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Basic Education Department

SY 2023 - 2024



This craft is suitable for both kids and adults.

The secret to keeping it fun is this:

Start big!

Creating art on stones and rocks is not much different than painting paper, canvas, or walls.
The supplies are the same—just the surface is different—but that can be challenging.

Small stones and uneven surfaces are not the easiest to paint, especially if you want fine

If you’re new to this, start with a good-sized rock or a nice, flat stone. Pick a simple design and
get a feel for how the paints and markers work. Then move on to smaller stones if you like.
Basic Education Department

SY 2023 - 2024


Each grade level will have 10 participants from Grades 4 to 6.


 Latex primer for wall painting | indoor or outdoor | provides a good base coat.
 Fine sandpaper (optional).
 Good quality paint brush in a variety of sizes from 0 to 3.
 Acrylic craft paints or patio craft paints
 Pencil to first draw your design on the stone.
 Paint pens
 Acrylic inks and fine liner pens for outlining details.
 Craft clothes: stuff you don’t mind getting paint on.
 Soapy water for washing brushes, rag, and dish for paints.
 Acrylic varnish (matte, liquid, or spray form) or outdoor polyurethane
will protect your finished work of art.


 Wash and dry stones.

 Sand surface if needed/desired with sandpaper.
 Prime surface if needed/desired. Allow to dry thoroughly (see product label).
 Sketch/plan design on paper first, planning your paint steps.
 Generally, backgrounds are done first, and layers of paint are added one at a time,
allowing the paint to dry thoroughly between layers.
Finer work comes last: fine-tipped markers and paint pens are usually best for this.
 Pencil your design onto stone.
 Start painting. Fill in large areas of color first and allow everything to dry thoroughly
before adding additional layers.
 If you goof up, let it dry, then prime over it and start again.
 When your design is done, protect your stone with an acrylic varnish that includes UV
protection to prevent the colors from fading, or a product like polyurethane.
 Another option is clear nail polish, although it will wear off faster than the other
products when exposed to the elements and is not cost-effective for anything larger
than a pebble.


1. How do you prepare rocks for painting?

Basic Education Department

SY 2023 - 2024

To prepare rocks or stones for painting, wash the rocks in soapy water and allow them to dry
thoroughly. The art materials will not adhere properly if the rocks are even slightly damp.
Next, if you want a smoother surface, you can use sandpaper to smooth the rock.
Then, primer can be added—the same primer used for preparing walls for painting. Starting
with a white base coat of primer will enhance your paint colors, but it is optional.
A coat of acrylic paint can also provide a good starting surface.

2. What kind of paint do you use on rocks?

Any acrylic paint will work for painting rocks. My top pick is patio paints for crafting due to their
tough finish.
Finer details are created with markers and paint pens.
Acrylic wall paints also work and are much less expensive for covering larger areas.

3. What do you use to seal painted rocks?

To protect painted rocks, an acrylic varnish that includes UV protection is recommended. Or

you can use any outdoor polyurethane product that dries clear and does not yellow.
4. What is the best glue to attach stone to stone?

A good glue for attaching small stones is GE II Silicone Sealant. Depending on how you are
joining the stones, you may need to rig up supports to hold the stones in place until the bond is
formed. Don’t expect it to suspend heavy rocks, but it works for attaching one stone to another.

Additional Information:
Grade Level with the most presentable and creative output will receive certificates.
Outputs will be showcased during the culminating activity.

Prepared by:

Mathematics 3 Teacher

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