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AskMeOffers Automatic Coupons Chrome Extension is a valuable tool designed to simplify the
coupon application process for users when shopping online. Through our research and user
experience feedback, we identified a number of areas to significantly improve the extension’s
functionality and user engagement.

Applied Research:

In considering the impact of extending user behavior on e-commerce systems, we found important
patterns and features:

Coupon interaction metrics:

Users wanted to capture coupons that offered 100 percent off over a fixed discount.

Coupons with additional incentives such as free shipping or cash back received more user rewards.

The expansion successfully increased the number of coupon usage by providing timely and
convenient offers at checkout.

Platform-specific features:

Amazon and Flipkart emerged as the most popular channels for redeeming coupons by extension.

Users expressed preferences for specific categories when using coupons such as electronics, fashion,
and household essentials.

Effectiveness Analysis:

Our analysis of the effectiveness of extensions in real-time scenarios revealed insightful metrics:

Coupon redemption fee:

Percentage discounts of 20% or more resulted in significantly higher redemption rates compared to
offering lower discounts.

Timing plays an important role, and coupons offered during peak shopping periods gain widespread

Impact on Sales and Users:

The expansion contributed to an impressive 25% increase in partner retailer sales during the

User feedback indicated a positive experience with the simple coupon application process, which
allowed us to improve

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