicated to the Lord in its local church during the VOY
Commissioning on an agreed date.
3. The Voice of Youth Teams are sent out to reach people for Christ with the goal of
presenting the gospel, baptizing and ensuring that new disciples are retained.
4. VOY Teams using their God-given gifts to fulfill the gospel commission in the power of
the Holy Spirit.


A. Thanksgiving
B. Testimonies
Celebration Outcome:
o Young people sharing their testimonies in churches, in video, and in writing
o Commitment to Voice of Youth for the following year.
o Discipleship of New Members


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The 12 steps are given below:
1. Pray for guidance.
2. Understand the VOY.
3. Coordinate with the church or district pastor.
4. Present the plan to the church board.
5. Recruit team members.
6. Coordinate with conference/mission youth director.
7. Equip the team.
8. Partner with the COT. (Rusangu University)
9. Identify the target community.
10. Conduct the Commissioning Program.
11. Go and make disciples (nurture the new members).
12. Conduct the Thanksgiving and Testimonial Program.
13. Write your experiences and bless the next generation.

Let us consider each step closely.

Pray for guidance.
The best place to start in conducting evangelism is at the feet of Jesus, on your knees.
Remember that since Adam and Eve turned their backs on God and hid themselves, God has
been in the business of seeking and saving the lost. This is recorded in Genesis 3. Jesus also
clearly stated His mission on earth in Luke 19:10, which is tom seek and save the lost. The
Holy Spirit and the angels are also active in this endeavor including His disciples and
followers as recorded in the book of Acts. Since evangelism is at the heart of God, the best
way to start is to commune with Him. Ellen White (1905) made the purpose of God’s church
clear in this statement: The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was
organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. From the beginning
it has been God’s plan that through His church shall be reflected to the world His fullness
and His sufficiency. The members of the church, those whom He has called out of darkness
into His marvelous light, are to show forth His glory. The church is the repository of the
riches of the grace of Christ; and through the church will eventually be made manifest, even
to “the principalities and powers in heavenly places,” the final and full display of the love of
God. Ephesians 3:10. (AA, p. 9)
Understand the VOY.
In order for one to successfully conduct a VOY, it is necessary to understand what the VOY
is. Before a carpenter would hammer a nail in constructing a home, he needs to have a blue
print on hand. Covey (1989) calls it “Begin with the End in Mind,” his second habit among
the seven habits of highly effective people (p. 99).
To understand the VOY, you can work closely with the district pastor since they have
experienced joining as member, coordinator, and speaker.
Coordinate with the district pastor.
Since the pastors are the administrators of the churches or districts, it is good to coordinate
with them. However busy the pastors are, they would take time to help you since you are
planning to do the real essence and core of youth ministry. So, plan and work closely with
your pastor.
Present the plan to the church board.

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History tells us that the first youth organization was established to respond to the church
board’s burden to help the youth in their church. According to the Church Manual, the chief
concern of the church board besides spiritual nurture is “the work of planning and fostering
evangelism in all its phases” (p. 124). This must include youth evangelism. In this spirit,
work with the church board closely. However, the church board needs to remember that its
work is to guide them, not to do the work for them. The statement from the Spirit of Prophecy
for the youth as written in Melbourne, Australia on Dec. 19, 1892 is fitting at this point.
White says, “We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed
and encouraged. We want our children to believe the truth. We want to be blessed of God.
We want them to act a part in well-organized plans for helping other youth” (YMH, p. 14).
Thus, our youth need to be properly “directed and encouraged.” Because to “forfeit our
responsibility to effectively involve young people in the ministry of the church is to place at
risk the whole future of God’s kingdom” (YMH, p. 10).
Recruit team members.
Once the plan is properly coordinated with the pastor and the church board, you can start
recruiting members. Pray fervently for this. You may have seven to ten members. When the
group is formed, start: (1) praying together, (2) studying together, (3) fellowshipping together
in a Christian social interaction, (4) acting together in a small group to carry out well-laid
plans for witnessing, (5) developing tact, skill, and talent in the Master’s service, and (6)
encouraging one another in spiritual gr owth (YMH, p. 18).
Coordinate with the conference youth director.
The youth director of the conference oversees the youth ministry at large. It is necessary to
coordinate with them regarding this matter for training and equipping that the local church
cannot provide. The youth department may have materials and budget to help you in this
evangelistic endeavor. But remember that the budget is the least that you should think about.
When you are in God’s vineyard working for Him, your ministry needs, not wants, will be
Equip the team.
Remember that a person does not learn to drive only by sitting in a classroom setting. The
person needs to take the driver’s seat, start the engine and manage the steering wheel, clutch,
break, and accelerator. However, they need someone to guide them in driving. The same is
true with learning how to swim. You need to go into the water and swim. Classroom or
church training is one thing, experiencing it is another. So, do not wait for you to learn
everything before you step forward and go.
Identify the target community.
You need to work closely with the church and identify the target community that you want to
reach for Jesus. Pray for it fervently. Once the community is identified, work or coordinate
with the local officials of the community. Seek the assistance of your pastor or head elder
regarding this.
Know the strategies that work.
A survey was conducted among the teams that went out for VOY regarding the effective
strategies they observed to work based on their experience. From this survey, the top five
strategies are: (1) visitation, (2) serenading, (3) Bible study, (4) united prayer, and (5) health
survey/friendship evangelism.
Strategies, however, also depend on the location. Thus, study the community. Ask God’s
guidance and pray for it. A number of the VOY teams even fast for it. White (1898) says,

