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1. Who is the company represented in the ad? What do they sell?

The ad I chose is from the company Coca-Cola. They sell drinks, like their famous cola.

2. Who is the target audience?

They're trying to reach families and people who can associate Coca-Cola with good holiday
memories. It is trying to make them think that acquiring this will instantly make them feel

3. How does the company use the following in order to create a positive response in
the target audience?

- They used images of trucks covered in lights driving in the snow. That is an idea that
is supposed to make you feel happy and festive.
- There’s also a use of a catchy song, in this case "Holidays are Coming", which
makes you associate Coca-Cola with holiday joy.
- Apart from that, they use the sentence “holidays are coming” in a cheering voice as
well as the “give something back this christmas” to give a double meaning message
to encourage people to recycle.
4. What feelings does the ad hope to create in the consumer? What's the implied
result of using this product?

The ad wants you to feel nostalgic and happy. It also suggests that if you drink Coca-Cola
during the holidays, it will make those moments even better and somewhat more magical.

5. In your opinion, is the use of psychology in advertising ethical? Should companies

use what we know about consumer behavior to sell products?

I think it is ethically better for the ad to be truthful about what the product is and can do.
Despite that, it’s obvious that selling a product with lots of editing and factors to enhance it
will most likely be more successful because it will draw more everyone’s attention.

*This is the ad I have chosen*

Coca-Cola Holidays Are Coming 2020

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