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“There is no limit to the usefulness of the one who, putting self aside, makes room for the
working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God” (DA,
pp. 250-251).
Conduct a Commissioning Program.
When all the above steps are done, the final step before going out is to commission the VOY
team. At a district, commissioning is done by pastor. The team members, in their senior
youths uniforms, are requested to stand during the Divine Worship. The speaker gives a short
remark which incorporates the importance of youth evangelism. After the message, a special
prayer is offered, entrusting the team members to God. God can bless them, guide them, and
crown their efforts with success. After the commissioning, a potluck or fellowship meal is
Go and make disciples (nurturing the new members).
After the commissioning, your group is ready to go and preach the gospel by word and deed
to the identified community. Remember that Jesus promised that He will be with His people
who work in His vineyard, not only on the first day but “always” (Matthew 28:18- 20). Jesus
is with you always—when you sleep, wake up, worship, prepare for work, eat, walk, visit,
serenade, pray, teach, preach, and give Bible studies— indeed, “always.”
White assured those involved in evangelism with God’s protection and guidance through His
angels. She states, Heavenly angels have long been waiting for human agents—the members
of the church—to cooperate with them in the great work to be done. They are waiting for
you. (TC, 9:46-47)
In working for perishing souls, you have the companionship of angels. Thousands upon
thousands, and ten thousands times ten thousand angels are waiting to co-operate with
members of our churches in communicating the light that God has generously given, that a
people may be prepared for the coming o f Christ. (TC, 9:129)
In this work all the angels of heaven are ready to cooperate. All the resources of heaven are at
the command of those who are seeking to save the lost. Angels will help you to reach the
most careless and the most hardened. And when one is brought back to God, all heaven is
made glad; seraphs and cherubs touch their golden harps, and sing praises to God and the
Lamb for their mercy and loving-kindness to the children of men. (COL, p. 197)
Heaven is most interested in winning souls to Jesus’ feet. Once they are won, we have the
responsibility to nurture the new members. We need to remember that each soul is priceless.
They are bought not with gold or silver but with the precious blood of Jesus (1 Peter 1:18-19,
NKJV). Those who responded to the invitation to a saving relationship with Christ and are
baptized should be nurtured. After the VOY is conducted in the target community, the effort
is not yet done. Unselfish effort should be exerted to help those new converts to be strong in
the Lord until He comes the second time. Please read Christain Life Cycle on page 191 for
discipling new members.
Attend the Thanksgiving and Testimonial Program.
After the VOY team is back from the evangelism effort, a thanksgiving and testimonial
program should be held. The church needs to give young people the opportunity to share their
joys, challenges, and experiences that brought them close to Jesus. This will inspire both the
youth themselves and the church members. This can be done on a weekend. VOY members
can give testimonies on Vespers, Sabbath School, Divine Worship, or other youth programs.

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